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Advocacy on a Tightrope: Effects of Government Funding and Perceived Support for Advocacy on Nonprofit Cooperative and Confrontational Advocacy Tactics
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Hometown bias in Flanders : the impact of ministerial local embeddedness on the distribution of conditional grants (2004–2017)
Conceptualizing policy advocacy effectiveness in NPO research : a scoping review of criteria and indicators
Gemeentelijke fusies: Inzicht in bestuurlijke effecten en uitdagingen
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Public values? A systematic literature review into the outcomes of public service co-creation
People’s preferred balance between politicians, citizens, and experts in policy-making decisions
New development : understanding the relationship between public sector consulting and public value destruction : an epistemic learning perspective
Instrumental councillors? On the strategic interests that drive local councillors’ legitimacy perceptions of citizen participation
Varieties of local participation? A vignette survey on local executive politicians’ legitimacy perceptions towards different participatory arrangements
Analysing policy actors’ preferences for different modes of governing in local government
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Financial resilience perspective on COVID-19 business support : a comparative study of four European countries
Closing a gap or creating a new one? Comparing support for participatory instruments among different stakeholders
The relationship between local councillors’ representative style and their support for participatory democracy
How can nonprofit policy advocacy influence policymakers? A factorial survey experiment on the effects of nonprofit advocacy strategies on policymakers’ willingness to act
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Regioverkenning Wallonië
(2025) -
The tip of the iceberg : exploring the landscape of policing in a digitalized world
Een tussentijdse balans : reflecteren en prospecteren
Het proces en de inhoud van de toekomstvisie op het lokaal & binnenlands bestuur
Editoriaal: Visie op de toekomst van het lokaal & binnenlands bestuur in Vlaanderen
Europese subsidieverordening pakt oneerlijke buitenlandse staatssteun aan
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Investigating the scientific knowledge–policy interface in EU climate policy
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Boekbespreking: Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Three decades of EU climate policy : racing toward climate neutrality?
Welzijn en zorg in de toekomstvisie op het lokaal en binnenlands bestuur
Neen, een failed state zijn we echt niet.
(2024) De Standaard. -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Standardization or discretionary space? A mixed-method study on government-imposed performance measurement instruments in social services
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The urgent need for social science and humanities knowledge for climate action in Europe
De GOA : hoeksteen van het lokaal ruimtelijk beleid
Effecten van gemeentelijke fusies in internationaal perspectief : literatuurstudie
(2024) -
Reflecties op de politiefunctie : ontwikkelingen en terugkerende thema’s
Gemeentefusies : van vrijwillig naar verplicht?
Regiovorming maatschappelijk benaderd : perspectieven vanuit Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin
Een breedbeeld op regionale samenwerking in Vlaanderen
Partnerships between police and science in Belgium : fragile alliances?
The dynamics of technology and community policing
De beleidsrol van de kabinetschef binnen de Vlaamse centrumsteden
De exit van algemeen directeurs: uitzondering of signaal?
Beyond powering and puzzling : the political dimensions of policy learning
Naar een vernieuwd Gemeentefonds 2.0 Resultaten simulaties
(2024) -
Applying the systems thinking approach in exploring the national response to covid-19 in Pakistan
- Book Chapter
- open access
Introduction : a policy-focused approach
- Book Chapter
- open access
Building digital capacity in the face of crisis : exploring the impact of municipal amalgamations in an intergovernmental context
- Book Chapter
- open access
Conclusions : intergovernmental relations : merits and limits of the policy-focused approach
- Book Chapter
- open access
Intergovernmental relations in Flanders : what can be learned from the financial support to Flemish local governments during COVID-19?
Politiestudies in Nederland : een terugblik, de actuele stand van zaken en toekomstperspectief
Community policing en technologie: uitdagingen en kansen in het digitale tijdperk
Exploring the Local Digital Transformation Lifecycle: Focus on Antecedents, Process, and Results
(2024) -
(On)behoorlijk burgerschap in de ruimtelijke ordening : relativiteitseis en attentieplicht bieden geen soelaas
Democratic and authoritarian government preferences in times of crisis : an experimental investigation
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