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Fair integer programming under dichotomous and cardinal preferences
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Multi-neighbourhood simulated annealing for the ITC-2007 capacitated examination timetabling problem
Realizing the Full Potential of Digital Innovation: Exploring Maturity Levels for Integrating Interorganizational Value Chains
Sports Scheduling: from consulting to science
Designing a Fair Orienteering Contest Using Bilevel Optimization
Maximizing suspense in sports competitions by dynamic scheduling
Minimal and fair waiting times for single-day sports tournaments with multiple fields
Process-technology fit decisions : evidence from an expert panel and case studies
- Conference Paper
- open access
Tactical optimization for part feeding in assembly lines
- Conference Paper
- open access
Decision support models for part feeding in flexible assembly lines
- Journal Article
- open access
A comparison of different clustering algorithms for the project time buffering problem
- Journal Article
- open access
Resource allocation models and heuristics for the multi-project scheduling with global resource transfers and local resource constraints
- Journal Article
- open access
Automatic selection of the best performing control point approach for project control with resource constraints
- Conference Paper
- open access
Smart Scaling for Software Startups Through Financial Requirements Prioritization Criteria
A study on policy decisions to embed flexibility for reactive recovery in the planning and scheduling process in operating rooms
Towards automated design : priority rules for resource-constrained project scheduling
(2024) -
Investigating a roadmap for digital work practices based on a maturity model approach
(2024) -
Validation set sampling strategies for predictive process monitoring
Reducing the feasible solution space of resource-constrained project instances
A hybrid forecasting model to predict the duration and cost performance of projects with Bayesian Networks
A genetic algorithm with resource buffers for the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Explainable deep learning to classify royal navy ships
Enhancing requirements clarity : analyzing potential ambiguity in user stories
(2024) -
GDPR compliance in big data analytics : a holistic approach for data protection impact assessment
(2024) -
Analysis of the impact of corrective actions for stochastic project networks
Enhancing geospatial prediction models with feature engineering from road networks : a graph-driven approach
Which algorithm to select in sports timetabling?
A machine learning approach to rank pricing problems in branch-and-price
Sport scheduling : when (and where) to play?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Modeling and solving integrated assembly line balancing, assembly line feeding, and facility sizing problems
Financing cost distribution in project payment scheduling : exact solution procedures
A methodology for the assessment of the impact of data protection risks in the context of big data analytics : a Delphi study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A genetic algorithm for the personnel task rescheduling problem with time preemption
Solution improvements for scheduling projects with alternative subgraphs
(2024) -
Classifying healthcare and social organizations in cybersecurity profiles
Capability and maturity models in business process management
Process performance measurement
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
A theoretical lens on maturity models as boundary objects
Multi-league sports scheduling
Reforming the Belgian youth field Hockey Leagues with an incomplete round-robin tournament
Capacitated examination timetabling : multi-neighbourhood simulated annealing
Strategic assembly line feeding decisions
Mijn collega, een robot?
Multi-league sports scheduling : design, mathematical models and algorithms
(2024) -
Towards a measurement instrument for assessing capabilities when innovating less-structured business processes
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
An exact decomposition technique for the deadline-constrained discrete time/cost trade-off problem with discounted cash flows
Towards a cybersecurity maturity model specific for the healthcare sector : focus on hospitals
Towards Sustainable BPM Excellence: A Maturity Model Grounded in Paradox Theory
Business process performance : investigating the impact of process-oriented appraisals and rewards on success
Humanitarian networks planning during human-made disasters : Palestine as a case study