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Unravelling the ideal roster : a cross-sectional study of nurse shift preferences using multivariate analysis
Conflict management 101 : how emotional intelligence can make or break a manager
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Process and content in performance management : how consistency and supervisor developmental feedback decrease emotional exhaustion via high-quality LMX
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Group research : why are we throwing away the best of our observations?
Using technology broadcasting to explore market applications : the moderating role of a firm's domain‐specific and general knowledge
Leading by example : supervisor downward feedback seeking, power distance, and the implications for the feedback environment
I am not aiming to be too famous : the exploration of social entrepreneurial intention
Packaging the future : determinants of use intentions and incentive structures of reusable packaging systems
The use of implicit measures in service research : why, how, when and what is the way forward?
Regulatory institutions and cross-country differences in high-growth entrepreneurship rates : a configurational approach
Profit-driven pre-processing in B2B customer churn modeling using fairness techniques
Validation of the psychological empowerment scale and client-centered care questionnaire in budget holders with disabilities
Managing organizational attractiveness after a negative employer review: company response strategies and review consensus
The influence of emotions and communication style on customer satisfaction and recommendation in a call center context : an NLP-based analysis
Advocating beyond call of duty : a review of employee advocacy and a call for research
Customer experiences and coping behaviors during crisis situations : the role of service adaptation and service transformation
The Impact of Family Members on Aging Persons’ Technology Use Intentions
Scanxiety, meer dan alleen angst. Co-creatief interventies ontwikkelen om scanxiety te verminderen
(2025) -
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Using the minimum wage directive to strengthen collective bargaining: a trade union transposition guide
Just walk out stores : the future of shopping? Examining configurations of reasons for and against consumer adoption
Well-being policies and applicant attraction : the mediating role of employer brand personality
Living in an AI-enabled society : exploring the consumer perspective across cultures
(2025) -
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Perceptions of ethical decision-making climate among clinicians working in European and US ICUs : differences between religious and non-religious healthcare professionals
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Pushing forward the transition to a circular economy by adopting an actor engagement lens
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Europe’s citizens want a more Social Europe – sectoral bargaining is key to helping us achieve it
(2024) Equal TImes. -
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Les citoyens européens veulent une Europe plus sociale – les négociations de branche sont la clé pour y parvenir
(2024) Equal Times. -
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Los ciudadanos europeos quieren una Europa más social. La negociación sectorial es la clave para ayudarnos a conseguirlo
(2024) Equal TImes. -
Trapped in hope : the negative impact of hope on gambling decisions
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Today, we remember striking workers in occupied Europa
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Als belgische Arbeiter gegen die Nazi-Besatzung streikten
(2024) -
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Concentrated corporate power: a problem for workers
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Performance management systems, innovative work behavior and the role of transformational leadership : an experimental approach
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Does governing board involvement impact strategy implementation effectiveness? The role of information sharing in the politics-administration interface
Hoe scholen de werkmotivatie van leerkrachten kunnen bevorderen
(2024) -
Hoe scholen de werkmotivatie van leerkrachten kunnen bevorderen
(2024) -
- Journal Article
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Unlocking politicians’ potential : what fosters purposeful use of performance information in support of voice?
Test-retest reliability in metric conjoint experiments : a new workflow to evaluate confidence in model results
What’s for dinner? An inquiry of family meals and food choices in parents with varying socioeconomic status
(2024) -
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Debate : reporting pre-election polls : it is less about average Jane and Joe, and more about polarized Karen and Kevin
Engaging healthcare professionals and patient representatives in the development of a quality model for hospitals : a mixed-method study
How a health goal activation drives the Nutri-Score effect
Influence of calcium concentration on the re-assembly of sodium caseinate into casein micelles and on their renneting behavior
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Home-delivered meal boxes in a family setting : a qualitative study investigating reasons for use and perceived impact on meal practices
When too few employers means too low wages
Klimaatverandering : een erfenis met onzekere toekomst
Commercialization of innovations in the construction industry
(2024) -
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- open access
Sosyal bir Avrupa için sektörel toplu sözleşme şart
- Journal Article
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Be prepared! Local politicians’ proclivity for local government adaptive capacity building in response to COVID-19 : the role of risk perceptions
Een goede baas is... grappig!
(2024) In Nieuwe Feiten -
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- open access
La Huelga de los 100.000 contra la ocupación nazi