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The multi-level determinants of international migration aspirations in 25 communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
The impact of social network structure, collaboration costs, and bursty activation on opinion dynamics and innovation via agent-based modeling
(2025) -
Ripples of reciprocity : navigating trust and collective governance in hydrosocial territories
Coping with education supply shocks : how COVID-19 affected parents’ time spent on children’s education
Leaving terrorism behind? The role of terrorist attacks in shaping migration intentions around the world
Wage subsidies, slack resources and behavioural additionality : evidence from universities
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Carrying the (paper) burden : a portfolio view of systemic risk and optimal bank size
The aspiration to stay : a global analysis
Commissie adviseert over de verslaggeving bij de heropening van de vereffening
Heat Distributed Unequally in the Sovereign Bond Market
(2025) -
When shareholder power kicks in : corporate financialization as ratchet behaviour and sticky payouts
The socio-economic consequences of remote working : evidence from the European administrations in Brussels
- Journal Article
- open access
Sexual orientation stereotypes and job candidate screening: why gay is (mostly) OK
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Time Tetris : a longitudinal study on compressed schedules and workplace well-being at IKEA
- Journal Article
- open access
How do recruiters assess applicants who express a political engagement?
Tell me a story! Narrative-driven XAI with Large Language Models
On the potential of quantum walks for modeling financial return distributions
The effectiveness of future financial benefits on PV adoption — Evidence from Belgium
- Journal Article
- open access
Strategic climate policy in global aviation: Aviation fuel taxes and efficiency standards with duopolistic aircraft producers
- Journal Article
- open access
Carbon Policy and the Emissions Implications of Electric Vehicles
The shift premium : evidence from a discrete choice experiment
Dataset on the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare for the EU27 and beyond.
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Computer says ‘no’ : exploring systemic bias in ChatGPT using an audit approach
Nieuwe omvangcriteria gepubliceerd
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Does disaster contribute to armed conflict? A quantitative analysis of disaster–conflict co-occurrence between 1990 and 2017
Law and economic behaviour
Robust interactive fixed effects
Vocational education, general education, and on-the-job learning over the life cycle
Vermogensklem bij omzetting van VZW in CV erkend als sociale onderneming
Europa legt nieuwe omvangcriteria vast
Is Europe faring well with growth? Evidence from a welfare comparison in the EU-15 (1995–2018)
Overconfidence, financial literacy and excessive trading
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- open access
Bursts of communication increase opinion diversity in the temporal Deffuant model
I won’t make the same mistake again : burnout history and job preferences
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Sluggish news reactions: A combinatorial approach for synchronizing stock jumps
(2024) -
- Journal Article
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- open access
Gravity, globalization and time-varying heterogeneity
- Book Chapter
- open access
Global trends in South–South migration
Donald Trump's tweets, political value judgment, and the Renminbi exchange rate
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Nonstandard errors
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Well-being amid (im)mobility struggles : youth’s experiences in Casamance, Senegal
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Long-run perspectives on r-g in OECD countries : an empirical analysis
The impact of violent behavior on co-offender selection : evidence of behavioral homophily
CBN publiceert ontwerpadviezen omtrent omvangcriteria
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Detecting coordinated and bot-like behavior in Twitter : the Jürgen Conings case
Gains from trade : demand, supply, and idiosyncratic shocks
Financial crises and the global supply network : evidence from multinational enterprises
Curse and blessing : the effect of the dividend ban on euro area bank valuations and syndicated lending
Optimal transfer prices and technology in decentralized business groups
(Un)Trustworthy pledges and cooperation in social dilemmas
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Niet-Europese migranten op de Belgische arbeidsmarkt : evaluatie van hun positie in 2023