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From cost to investment : neural and behavioral effort configurations across task and goal domains
(2025) -
The pursuit of belonging : belonging as a moving concept in the lives of people with disabilities following an inclusive life path
(2024) -
Trouble in paradise : femininity as the stain in the mirror between mother and daughter
(2024) -
Rebuilding home and identities : Ukrainian mothers navigating war, migration and return
(2024) -
Social work and lived citizenship : realising rights of displaced youth
(2024) -
Prevention of depression through online cognitive control training : novel steps towards clinical implementation
(2024) -
The crucial role of teacher educators and their professional development on the road towards diversity-responsive education
(2024) -
Personalized recommendations beyond the black box : the development and evaluation of an ontology of action and coping plans for physical activity
(2024) -
Theorising social cohesion in child and family social work
(2024) -
Blood giving in context : an institutional approach to analysing blood donation and procurement
(2024) -
Navigating the transition to higher education : the role of identity and support for the basic psychological needs in first-year students’ academic motivation
(2024) -
Social services within and across contested borders : insights from Transnistria, Abkhazia and Samegrelo
(2024) -
Advancing early detection of autism spectrum disorder : neurophysiological and behavioral perspectives
(2024) -
Dynamics of social influence: effects of social variables on advice taking and instruction following
(2024) -
Study orientation in higher education : the Ghent University SIMON project
(2024) -
Design, implementation and assessment of computational thinking integrated into the primary English curriculum in China
(2024) -
Empirical research on mapping and supporting Chinese primary teachers’ involvement in inquiry-based working
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Goal adjustment and acceptance in people with an acquired brain injury
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
From peak to meta-analysis map : cumulating knowledge across neuroimaging studies
(2024) -
Unravelling multimodal dynamics in infants with and without an elevated likelihood for autism spectrum disorder : insights from neural and behavioural perspectives
(2024) -
The development of nudge interventions to promote safety behaviour in an industrial production environment
(2024) -
The development of children’s beliefs about the trade-off between health and taste in food and the long-term consequences for body weight and related health problems
(2024) -
From dropout to drop-in : an ecological navigation through the complex landscape of school attendance problems
(2024) -
Should I stay or should I go? The exploration-exploitation dilemma when in pain
(2024) -
Play development and social-communicative abilities in young children at elevated likelihood for autism
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
An examination of the role of asymmetric exchange, social status, and job performance in long-term leader-member exchange dynamics
(2024) -
Education and inequality : a search for social justice and democratic participation in contemporary schools
(2024) -
Just say no! A genealogy of the governance of drug users and contemporary drug policy reform discussions
(2024) -
Contextualising the economic and social dimensions of forced returnees' reintegration processes in rural Ethiopia
(2024) -
Unpacking cultural logics in contentious public spheres : rhetorical listening as a framework for critical/public pedagogy
(2024) -
The social-pedagogical meaning of leisure time : a study of the perspectives of young people in vocational education
(2024) -
Constraints on parallel word processing during reading
(2024) -
Cultivating a positive living and working climate in residential youth care : a pedagogical perspective
(2024) -
The role of stigma and the social network in the context of chronic pain : a multi-method approach
(2024) -
Small sample solutions for structural equation modeling
(2024) -
New methodological approaches toward the development of youth borderline personality pathology : a transactional, within-person, and network trait perspective
(2023) -
The motivation barometer during the COVID-19 crisis in Belgium : the role of basic needs, risk perception and motivation predicting behavior and well-being
(2023) -
Inclusion and well-being among members of ethnic minorities : effects of procedural fairness, social support and diversity
(2023) -
Reading illiteracy : a pedagogical study about the functions of cultural (il)literacy in Flanders
(2023) -
Discourse as social link : Lacan’s theory of discourse, its sources and its implications
(2023) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Everyone on board?! Measuring and promoting reading motivation, strategy use, and comprehension for students in upper elementary grades through a response-to-intervention design
(2023) -
Unraveling empathic accuracy during couples' interactions
(2023) -
State regulation and ADHD : a pupillometry investigation
(2023) -
Another urban legend? The role of participatory arts practices in relation to urban living
(2023) -
Patient-induced countertransference in psychotherapy with anaclitic and introjective patients : an empirical study
(2023) -
Lived citizenship of ger residents in Ulaanbaatar : a socio-spatial understanding of social inequality, belonging, aspirations and social work
(2023) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Motivating and demotivating parenting and coaching in youth sports
(2023) -
Narcissism at work : toward a dynamic developmental perspective
(2023) -
An eye-tracking corpus study of Chinese-English bilingual reading
(2023) -
My stress is our stress : stress and coping processes among same-sex couples