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Tasting ‘Kienyeji’ : gustatory explorations of city futures in Nakuru, Kenya’
Overheated stomachs : notes on urban life and toxicity in Nakuru, Kenya
Questioning territories and identities in the precolonial (nineteenth-century) Lake Kivu region
Book review: Erik Kennes and Miles Larmer, The Katangese Gendarmes and War in Central Africa: fighting their way home
Out in Africa : same-sex desire in sub-Saharan literatures & cultures
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
'The time of the leaflet': pamphlets and political communication in the UPA (Northern Angola, around 1961)
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Witchcraft, intimacy & trust by Peter Geschiere (review)
Diaspora and imagined nationality : USA-Africa dialogue and cyberframing Nigerian nationhood
Introduction: performing space in urban Africa
Regulation, cross-border trade and practical norms in West Nile, North-Western Uganda
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
On dancing and fishing : joy and the celebration of fertility among the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville
'Sleep occupies no space': the use of public space by street gangs in Kinshasa
Islamic reform and historical change in the care of the dead : conflicts over funerary practice among Tanzanian Muslims
The theatre of violence: narratives of protagonists in the South African conflict
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Immunising strategies: hip hop and critique in Tanzania
Review of "Refiguring the Archive, edited by Carolyn Hamilton et al.
Review of "Transnationalism and New African Immigration to South Africa", edited by Jonathan Crush and David A. McDonald.
Review of "Crime and Policing in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Transforming under Fire".