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How do consumers value food traceability? A meta-analysis
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Consumers’ valuation of blockchain-based food traceability : role of consumer ethnocentrism and communication via QR codes
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Automatic price appraisals : why they matter and how to measure them
Unfolding consumer purchase intentions toward genetically modified rice with nutritional benefits in Bangladesh
- Journal Article
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Golden opportunities? How marketing expectations drive purchase intentions of golden rice in Bangladesh and the Philippines
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Evaluation of food technologies across supply chain actors : a systematic review of explanatory models
The influence of self-decided prices on expected quality
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Market intelligence for guiding crop improvement : a systematic review of stakeholder preference studies in the rice sector in the Global South and beyond
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Cost-effectiveness of zinc interventions in China : a cohort-based Markov model
Nexus between land development and the value of ecosystem services in Ethiopia : a contingent valuation study
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The state of the art of discrete choice experiments in food research
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Public perception of plant gene technologies worldwide in the light of food security
Do passengers feel convenient when they transfer at the transportation hub?
Legality requirements for wood import in the EU : who wins, who loses?
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Do fair trade labels bias consumers' perceptions of food products? A comparison between a central location test and home-use test
Unraveling preferences for religious ties in food transactions : a consumer perspective
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Economic feasibility of iodine agronomic biofortification : a projective analysis with ugandan vegetable farmers
Attitude and labelling preferences towards gene-edited food : a consumer study amongst millennials and Generation Z
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Understanding attitudes towards renewable energy technologies and the effect of local experiences
Role of sustainability attributes and occasion matters in determining consumers’ beef choice
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Effects of nutrition and sustainability claims on attention and choice : an eye-tracking study in the context of a choice experiment using granola bar concepts
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Nudging to get our food choices on a sustainable track
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Environmentally sustainable food consumption : a review and research agenda from a goal-directed perspective
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Labeling nutrition-sensitive food chains : a consumer preference analysis of milk products
Unravelling the true drivers for eco-certified wood consumption by introducing scarcity
What do we know about chain actors’ evaluation of new food technologies? : a systematic review of consumer and farmer studies
Explaining attention and choice for origin labeled cheese by means of consumer ethnocentrism
Farmers' reasons to accept bio-based fertilizers : a choice experiment in seven different European countries
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What is the value of sustainably-produced rice? : consumer evidence from experimental auctions in Vietnam
Consumer valuation of quality rice attributes in a developing economy : evidence from a choice experiment in Vietnam
On the measurement of consumer preferences and food choice behavior : the relation between visual attention and choices
Consumers' perceptions of GM-free labelled foods : a sensory experiment
Promoting biodiversity values of small forest patches in agricultural landscapes : ecological drivers and social demand
Using eye tracking to account for attribute non-attendance in choice experiments
The socioeconomics of genetically modified biofortified crops : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Consumers' familiarity with and attitudes towards food quality certifications for rice and vegetables in Vietnam
The social and economic impact of biofortification through genetic modification
Green public procurement of certified wood : spatial leverage effect and welfare implications
A novel framework for analysing stakeholder interest in healthy foods: a case study on iodine biofortification
Consumer evaluation of food with nutritional benefits: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
- Journal Article
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Modelling protection behaviour towards micronutrient deficiencies: case of iodine biofortified vegetable legumes as health intervention for school-going children
- Journal Article
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Understanding farmers' preferences for wastewater reuse frameworks in agricultural irrigation : lessons from a choice experiment in the Western Cape, South Africa
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Stakeholders' reactions toward iodine biofortified foods : an application of protection motivation theory and technology acceptance model
(2016) -
Consumers' willingness to pay for conventional, organic and functional yogurt: evidence from experimental auctions
Capturing and explaining preference heterogeneity for wetland management options in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania
What is the public appetite for healthy eating policies?: evidence from a cross-European survey
Human health benefits and burdens of a pharmaceutical treatment : discussion of a conceptual integrated approach
Sustainability labels on coffee: consumer preferences, willingness-to-pay and visual attention to attributes
Stakeholder reactions toward iodine biofortified foods: an application of protection motivation theory
European consumer preferences for beef with nutrition and health claims: a multi-country investigation using discrete choice experiments