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- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Humor and the law : laughter as critique/the limits of laughter
Shared anthropology : when anthropology meets critical public pedagogy
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Chrono/logy and topo/logy in Hegel’s treatment of the spatial arts
Art in times of stupidity : Stiegler’s politicization of art in the hyperindustrial age
A non-cephalometric two-dimensional appraisal of soft tissue changes by functional therapy in Class II patients : a systematic review and meta-analysis
What artistry can do : essays on art and beauty
(2022) In Refractions -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Democratising conceptual art : what about the spectator?
From animal signals to art : manipulative animal signaling and the evolutionary foundations of aesthetic behavior and art production
Beauty-is-good, ugly-is-risky : food aesthetics bias and construal level
Sensing the next battle : an overshadowed prehistory of creative dissent in Tunisia
Schopenhauer and the paradox of the sublime
A 5‐year cohort study on early implant placement with guided bone regeneration or alveolar ridge preservation with connective tissue graft
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Gewelddadige geneugten, of hoe het leed van anderen lief te hebben
On the aesthetic gaze, beauty, and the two sources of ugliness
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Long-term clinical, aesthetic and patient-reported outcomes of single implants in the anterior maxilla
(2018) -
Amenity proximity analysis for sustainable brownfield redevelopment planning
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
El arte como estrategia de reparación inmaterial de violaciones de derechos humanos : la imagen artística para la transformación de las narrativas de la violencia = Art as a strategy of immaterial reparation of human rights violations : the artistic image for the transformation of violence narratives
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Rediscovering architecture : paestum in eighteenth-century architectural experience and theory, by Sigrid de Jong
Revolting senses : the contrapuntal aesthetics of revolt in Tunisia
(2018) -
Touching matter in art: Towards a 'matterist' aesthetic with Fra Angelico, Vermeer, Lucebert, De Bruyckere, and Moreau
Ways of preferring : distinction through the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of cultural consumption
On the structure of dispositions : transposability of and oppositions between aesthetic dispositions
Ultrasonic assessment of mucosal thickness around implants: validity, reproducibility, and stability of connective tissue grafts at the buccal aspect
Mobilités écopoétiques et écritures de la nature : espace et paysage dans la littérature contemporaine en français
(2016) -
Ruin, allegory, melancholy. On the critical aesthetics of W.G. Sebald's The Emigrants and The Rings of Saturn
Dimensions, concerns and effects of addressing uncivil behaviour through punitive law
(2016) -
The artful mind: a critical review of the evolutionary psychological study of art
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Cross-continental comparison of the association between the physical environment and active transportation in children : a systematic review
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Evaluating the aims and methods of defining art : a metaphilosophical investigation regarding the question 'what is art?'
(2015) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Die Wissenschaftslehre als Kunstwerk: Bloß ein Gleichnis? Versuch einer ästhetischen Betrachtung der Wissenschaftslehre
- Book Editor
- open access
Kierkegaard and political theory: religion, aesthetics, politics and the intervention of the single individual
Sophie Wennerscheid (UGent) and Armen Avanessian(2014) -
You too can awesomize yourself
The eyes of the beholder: aesthetic preferences and the remaking of cultural capital
Cross-species comparison in the evolutionary study of art: a cognitive approach to the ape art debate
Taking a shine to it: how the preference for glossy stems from an innate need for water
Ethno-Baroque: materiality,aesthetics, and conflict in modern-day macedonia
(2014) -
What's in a colour? The jūdōgi and japanese aesthetics
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Alterations in soft tissue levels and aesthetics over a 16 to 22 year period following single implant treatment in periodontally-healthy patients : a retrospective case series
- Book Chapter
- open access
Being part of the history of art: defining non-Western art
Anatomical differences in the human inferior colliculus relate to the perceived valence of musical consonance and dissonance
Musical agency reduces perceived exertion during strenuous physical performance
Preferences of AP position of the straight Caucasian facial profile
Single implant treatment in healing versus healed sites of the anterior maxilla: a clinical and radiographic evaluation
Predictors of inter-proximal and midfacial recession following single implant treatment in the anterior maxilla: a multivariate analysis
Ernst Grosse and the birth of the anthropology of aesthetics
Defining aesthetic principles for automatic media gallery layout for visual and audial event summarization based on social networks
Translations of the sublime : the early modern reception and dissemination of longinus' Peri Hupsous in rhetoric, the visual arts, architecture and the theatre
Caroline Van Eck, Stijn Bussels, Maarten Delbeke (UGent) and Jurgen Pieters (UGent) -
Schiller versus Fichte: Schillers Begriff der Person in der Zeit und Fichtes Kategorie der Wechselbestimmung im Widerstreit
(2011) 27. -
Waarover men niet spreken kan: elementen voor een agogiek van de kunst