Show 50 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Download search results Subscribe to news feed Your filters: cql: keyword exact "Indium-111" Add to list Conference Paper C3 Evaluation of a scatter correction method for Indium-111 in SPECT using five energy windows Eva Kint (UGent) , Erwann Rault (UGent) , Steven Staelens (UGent) , Stefaan Vandenberghe (UGent) and Ignace Lemahieu (UGent) (2008) Liège Image Days, 1st, Abstracts. Add to list Conference Paper C3 Optimization and evaluation of a five energy window correction method for In-111 imaging Eva Kint (UGent) , Erwann Rault (UGent) , Steven Staelens (UGent) , Stefaan Vandenberghe (UGent) and Ignace Lemahieu (UGent) (2008) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING. 35(suppl. 2). p.S230-S230