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Helicobacter equorum is highly prevalent in foals
Helicobacter equorum : prevalence and significance for horses and humans
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Hemotropic mycoplasmas in cats, part 2: case report
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Hemotrofe mycoplasmen bij katten, deel 1: literatuuroverzicht
Pustular dermatitis by Listeria monocytogenes after the assisted delivery of a dead calf
PCR detection of Campylobacter species in feces from dogs
Evaluation of 16S rRNA gene-based PCR assays for genus-level identification of Helicobacter species
The presence, prevalence and clinical significance of enterohepatic Helicobacter species in horses
(2008) -
Evaluation of 16S rRNA gene-based PCR assays for genus-level identification of Helicobacter species
Extragastric manifestations of Helicobacter pylori infection: Other Helicobacters
Morganella morganii subsp morganii-associated pneumonia in a Belgian Blue
Prevalence of Helicobacter equorum in faecal samples from horses and humans
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
An unusual Actinobacillus equuli strain isolated from a rabbit with Tyzzer's disease
Isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from the gallbladder of a dog with liver insufficiency
PCR Detection of Different Campylobacter Species in Horse Faeces
Helicobacter equorum: zoonotic potential and clinical significance
Helicobacter equorum is highly prevalent in foals
Helicobacter equorum: zoonotic potential and clinical significance for horses
Helicobacter equorum: zoonotic potential and clinical significance for horses
Helicobacter equorum sp nov., a urease-negative Helicobacter species isolated from horse faeces
Prevalence of Helicobacter equorum in fecal samples from horses and humans, Belgium
Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in horses in Flanders
Helicobacter equorum sp nov., a urease-negative Helicobacter species isolated from the feces of two horses
Acquired antimicrobial resistance in the intestinal microbiota of diverse cat populations
Helicobacter equorum sp nov., a urease-negative Helicobacter species isolated from the feces of two horses
Presence and mechanism of antimicrobial resistance among enterococci from cats and dogs