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Functional independent component analysis by choice of norm : a framework for near-perfect classification
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Cholinergic‐related pupil activity reflects level of emotionality during motor performance
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Enhancing human-human musical interaction through kinesthetic haptic feedback using wearable exoskeletons : theoretical foundations, validation scenarios, and limitations
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MC-AR - A software suite for comparative mocap analysis in an augmented reality environment
Peak tibial accelerations in different foot strike patterns during level running : an independent investigation in different cohorts
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Dataset for the assessment of presence and performance in an augmented reality environment for motor imitation learning : a case-study on violinists
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The assessment of presence and performance in an AR environment for motor imitation learning : a case-study on violinists
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Classification of targets and distractors in an audiovisual attention task based on electroencephalography
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Influence of musical context on sensorimotor synchronization in classical ballet solo dance
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Auditory attention measured by EEG in neurological populations : systematic review of literature and meta-analysis
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Embodied perspective-taking enhances interpersonal synchronization : a body-swap study
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Neural entrainment underpins sensorimotor synchronization to dynamic rhythmic stimuli
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Knee flexion of saxophone players anticipates tonal context of music
Application of step and beat alignment approaches and its effect on gait in progressive multiple sclerosis with severe cerebellar ataxia : a proof of concept case study
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Reducing the peak tibial acceleration of running by music‐based biofeedback : a quasi‐randomized controlled trial
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Foot strike determines the center of pressure behavior and affects impact severity in heel-toe running
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Mutual beta power modulation in dyadic entrainment
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With no attention specifically directed to it, rhythmic sound does not automatically facilitate visual task performance
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A case-study of a person with multiple sclerosis and cerebellar ataxia synchronizing finger-taps and foot-steps to music and metronomes
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Toward a meaningful technology for instrumental music education : teachers’ voice
Embodied learning in multiple sclerosis using melodic, sound, and visual feedback : a potential rehabilitation approach
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BeatWalk : personalized music-based gait rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease
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Musical interaction reveals music as embodied language
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Modality-specific attractor dynamics in dyadic entrainment
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Neural entrainment meets behavior : the stability index as a neural outcome measure of auditory-motor coupling
Influence of music-based feedback training on peak tibial acceleration during running outside of the biomechanics laboratory
Does musical interaction in a jazz duet modulate peripersonal space?
Experimental comparison of various excitation and acquisition techniques for modal analysis of violins
The Augmented Movement Platform for Embodied Learning (AMPEL) : development and reliability
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Livestream experiments : the role of COVID-19, agency, presence, and social context in facilitating social connectedness
Music-based biofeedback induced running-gait adaptations for lower impact running
Embodied learning in persons with Multiple Sclerosis using melodic, sound and visual real-time feedback : a potential approach towards rehabilitation
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Co-regulated timing in music ensembles : a Bayesian listener perspective
'My avatar and me' : technology-enhanced mirror in monitoring music performance practice
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Music-based biofeedback to reduce tibial shock in over-ground running : a proof-of-concept study
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Manipulation of runner's cadence with interactive auditory stimulations
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What is technology in music instrument education good for: a survey for violin and drum teachers on technology use
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Feedback-based running retraining for impact reduction : the relationship between peak tibial acceleration and step frequency
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Change-point detection of peak tibial acceleration in overground running retraining
Listener evaluations of violins made from composites
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The soundscape hackathon as a methodology to accelerate co-creation of the urban public space
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Timing markers of interaction quality during semi-hocket singing
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The influence of performing gesture type on interpersonal musical timing, and the role of visual contact and tempo
Integrative research in art and science : a framework for proactive humanities
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Detrended fluctuation analysis of gait dynamics when entraining to music and metronomes at different tempi in persons with multiple sclerosis
- Conference Paper
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- open access
The soundscape hackathon : boosting sound in urban design through immersive and virtual approaches
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Validity and reliability of peak tibial accelerations as real-time measure of impact loading during over-ground rearfoot running at different speeds
Consolidation of the atypical rearfoot strike pattern in distance runners and linkage to tibial shocks
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The sonic instructor : a music-based biofeedback system for improving weightlifting technique
A model of different cognitive processes during spontaneous and intentional coupling to music in multiple sclerosis