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What Next for Europe? Measuring Business Excellence. Vol. 2, N°l. 1998.
Drie Voorwaarden om Morgen Economisch te Slagen: Innoveren, Innoveren, en. Innoveren. Management Jaarboek 1998. Roularta Books Zellik.
Environmental Policy and the Inward Investment Position of US 'Dirty' Industries Intereconomics, Vol.33(4), July/August 1998, pp. 186-194.
Milieu en Competitiviteit. Energie & Milieu 14(3), Mei-Juni 1998, pp.143-146.
Rwanda. Health Sector Needs and Recommendations for the Transition Phase., Cred Workingpaper nr. 149, UCL-CRED, Brussels, February 1998, 34 p.