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Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Gentse pers : repertorium (1667-1914)
Editor: Belgian Contributions to the 11th International Congress of Sla-vists, Bratislava 30 Aug.-8 Sept. 1993. Gent, 1993, 139 p.
(Red. Slavica Gandensia, 17,1990 en 18,1991).
L'iconographie de Saint Maxime le Confesseur dans l'art des Eglises de rite byzantin. -A. Schoors & P. Van Deun (Eds.), Philohistôr. Miscellanea in honorem C. Laga septuagenarii, Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 60, Leuven, Uitgeverij Peeters, 1994, 339-359.
Imperial art in Byzantium from Basil I to Basil II. A. Davids (Ed.), - The empress Theophano. Byzantium and the West at the turn of the first millennium. Cambridge, University Press, 1995, 231-243.