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- Book Chapter
- open access
The use of transformative provisional measures by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights : toward a tangible impact
Eenzijdige sancties en onwerkzaamheid : een 30-tal vragen uit de praktijk
Gevolgen van het MLI voor de Belgische verdragen
IMPACTUM in CONTEXT Podcast I 2024 I Season 1 I Episode 7
(2024) -
Manifesto for Tackling Light Pollution & Proposing EU Light Pollution Monitoring
(2024) -
Geen auteursrecht op handdoekvouwmachine (noot onder Antwerpen 15 februari 2023)
The right to a healthy environment in and beyond the Anthropocene : a European perspective
Hendrik Schoukens (UGent) and Farah Bouquelle (UGent)(2024) -
Rights of nature in the European Union : a rights-based approach as an inevitable outcome of increased environmental protection in the Anthropocene?
Some explorations about extending the right to a healthy environment to future generations and animals
Introduction : the right to a healthy environment revisited as a necessary leverage point in times of climate crisis in Europe and beyond?
Rights of nature in Europe : encounters and visions
(2024) -
Do wolves own property in the EU? On John Locke, the EU Habitats Directive and animal property right
Ecological restoration and the rights of nature in the EU : natural twins or a Pandora's box?
Strangers in paradise : the challenge of invasive alien species to (the implementation of) Earth Jurisprudence in Europe
IMPACTUM in CONTEXT Podcast I 2024 I Season 1 I Episode 8
(2024) In Season 1 I Episode 8 -
Strategic climate litigation and the EU Habitats Directive : what lessons can be learnt from the recent case law developments in the United States?
Are cannabis use problems comparable across individuals using for recreational and medical purposes? An international cross-sectional study of individuals who use self-grown cannabis
Handboek intellectuele rechten 2024
(2024) -
Samenwerking CLB's
Ontbinding wegens wanprestatie van uitgaveovereenkomst
BV-vrijstelling ploegenarbeid : enkel identiek werk qua omvang niet ongrondwettelijk
Dispense de versement du Pr P pour travail en équipe : la limitation au travail identique en quantité n'est pas inconstitutionnelle
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Boekbespreking: Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
Faster : een verbetering of last voor de financiële tussenpersonen?
Understanding political learning by scientific experts : a case of EU climate policy
Taaltest inburgeraars
Interpretatie van dubbel bevel tot staking van inbreuk handelsnaam/merk
Bestelling met betalingsverplichting
De EU en secundaire economische sancties
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Great minds think alike? Ideological congruence between party members and leadership candidates
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Scrutinising council scrutiny : from theoretical black box to analytical toolbox
Godefroy and the laws of Julian the Apostate : an episode in the life story of the Codex Theodosianus
'Ik heb mijn mannetje moeten staan' : een verkennende studie naar de betrokkenheid van vrouwen binnen de synthetische drugsmarkt in België
Wetenschappelijke inzichten : georganiseerde dadergroepen betrokken bij synthetische drugsproductie/-handel
About the Cover Image
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Negotiating de facto borders : the case of social services provision in Abkhazia and Transnistria
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Explaining prejudicial attitudes and bias-motivated aggression in Belgium : a comparison of individual-level theoretical models
Do money and guilt primes affect the likelihood of theft by taking? Findings from a visualized scenario study
Series editors' preface [Geopolitical and Humanitarian Aspects of the Belarus–EU Border Conflict]
Rechtstreekse aansprakelijkheid van de hulppersoon via de rechtstreekse vordering?
Comparing crowding perception and sensor counts at the Ghent festivities
Belgien : the Belgian substantive law regime for (the cross-border holding of) intermediated securities
Naar een consistente bescherming van derden te goeder trouw bij nietigverklaring, ontbinding en ontbindende voorwaarde
Essential texts on international and European criminal law
Gert Vermeulen (UGent) -
The migration-development nexus as an EU public policy framework : an advocacy coalition framework perspective
(2024) -
How TTIP split the social-democrats : reacting to the politicisation of EU trade policy in the European parliament
Are political staffers out of touch with grassroots party members? Assessing congruence between professionals and volunteers
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Rewarding some, but not all? The selectoral consequences of parliamentary activity for newcomers and experienced MPs in Belgium (1995–2019)
Lost but not blown away : how do losers of party leadership contests react?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Electoral competition and strategic intra-coalition oversight in parliament : the case of the bipolar Belgian polity
European defence : no Zeitenwende yet
When do parties reform? Causes of programmatic-, organizational- and personnel party reforms in the Belgian mainstream parties
Living up to expectations? EU politicization and party Europeanization in Flanders and the Netherlands
The EU as a global gender actor : tracing intersectionality in the European gender action plans for external relations 2010–2025
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Third party intervention in the case of Semenya v Switzerland (Grand Chamber)
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
De vrijheid van onderwijs als bevoegdheidsverdelende regel : een grondrecht en rechtsgrond voor samenwerking tussen de overheid en onderwijsverstrekkers
Meer differentiatie in het lerarenberoep? Een (on)gelijke behandeling van leraren op basis van hun opleiding
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Financial crime scripting : an analytical method to generate, organise and systematise knowledge on the financial aspects of profit-driven crime
It’s a man’s world but it would be nothing without a woman : the involvement of women in Belgian synthetic drugs trafficking
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Entry mechanisms into the Belgian synthetic drugs market
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Aporophobic and homeless victimisation : the case of Ghent
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Crime within a bandwidth : testing 'the law of crime concentration at place' in Brussels
The right not to use the internet
Rechtspraakoverzicht van het Europees Hof van Justitie met betrekking tot het Europees onderzoeksbevel 2020-2023
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Towards a multifaceted measure of perceived legitimacy of participatory governance
(2024) GOVERNANCE. -
Roman and medieval juristic regulae and brocarda from the structuralist perspective : real entities or 'signs'?
Regulae iuris in the legal historical perspective : essential stability vs evolving contexts
Ilya Kotlyar (UGent) -
Brussel, een balie, twee ordes = Bruxelles, un barreau, deux ordres
François Bruyns and Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde (UGent)(2024) -
Actualia handhavingsrecht, deel 2
Liesbeth Todts (UGent) and Steven Van Garsse(2024) -
- Book Chapter
- open access
De gerechtelijke vereffening en verdeling van het huwelijksvermogen en/of de nalatenschap : beschouwingen bij de recente cassatierechtspraak
(2024) Het familiaal vermogensrecht na de codificatie. In Postuniversitaire Cyclus Willy Delva 49. p.675-715 -
The unknown innovator : Switzerland and the beginning of the Investment Treaty Regime
Police identity checks in Belgium : a critical media content analysis
Brusselse jeugddelinquenten : een andere taal, een ander regime
'Generalis hypotheca est modici praeiudicii' : the adaptation of late medieval ius commune doctrine on the enforcement of obligations to contemporary legal practice
Big data policing : de implicaties van digitalisering en maatschappelijke dataficatie voor de politiefunctie en het politiewerk
Controles BV-vrijstellingen en nieuwe verlengde onderzoekstermijn voor 2024
Mensenrechten dwingen tot verdergaande emissiereducties in historisch klimaatarrest
Ambitions et limites de la Stratégie de l'Union européenne pour la coopération dans l’indo-Pacifique
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Trading repaired and refurbished goods : how sustainable is EU exhaustion of trade marks?
De potentiële impact van het BBNJ-verdrag op de scheepvaart
Notariële aandachtspunten bij de uitrol van warmtenetinfrastructuur
United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (UNCTC)
Multilateral Investment Treaty (MIT)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
SCANning for truth : scholars' and practitioners' perceptions on the use(fulness) of Scientific Content Analysis in detecting deception during police interviews
De buitengrens verduidelijkt : geen vereffening rechtsplegingsvergoeding in burgerlijke zaken zonder opgave ervan
Procedurele milieurechten en diepzeemijnbouw : recente ontwikkelingen
Consumentenkoop van een matras
Opzeg vs. dreiging tot opzeg van een bankrelatie : enkele juridische overwegingen naar Belgisch recht
Securities issuance through distributed ledger technology : the case of euroclear’s D-FMI
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Expanding the methodological toolkit of criminology and criminal justice with the Total Error Framework
Uncovering justice interests of victims of serious crimes : a cross-sectional study
Desistance, disengagement, and deradicalization : a cross-field comparison
De Grondwet als private metafoor in de Nederlandstalige literatuur
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Personalization at different levels : intra-party competition and preference voting in local elections
The framing of private security and its regulation in Belgium, 1980–2020
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Do moral values moderate the relationship between immigrant-school concentration and violent offending? A cross-level interaction analysis of self-reported violence in Sweden
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Western ideals and global realities : physiotherapists' views on factors that play a role in ethical decision-making : an international qualitative analysis
Animal rights under the European Convention on Human Rights
Streektaal als onderwijstaal in het hoger onderwijs
BV-vrijstelling ploegenarbeid : nieuw keuzestelsel zorgt voor rechtszekerheid
Dispense de versement du Pr P pour travail en équipe : le nouveau système de choix garantit la sécurité juridique
Our men in Brussels
Marc Cools (UGent) , Emmanuel Debruyne, Mathias Desmet (UGent) , Pieter Leloup (UGent) , Robin Libert, Robin Liefferinckx, Guy Rapaille, Vincent Seron and Kathleen Van Acker -
Lezing naar aanleiding van de bevelsoverdracht van de Inlichtingenen Veiligheidsschool (IVS) – te Heverlee op 26 januari 2023
Nieuwe regels voor consumentenkoop en digitale inhoud en digitale diensten : analyse van de implementatie van Europees recht in Nederland en België
'A special offer for you!' : personalisation of in-game commercial practices at the crossroads of data protection and consumer protection regulation
3, 2, 1, Belspo-aanmelding… start!
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
There and back again : Russia's evolving approach to the freedom of navigation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
How jihadi Salafists sometimes breach, but mostly circumvent, Facebook’s community standards in crisis, identity and solution frames
This is not an act of euthanasia : legally correct but ethically problematic?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Beyond the risk factors of sports-related match-fixing : testing the applicability of situational action theory
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Hoe de betrouwbaarheid van informatie checken?
A quantitative analysis of policy and sociocultural advocacy within a neo-corporatist context
Rating places and crime prevention : exploring user-generated ratings to assess place management
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Review of Ed Jones Corredera, The Diplomatic Enlightenment. Spain, Europe, and the Age of Speculation, ISBN 9789004469068
Veiling ideology or enabling utopia? On the potentials and limitations of the debate about tianxia as a model for a new world order
Diálogos transatlânticos sobre a metodologia da historiografia do direito
Legitimação divina do poder judicial e seu impacto na cultura material da justiça na Europa e no Brasil
O estado de direito na Flandres medieval
História do direito tradicional e história do direito contextual
A sucessão ab intestato no direito feudal flamengo durante os séculos XIV e XV
Os precursores da Organização Internacional do Trabalho como exemplos de comunidades epistêmicas : diálogos entre Europa e Brasil
Periódicos jurídicos na Bélgica e no Brasil do século XIX : percursos e contrapontos
História digital do direito
O momento constitucional decisivo e a sua representação no Brasil : elementos do ideário nacionalista
Os conceitos de 'Nação' e de 'Estado' em François Laurent entre os debates doutrinários brasileiros de direito internacional privado (1902-1970)
Reflexões metodológicas sobre a história do direito internacional público
Métodos da historiografia do direito contemporânea : olhares cruzados entre a Bélgica e o Brasil
Georges Martyn (UGent) and Arno Dal Ri Júnior(2024) -
Title VI transport
- Journal Article
- open access
Hoeveel profiteert de farma-industrie?
(2024) De Standaard. -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Narbutas v. Lithuania
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Allée v. France
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Podchasov v. Russia and Škoberne v. Slovenia
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Tariq Ramadan v. France
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Avramchuk v. Ukraine and Eastern Ukrainian Centre for Public Initiatives v. Ukraine
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Bild GmbH & Co. KG v. Germany
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
‘How dare you!’ : a conceptualization of the eco-shaming discourse in Belgium
- Book Chapter
- open access
Fighting Fu Yi : Daoxuan and his defence of Buddhism in the social and political context of the early Tang period
Financial crime scripting : intelligencegestuurd én datagedreven?
(2024) -
Climate change and conflict in the Ruzizi Plain (DRC)
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Exploring the landscape of sentencing for terrorist offenders : a scoping review
The Red Sea Crisis : ramifications for vessel operations, shipping networks, and maritime supply chains
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Social media as an exit strategy? The role of attitudes of discontent in explaining non-electoral political participation among Belgian young adults
Arbeidsrecht # HRM
(2024) -
Towards a politics of collaborative worldmaking : ethics, epistemologies and mutual positionalities in conflict research
Neither laissez-faire nor prohibition : the khat regulation policy preferences of people who chew khat and local social service providers in Ethiopia
'Say her name' : symbolic racism and officer valuing predict white americans’ reactions to the fatal police shooting of a Black woman
Revolutionary debtscapes : domestic territories of contestation in Tunisia
Introduction: Transnational assemblages and the production of security knowledges : new perspectives on security governance in, and on, conflict and post-conflict contexts
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Unlocking politicians’ potential : what fosters purposeful use of performance information in support of voice?
Hervorming van de geslachtsregistratie : de wetgever zet met de wet van 20 juli 2023 opnieuw een stap vooruit
Policy recommendations for international regulations addressing air pollution from ships
Over de geldigheid van arbitrageclausules in algemene voorwaarden of toetredingscontracten
Het EHRM houdt verbod op onverdoofd slachten overeind
People’s preferred balance between politicians, citizens, and experts in policy-making decisions
Green finance in bulk shipping
The tip of the iceberg : exploring the landscape of policing in a digitalized world
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Podcast: Researching Survivors’ Participation in Colombia
Anatomie du phénomène djihadiste au Cameroun : entre mobilisations insurrectionnelles, (dés)étatisation et configurations sociales
(2024) -
The use of arguments and justifications in Westminster parliamentary debates on assisted dying
Het familiaal vermogensrecht na de codificatie
Jan Bael (UGent) and Renate Barbaix -
Big data en Community Oriented Policing : naar een geïntegreerde toekomst
Financial crime scripting : inzicht in winstgedreven criminaliteit
Financial crime scripting : inzicht in winstgedreven criminaliteit
Digital Forensics : van beeldmateriaal naar bewijs
Scripting crime : over het waarom, wat en hoe (nu verder) met crime scripting
De toepassing van het auteursrecht op AI-output
De weigeringsgronden voor de teruggeleiding van een ontvoerd kind
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
More than just a scratch : a scoping review on physical and psychological consequences of violence against police
Hervormd auteursrechtenregime niet ongrondwettig voor zover het computerprogramma's uitsluit
EU bereikt langverwacht akkoord over de Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive : hoe groen is dit groene licht?
Begrip 'vaste inrichting' binnen de Europese btw-wetgeving : nood aan herziening?
Autonoom gemeentebedrijf, parkeerretributie en dwangbevel (noot onder Cass. 18 december 2023)
L'UE parvient à un accord très attendu sur la Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive : à quel point ce fue est-il vraiment vert?
Le nouveau régime des droits d'auteur n'est pas inconstitutionnel dans la mesure où il exclut les programmes d'ordinateur
Digitaal partnergeweld : typologie, impact en de rol van politie
Digital Forensics : van beeldmateriaal naar bewijs
Het spanningsveld tussen het vrij ondernemerschap en het criminele ondernemerschap in België : een eerste blik op enkele opportuniteiten voor, en recente initiatieven tegen, malafide ondernemers
Het Hof van Justitie stelt zijn grenzen : het doel heiligt de middelen, maar geen tweede herroepingsrecht
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Du droit d’accéder à internet à la liberté de – ne pas – l’utiliser ?
Eenheid in de rechtspraak van een hoogste gerechtshof : interne divergenties : vermijdbaar en oplosbaar?
Fascist claims to sovereign power : law, politics and the Romanian legionary movement
The interests of developing states in the Area : promoted or neglected?
Early career pracademics in international development : satisfactions and challenges
Overdue athletes’ salaries in professional football and match-fixing : a legal analysis
Een patiënt opereren die enkele uren voordien heeft gegeten, kan een fout vormen waarvoor het ziekenhuis aansprakelijk is
Gender dynamics in online negative campaigning: A longitudinal analysis of attack behaviour and incivility in social media discourse by political candidates
(2024) -
Teaching the Law of Nations in King Leopold’s Foreign Office : Léon Arendt’s Droit des gens Course (1903)
Towards an evidence-based big data policing model
(2024) -
Financial Crime Scripting : an analytical method to enhance insight and disrupt (the financial aspects of) illicit supply chains of counterfeits
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Het dier in het recht
(2024) -
Cybercrime & cyberwarfare : cyberspace’s grey frontiers x digital information
Innovaties in big data policing en het voorspellen van criminaliteit
Through the looking glass? Lessons from party Europeanisation in Denmark
Het Hof van Cassatie, het Grondwettelijk Hof en het Recht van de Europese Unie
Uitsluiting (lock-out)
(2024) Aanwerven, tewerkstellen en ontslaan. In Aanwerven, Tewerkstellen en Ontslaan Afl. 153. p.69-81 -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
General Comment No. 25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment : implications for children’s right to privacy and data protection in Africa
Over verzekerings- en vervoerrecht te land, ter zee en in de lucht : liber amicorum Kris Bernauw
Marc Kruithof (UGent) and Jean Rogge (UGent)(2024) -
Heeft de aansprakelijkheidsverzekeraar een plicht tot verweer tegen de aanspraken van de benadeelde? Een analyse van de artikelen 141 en 143, lid 1, W.Verz.
Judicial review of regulatory acts in the member states of the EU
A market-based perspective on the future of strategic alliances in container shipping
Recente ontwikkelingen m.b.t. de huurdersaansprakelijkheid voor brand
From human intervention to meaningful human oversight : mapping the opportunities and pitfalls in the decision-making process of place-based big data policing
Inzicht in criminele geldstromen met Financial Crime Scripting
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Darker legacies of anti-corruption : fascist criticisms of the law in inter-war Romania
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Port economics, management and policy studies (2009-2020) : a bibliometric analysis
The importance of co-produced, multi-method, independent scientific evidence in times of alternative truths and global policy debates
Tijdelijke bis-variant ploegenarbeid gepubliceerd in Belgisch Staatsblad : implicaties en aandachtspunten
Publication au Moniteur belge de la variante bis temporaire du travail en équipe : implications et points d'attention
Hoe denken Vlaamse managers over de vakbond en sociaal overleg?
Wayward edges : a dissonant ethnography of protest on the streets of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
(2024) -
Transitional justice interventions in Sri Lanka : why do they keep failing?
Vijftig jaar Het beleid van de rechter
Vincent Sagaert, Matthias Storme and Arie Van Hoe (UGent)(2024) -
De andere kant van de maan : constructivisme, narratieven en (rechts)feitenvorming
De relevantie van het juridisch syllogisme vandaag : over heuristisch houvast en de paradox van de politieke macht
Banned : fishing in the data tax lake? A European, Belgian and Dutch perspective on the Legal Grounds Prohibiting Fishing Expeditions
Loot boxes as part of a layered platform ecosystem : a multidisciplinary perspective
EU member state support to Ukraine
Walking a thin line : a reputational account of green central banking
Carbon farming and the commission proposal for a regulation on a certification framework for carbon removals : a legal perspective
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Hormonal eligibility criteria in women’s professional sports under the ECHR : the case of Caster Semenya v. Switzerland
(2024) Sports and human rights : WSHR 2022. In Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Rights 10. p.95-123 -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Dede v. Türkiye
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Almeide Arroja v. Portugal
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Zöldi v. Hungary
The European Convention on Human Rights and European Union Law in the jurisprudence of the Belgian Constitutional Court
SCRIPT - scripting criminal processes : review and implementation of practical tools
(2024) -
Over het waarom, wat en hoe van crime scripting
(2024) -
Bestuurlijk handhaven : wat, waarom en hoe?
- Journal Article
- open access
U.Gent aan de eer (‘Econoom Gert Peersman toont zijn ideologische keuze: niet de miljardenbedrijven en beleggers, maar de gezinnen moeten betalen’)
Navigating identities in political news : towards a better understanding of intersectional gendering in news reporting on women politicians
(2024) -
How general is general strain theory? An inquiry of workplace deviance in Iran
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Towards legality and affect
Rape myths in the European Court of Human Rights’ non-refoulement case law on sexual and gender-based violence
Malevolent monitoring : dark triad traits, cyber dating abuse, and the instrumental role of self-control
Terms of use on the commercialisation of AI-produced images and copyright protection
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Portalis e o direito das gentes
- Issue Editor
- open access
Paysanneries et conflits violents = Peasantries and violent conflicts = Campesinados y conflictos violentos
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Introduction : repolitiser les paysanneries dans les conflits violents en Afrique et en Amérique latine
A three-legged race : assessing the functionality of consociational power-sharing with cabinet conflict-resolution data from Belgium (1979–2006)
Rethinking primacy’s effects : on creating, avoiding and filling legal vacuums in the national legal system
De toepassing van de Wet Financiële Zekerheden in de context van de collectieve schuldenregeling : analyse van het arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 11 april 2024
Wellbeing and collective grievances among farmers : the case of Flanders, Belgium
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Singing truth to power : transformative (gender) justice, musical spatialities and creative performance in periods of transition from violence
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Bedside manufacturing as the next step in personalized medicine : medical progress and legal challenges
In search of foreign influences, other than French, in nineteenth-century Belgian court decisions
Arzneimittelrecht : Vertrieb nicht verschreibungspflichtiger Arzneimittel über Online-Plattform
Neue genomische Techniken in der Pflanzenzüchtung : aktueller Stand der Regulierung
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Antecedents of corruption perception in Guyana
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Intentions to steal : how equal is the interplay between anticipated moral emotions and self-serving justifications across male and female young people?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Post-Soviet dependence with benefits? Critical geopolitics of Belarus’s and Tajikistan’s strategic alignment with Russia