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Probing the explanatory power of iconicity in language
SFL and learning Latin : on authentic reading and language awareness
Interiezioni e particelle
More than a simple intuition : towards a categorization of palaeographical features in Greek documentary papyri
Greek formulae in Coptic legal documents (7th-8th c.) : graphemic and linguistic adaptation vs. alternation
Ending your father’s novel : the case 'Theodora Dimova/ Dimitar Dimov'
Horrida Romoleum certamina pango duellum : J. Fr. Champollion’s Latin studies in the BNF manuscript NAF 20365
Introduction : modelling a long history of translation
Paul Lasker-Schüler and the troubled legacy of 'crip pedagogy' at the Odenwaldschule
How to do things with corpora : methodological issues and case studies on grammar
Torsten Leuschner (UGent) , Anais Vajnovszki (UGent) , Gauthier Delaby (UGent) and Jóhanna Barðdal (UGent) -
How to do things with corpora : introduction
Alea iacta est : insights from corpus semantics into the diachrony of the Latin passive
Clausal word order in the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis : an emerging V2 grammar?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
El marcador pragmático es que en el lenguaje juvenil madrileño : productividad lingüística y descripción formal-funcional
(2025) REVUE ROMANE. -
Does studying Latin make pupils smarter? Presenting the field of classical language impact studies
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Choosing is losing : emotional attenuation in foreign language decision-making
Social media (self-)governance? A mixed-method study on the content and drivers of work-related social media use
Selecting instruments for investigating L2 Swedish writing data of L1 Dutch learners across proficiencies
Mood and modality
Language variation (Post-classical Greek)
Verbal system (Hellenistic)
Formulaic language (Medieval Greek)
Tense and aspect from Hellenistic to Early Byzantine Greek
Dangling between diachrony, register and atticism : a language ecology approach to modal morphosyntax in Post-Classical Greek
Between dialogic and diachronic syntax : the insubordination of directive ὅπως in Classical Greek drama
The intersubjectification of vision as interactional thought : vision imperatives in Ancient Greek diachrony
The counterfactual life cycle : cyclicity, pragmatics, and modality
Correlating morphosyntactic stability, change, register and context of use in Post-Classical Greek : the case of insubordinate wishes
Going nominal : the Ancient Greek articular infinitive between syntax and context
Unraveling Post-classical (in)subordination : from syntax to context
The accessibility hierarchy in Post-Classical Greek between syntax and sociolinguistics
Atticist syntax : prescriptive norms on the infinitival complementation of μέλλω
Subordination and insubordination in Post-Classical Greek : from syntax to context
Klaas Bentein (UGent) , Eleonora Cattafi (UGent) and Ezra la Roi (UGent) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Phrasing crisis communication : how are distinct crisis response strategies put into words?
Towards a multimodal approach for analysing interpreter's management of rapport challenge in onsite and video remote interpreting
Motion in event structure
An Archaeology of the Bantu Expansion. Early Settlers South of the Congo Rainforest.
Peter Coutros (UGent) , Igor Roland Matonda Sakala (UGent) , Jessamy Doman (UGent) and Koen Bostoen (UGent)(2025) -
- Book Chapter
- open access
Socio-semiotic, multimodal annotation of documentary sources : digital infrastructure in the Everyday Writing project
Interjections in Hellenistic Greek
Alongside the text : Byzantine metrical paratexts in Gospel manuscripts from medieval Southern Italy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Latinity and modernity : cultural identities and transnational exchange in a globalizing world
- Issue Editor
- open access
Latinity and modernity : transnational perspectives
Guylian Nemegeer (UGent) and Christina Bezari (UGent) -
Leonard Cohen and world literature
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Toward an aesthetics of waste : the representation of social inequality and human rights violations in Francophone literature of the Indian Ocean Islands
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Admiring the Greeks with Roman eyes : F. A. Wolf, Quintilian, and the Latin roots of German philhellenism
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Stereohoax : a multilingual corpus of racial hoaxes and social media reactions annotated for stereotypes
Predicting vocabulary knowledge in adult L2 learners : the role of word-level variables across educational backgrounds
Purism and language change : ideological approaches and changes from above
Sources and methods for detecting language change from above and below in Post-Classical Greek and Latin
Epilogue : historical sociolinguistics and the classical languages
Kathy Acker’s sex negativity
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Humor and the law : laughter as critique/the limits of laughter
Saints in disguise : performance, illusion and truth in early Byzantine hagiography
Conceptual avant-garde writing in contemporary Flanders : Evelin Brosi's Thuis (2020)
The EMI content lecturer as a street-level bureaucrat : discretionary actions and coping mechanisms in micro-level language policy-as-produced
Fundamental frequency as an acoustic mirror of interpreters’ cognitive states
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Argument structure constructions in competition : the Dat-Nom/Nom-Dat alternation in Icelandic
English-medium instruction in international bio-science engineering programs in Vietnam : incentivization, support, and discretion in a context of academic consolidation
Pardon my French, Turkish and Arabic! How Flemish headteachers and teachers respond to multilingualism in the classroom
All click and no play? Game comics, comic games, and user agency
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Translating environmental memory in a natural history museum
Keats's 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer' and romantic (in)visibility
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The impact of a tier 1 intervention on fifth and sixth graders’ reading comprehension, reading strategy use, and reading motivation
Unstable affects and temporal complexity in two Doggerland novels by Élisabeth Filhol and Ben Smith
Participant role shifting in minority language institutional interactions : COVID-19 contact tracing telephone calls as complex spaces of linguistic non-understanding
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The many guises of productivity : a case-study of Spanish inchoative constructions
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Teachers’ voices on multimodal input for second or foreign language learning
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
L2 vocabulary learning in a mixed-proficiency community-engaged program : designing vocabulary instruction for college students
The auditory picture vocabulary test for English L2 : a spoken receptive meaning-recognition test intended for Dutch-speaking L2 learners of English
Linguistic annotation of Byzantine book epigrams
Writing feminism on the crossroads between England and Italy : the case of Lucy Re Bartlett (1876–1922)
Perspectivist approaches to natural language processing : a survey
Die tote Frau spricht : neurodiverse Sprache in Elfriede Jelineks Ulrike Maria Stuart
Necrodialogues and media : communicating with the dead in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Zoë Ghyselinck (UGent) and Elena Fabietti -
When the victims speak : necrodialogues in Selva Almada's Dead Girls
Long live the medium : transgressing the boundaries of authorship in Jean Cocteau's ‘Orphée’
- Journal Article
- open access
L'acquisition des voyelles nasales en français : une étude acoustique et perceptive sur la prononciation des apprenants néerlandophones belges
Latin placēre as an Alternating Dat-Nom/Nom-Dat Verb: A Radically New Analysis
Connecting intersubjectivity, politeness and stance with wishes in the Post-Classical Greek papyri
Seeing the (smaller and) bigger frame : framing Egyptian writers and documents through bilingual and biscriptal choices (4th – 8th c. AD)
The influence of Atticism on non-literary papyri : the case of θᾶττον
Quand le cinéma s’invite en classe de FLE : Que faut-il servir?
Revising the Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst : a pluricentric approach to diatopic variation in the grammar of Standard Dutch?
Mood and modality in Medieval Greek
Grammars of the Medieval Greek language
Orders in Medieval Greek
Roman Elegy in Late Antiquity: Maximianus (sixth century AD)
(2025) -
The forest and the trees : investigating groups and individuals in longitudinal second language English speaking development
De grenzen van het Nederlands in Suriname
Vedic śīyate ‘falls’: an atmospheric verb among the verbs of spontaneous events
Kratkie zametki o sanskritskix čeredovanijax i o prepodavanii sanskrita [Brief notes on Sanskrit alternations and on teaching Sanskrit]
Rewriting the history of the optative in the post-classical greek papyri and literary texts (III BCE - VI CE) : persistence, formulae and innovation
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Evaluating transformers for OCR post-correction in early modern Dutch theatre
Ole Schützler, Concessive constructions in varieties of English
He made is for his lord: the verbs fʿl and ʿbd in Dadanitic inscriptions
Phonetic reduction in native and non-native English speech: Assessing the intelligibility for L2 listeners
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Reviving a generation of forgotten Italian women journalists
The fragmentary Greek chronicles after Eusebius : edition, translation and commentary
(2025) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
La Difesa delle Lavoratrici (1912-1925) : the epitome of (socio)political commitment?
- PhD Thesis
- open access
The Poet–Monk Taixu and His Imagery World
(2025) -
Tijdschriften als dynamische knooppunten van naoorlogse vernieuwingsdrang : een analyse van het netwerk van De Stem en de relatie tot Ter Waarheid (1921-1924)
Relative clauses
Orthographic varation in the Papyri
‘Materie piacevolissime da leggere e utili da essequire’ : the introductory letters in Leonardo Fioravanti's Capricci medicinali
Gazing at the Venetian hub from a paratextual lens : an introduction
‘L'arte in prattica’ : reconstructing Orazio Toscanella's language ideology
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
'By consultation of elevated minds' : the role of paratexts in Giovanni Battista Calderari's comedies
(im)personalization in German and English negative online reviews : contrasts, comparisons, and cognitive implications
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Expressing and responding to customer (dis)satisfaction online : new insights from discourse and linguistic approaches
Robert Burns and book illustration
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
An Old Babylonian Ura 3 text from the National Museum of Denmark
Over dunne enkels en spillebenen : Natalia Ginzburgs Familielexicon
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Mijn vlakke land
Zichtbare herinneringen : De terugblik van Vásquez
Al-Jawāb ʿalā qtirāḥ al-Aḥbāb : een belangrijke historische bron, Syrische natievorming en de burgeroorlog van Damascus in 1860
(2024) -
Language testers and their place in the policy web
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
What prompts early childhood professionals to proffer advice to multilingual families? Investigating the association between language policy and perceived self-efficacy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Teaching to the track : grouping in reception education for Newly Arrived Migrant students
Noncausal/causal alternations and the rise of lability in Ngwi (West-Coastal Bantu, B861)
Far from the bookish crowd : using aspect-based sentiment analysis to analyse the 'layperson' literary criticism surrounding literary prizes on social media
Les pratiques cadastrales dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux et en Belgique, XVIIe-XIXe siècle : l'exemple des livres fonciers de la Flandre rurale
The applicative and the focalization of Event Location in Rundi (Bantu JD62)
Pluricentrisme in de praktijk : naar een methode voor de codificatie van grammaticale verschillen tussen Belgisch Nederlands en Nederlands Nederlands
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The influence of geographic variables in linguistic variation
La Donna, la grande guerra, e la creazione di un nuovo ideale di bellezza femminile
Juegos del español : iterative design, evaluation and implementation of games with a purpose to enhance parts-of-speech tagging in a corpus of European Spanish dialects
(2024) -
Paratexts, dissemination and the book market in early modern Venice (1500-1650)
Teodoro Katinis (UGent) , Claudia Crocco (UGent) and Ruben Celani (UGent) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Bruges as a multilingual contact zone : book production and multilingual literary networks in fifteenth-century Bruges
The various guises of translanguaging and its theoretical airstrip
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Towards an inclusive system for the annotation of (dis)fluency in typical and atypical speech
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The linear structure of narrative figures in the Saint Francis Cycle : a linguistic analysis
School actors navigating between implementor & arbiter : a qualitative study on the dynamics in multilingual schools’ language policy
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Investigar a partir de corpus de clases de español L2 con Sketch Engine y de manera manual : ejemplos de estudios sobre el léxico
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Microvariation in the second form of the infinitive in Campania : the case of the Valle Caudina
Écouter la bande dessinée
(2024) -
Literary translators in-between : an exploration of their self-imaging discourse and relationship to technology
Sull'etimologia indoeuropea del greco μωρός 'stolto'
The globalization of local indexicalities through music : African-American English and the blues
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The Ancient Greek Sophists in Emanuele Tesauro's Il cannocchiale aristotelico (1670) : Thrasymachus and Gorgias
Sterker dan Lord of the Flies: carnavaleske omkering in Jef Nys’ favoriete Jommekealbum [gesprek met Maaheen Ahmed over 'Kinderen baas']
Linguistic convergence in the European Parliament : a correspondence analysis of n-grams used by members of parliament and interpreters
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The acquisition of split ergativity : a longitudinal study on L1 Dutch learners of Hindi as a foreign language
Tragische (on)macht : ethische kwesties in twee tragedies van Sophokles
On soulsring worlds : narrative complexity, digital communities, and interpretation in Dark Souls and Elden Ring
(2024) -
Interpreters’ performances and cognitive load in the context of a CAI tool
Linguistic diversity : whose languages were used in the colony?
Revisiting Elegiac Older Age: Erasmus' Carmen de Senectute
(2024) -
- Book Chapter
- open access
Beyond given versus new : the proprial article in Old Icelandic
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Video games as mythology museums? Mythographical story collections in games
The effects of overhearing on vocabulary learning in ethnic majority and minority preschool children
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The effects of typographic enhancement on L2 collocation processing and learning from reading : an eye-tracking study
The influence of personality traits and game design elements on player enjoyment : an empirical study on gwaps for linguistics
(2024) International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14475. p.204-213 -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The genetic legacy of the expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples in Africa
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Reflexive morphology in the Kikongo language cluster : variation and diachrony
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Eye-tracking in vocabulary research : introduction to the special issue
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Ben Lerner’s novels and the syntax of collectivity
Egyptians hearing Greek : explaining non-standard orthography in liturgical texts from Thebes
Conversion versus coercion in the nominal domain : two phenomena at the lexis-grammar interface
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Uncertainty and the limits of narrative : an introduction
Authorial fictions, Phoenician paradigms, and the reception of Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Clitophon in the Lives of Galaction and Episteme
Beyond aspectual semantics : explorations in the pragmatic and cognitive realms of aspect
Beyond aspectual semantics : explorations in the pragmatic and cognitive realms of aspect
Astrid De Wit, Frank Brisard, Carol Madden-Lombardi, Michael Meeuwis (UGent) and Adeline Patard(2024) -
Women and Gender in the Middle Ages
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Syntactic language change in English and German : metrics, parsers, and convergences
Lindsey B. Green-Simms, Queer African Cinemas
Plutarch in the middle of a conflict between Epictetus and Favorinus
(2024) Plutarch and his contemporaries : sharing the Roman Empire. In Brill's Plutarch Studies 14. p.110-124 -
Flinging scrolls : poetic invective and epistolarity in Byzantium
'I learned it from my nonna' : constructing expert food identities in Airbnb’s 'Meet your host' bios
- Book Chapter
- open access
Noun phrase modifiers in early Germanic : a comparative corpus study of Old English, Old High German, Old Icelandic, and Old Saxon
Translation and big details : part-whole thinking as practice and theory
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Effect of a group-based narrative language training in typically developing Turkish-Dutch children
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Attitudes of teachers toward multilingualism, heritage language maintenance and second language learning at school
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Recontextualizing Nouvelle Vague cinema in Québec : Leonard Cohen, subtitler of Claude Jutra’s À tout prendre
Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʿAbd al-Ẓāhir
Lof op Homeros : boekepigrammen in Byzantijnse manuscripten
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Correlación de variables geográficas y variación lingüística a partir de un modelo espacial del Atlas Lingüístico-Etnográfico de Colombia
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Klinische meerwaarde van dynamisch onderzoek in de diagnostiek van taalontwikkelingsstoornissen bij meertalige kinderen
Stotteren bij kleuters : wanneer verwijzen naar een gespecialiseerd logopedist?
Attentional networks in bilinguals who do and who do not stutter : a pilot study
Spraakperceptie en aandachtscontrole bij bilinguale volwassen personen die stotteren : een elektrofysiologische en gedragsmatige studie
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Benchmarking zero-shot text classification for Dutch
Zielroerend geprikkeld door Prikkeltje, niet zomaar een gevalletje...
Sharing travel experiences on TripAdvisor : a genre analysis of negative hotel reviews written in French, Spanish and Italian
Literary translators and technology : SCOT as a proactive and flexible approach
Universal dependencies for spoken Spanish
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Phonetic and phonological research in Mai-Ndombe : a few preliminary notes on rhotics and double-articulations
In between Dutch and French : multilingual literary patronage of the Flemish nobility in the fifteenth century
Latin epigraphy and the 'Vulgar' Latin vowel system (ca. 250 BCE - ca. 600 CE) : a qualitative, quantitative (and statistical) study based on the inscriptional sources of the city of Rome
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Citizenship and social status in Miriam Tlali’s Muriel at Metropolitan
A competence matrix for machine translation-oriented data literacy teaching
The diachrony of the causal-noncausal alternation in Latin : a usage-based perspective
Anticausativization in Late Latin (200-600) : semantic, pragmatic, and sociolinguistic properties of its diachrony
Conceptual metaphors and the syntax of anticausativization : evidence from Latin
- Book Editor
- open access
Proceedings of the LREC-COLING 2024 Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD 2024)
Archna Bhatia, Gosse Bouma, A. Seza Doğruöz (UGent) , Kilian Evang, Marcos Garcia, Voula Giouli, Lifeng Han, Joakim Nivre and Alexandre Rademaker(2024) -
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
At the crossroad of cuneiform and NLP : challenges for fine-grained part-of-speech tagging
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Lemmatisation of Medieval Greek : against the limits of transformer’s capabilities?
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Is spoken Hungarian low-resource? A quantitative survey of Hungarian speech data sets
- Book Editor
- open access
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Nicoletta Calzolari, Min-Yen Kan, Veronique Hoste (UGent) , Alessandro Lenci, Sakriani Sakti and Nianwen Xue(2024) -
La gramaticalización de los futuros y condicionales en el navarroaragonés de los siglos XIII y XIV : una comparación con el castellano medieval
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Tania Porcaro, Esteban Salizzi, Juan Luis Martirén, Sol Lanteri (comp.), Fronteras : aportes para la consolidación de un campo de estudio Grupo de Estudios sobre Fronteras y Regiones, Teseopress, 2022, 339 pp.
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The wisdom of the cloud : an aspect-based sentiment analysis of professional and online literary criticism through the prism of four literary prizes
(2024) -
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Mỹky interlocutor exponence and the syntax of the speech act
Bear in mind : a comedy of errors
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Zwischen Gesellschaft und Staat : die Kategorie 'Ergänzungssprache' aus belgischer Sicht
De Grondwet als private metafoor in de Nederlandstalige literatuur
Too hard to handle? How Flemish teachers respond to ethnic diversity in the classroom
(2024) -
Internal communication
Documenting the sounds of the West-Coastal Bantu languages of the Lower Kasai region (DR Congo) : an integrated phonetic and diachronic-phonological approach
(2024) -
La spiegazione in italiano lingua straniera (IL2) : analisi di lezioni online durante il Covid-19 in Belgio
(2024) -
Essayistic tendencies in the performing arts
Conference interpreting in AI settings : new skills and ethical challenges
Taaltechnologie ontrafeld
Cynthia Van Hee (UGent) and Veronique Hoste (UGent)(2024) -
Hoe leert een computer taal?
Maatschappelijke implicaties en ethiek
Wat is taaltechnologie?
Waarom is taal zo moeilijk?
Automatische vertaling
Automatische tekstgeneratie
Sentiment- en emotieanalyse
Auteursherkenning en profilering
Zelf aan de slag
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Nationale variatie bij het gebruik van de rode en groene volgorde met het receptieve hulpwerkwoord krijgen
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Ricordare e capire il passato : il valore della letteratura per i Memory Studies
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Narrative form and negotiation in cultural narratology
How Sherlock Holmes can change through translation and adaptation : a case study of 'The Red-Headed League'
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The comprehensibility and appreciation of non-binary pronouns in newspaper reporting : the case of hen and die in Dutch
A call for methodological reflexivity in researching language testing and migration
Slow narrative across media
Marco Caracciolo (UGent) and Ella Mingazova -
- Book Chapter
- open access
Cosmic summaries and the ecological value of slow narrative experiences
Keynote : literary reception in the Digital Age
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Bergen en intensiteit : multisensoriële waarneming in A. den Doolaards reisproza
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Using state-of-the-art emotion detection models in a crisis communication context
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Exploring LLMs’ capabilities for error detection in Dutch L1 and L2 writing products
Prosodic features of quello in Informal Neapolitan Italian : data from spontaneous speech
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The introduction of sugarcane in West-Central Africa : insights from comparative Bantu word histories
Expressions du quotidien dans les littératures contemporaines de langue française
Adina Balint and Sara Buekens (UGent) -
El cambio de código multilingüe en construcciones diminutivas : datos de Belice