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Sapore and sapere : culinary imagery and the principle of Quaestio in the Allegory of Taste by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel
Reflecties : blikken op de Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
(2024) -
Reflections : views on the Collection Flemish Community
(2024) -
Erfolgsfaktor Rubens? Das Projektmanagement für den feierlichen Einzug des Kardinalinfanten Ferdinand von Spanien in Antwerpen (1635)
(2024) -
Lazzaro Bastiani : a catalogue raisonné in the light of infrared reflectography analysis
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Imag(in)ing Bairam : charting image of a Turkish festival in Picart and Bernard’s Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (1723–1737)
Extended characters : opera’s fascination with reconfiguring the character-performer relationship in the twenty-first century
(2024) -
Long live the medium : transgressing the boundaries of authorship in Jean Cocteau's ‘Orphée’
Goddelijk licht : James Ensor en Gustave Doré
The medieval Vitruvius
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
1874-1875 : the birth of a fashion heritage consciousness in France
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Educatief onderzoek in de kunsten : een praktijkgebonden en nomadisch perspectief
Critical Social Computing for Digital Design
(2024) Creativity in the Age of Digital Reproduction. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 343. p.61-68 -
Principle of masking : wall paintings by Thomas Schütte and Ludger Gerdes, circa 1977
The principle of variety and the significance of culinary motifs in Early Modern Antwerp Banquets of the Gods
Pieter Cristus en de post-Eyckiaanse schilders : archivalisch en materiaal-technisch onderzoek
(2024) -
Michelin’s illustrated guide to the battlefields of the Yser and the Belgian coast (1920) : guidebook, field manual or architectural compendium?
The Joycean Society, de Dora García : dar visibilidade ou figurar, tempo para ler e falar
Project Village = Project Dorp
Stefan Devoldere, Maarten Liefooghe (UGent) and Sereh Mandias -
De plechtige openingszitting van het Parlement van Mechelen
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
A deep active learning framework for crack detection in digital images of paintings
In het teken van stedenbouw : Jules Van Volden (1865-1941), architect in de schaduw
The métier of Olivier Theyskens : songs of innocence and experience
Birds of a feather flock together : of winged women, fashion and feminism
De middeleeuwse stoel van Sint-Lutgardis in Borgloon : een stand van zaken
Ergens in…Hasselt : relieken tussen Limburg en de wereld
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Of women who move forward : Sonia Rykiel’s ‘démode’
- Book Chapter
- open access
Against being born. On the works of Thierry De Cordier
- Book Editor
- open access
BABESCH Seventeenth Byvanck Lecture. Barbara E. Borg 'The True Burial Site of Peter and Paul? Christians and Jews on the Appian Way'
Vanessa Boschloos (UGent) -
Des soirées bien parisiennes : film projects
'The poetry of a room' : interior design and decoration
'C'est un travail noble' : fashion design
Een kunstwerk kan de wereld niet veranderen, maar wel onze blik erop
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
An exploration of artistic expressions of everyday peri-urban landscapes as a method of socio-spatial analysis in spatial planning
Rodenburg : een landschapsarcheologisch onderzoek naar vroege stadsontwikkeling in de Zwinregio (Aardenburg, provincie Zeeland, Nederland, ca. 300 - 1100 A.D.)
(2024) -
Blurry manifestos : Eshkol-Wachman movement notation and its militarised applications
Landkarte eines musikalischen Denkens : zum Nutzen der Skizzenforschung für das Fortleben der Aufführung von Luigi Nonos Prometeo
Hegemonie en historiografie : het documentaire film-essay als palimpsest
(2024) -
The art of making public : mapping networks of art mediation
De ideale schildknaap
Sterker dan Lord of the Flies: carnavaleske omkering in Jef Nys’ favoriete Jommekealbum [gesprek met Maaheen Ahmed over 'Kinderen baas']
Zelfs Griekenland staat in “den boek”: over Willy Linthouts ultieme Vlaamse familiestrip
(2024) -
O.-L.-Vrouw Oorzaak onzer Blijdschap van Tongeren : een middeleeuws fragment in omloop
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Hygrothermal performance of wooden structures in combination with bio-based insulation in future climates in Belgium
Village variations : modern projects and projections
The main extended character in Philip Venables's 4.48 Psychosis
(2024) -
The sound of a shared intimacy : a phenomenological research into sound(ing) and listening in performance practices
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Hygrothermal risk assessment tool for brick walls in a changing climate
The painter William Sheppard (fl. 1641-60) at The Hague in 1647
Fashion creation as an embodied practice : of the kimono, patterns and the space in-between
Sporting chance
Jan Burssens
Jos Verdegem en leerlingen (Pierre Vlerick, Camille D’Havé en Carmen Dionyse)
Roger Raveel
Spatial distribution of wind driving rain and drying on façades and associated hygrothermal response
Forum 63
Kunst- en Letterkring
Rubens in the age of mechanical reproduction : studies on reproducibility between 1877 and 1977
(2024) -
Vereniging voor het Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst (VMHK)
Galerie Jordaens
Galerie Elmar
Capital gains
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The environmental impact of circular building design : a simplified approach to evaluate remountable building elements in life cycle assessment
The future of wooden structures in combination with bio-based insulation
Productive misunderstanding in multidisciplinary design. The influence of different epistemic backgrounds on model comprehension.
(2024) -
Impact of the building airtightness and natural driving forces on the operation of an exhaust ventilation system
Spectacle buildings and baths
- Book Chapter
- open access
Perspective Chapter: The Illusion of Dystopian Justice as a Means toward Social Justice. K-drama’s Global Success Unveiled
- Journal Article
- open access
Bernard Picart’s controversial visual rhetoric: Theatricality in the Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (1723-1737)
Man Ray en mode
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
SAMiRA : a decision framework for hygrothermal modelling implementation in HAMalyser
Tentoonstellingen te Gent : de kunstkritiek van Raoul De Keyser, 1949-1964
Steven Jacobs (UGent)(2024) -
Raoul De Keyser : kunstcriticus, 1949-1964
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Integrating the energy performance gap into life cycle assessments of building renovations
Raoul De Keyser : early works : catalogue of paintings 1964-1980
Steven Jacobs (UGent) and Hilde D'haeyere(2024) -
Raoul De Keyser : early works 1946-1964-1980
Before Rubens : Titian’s reception in the Habsburg Netherlands c. 1550-1600
(2023) -
Weaving the past into the present : a collaborative artistic research with and on women rug-weavers in northern Iran
(2023) -
De Cinemawereld van Luc Peire in Ciné Monty te Knokke
Tactics & rhetorics : images of calculation models in architectural design
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Framing daily life in sprawl : Flanders urbanized space from a cinematic perspective
Invisible art or invented reality : key artistic strategies of Chinese socially engaged art in the 21st century
(2023) -
Essayer : walking as speculative methodology
Distributing the exhibition : Willem Sandberg’s exhibition catalogues for the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (1945-1962)
Een oeuvrecatalogus als onderzoekslaboratorium :
The future of sustainable agriculture : can smart farming bridge the gap between food security and climate action?
The spoils of modernity as a building set : playfulness in the work of Marcel Raymaekers, post-war Belgian designer and dealer in architectural salvage
- Book Chapter
- open access
Deep hanging outs, intieme huisvesting, knillers : een klein lexicon voor participatieve projecten
Strandjutter van de geschiedenis
Thuis zonder ramen
The laboratory of the future
Urban conditions on display : the case of the architecture exhibition 'Homeward, Contemporary Architecture in Flanders' (1999–2001)
Practices of commodification : the private mass housing development of Etrimo and Amelinckx (1924-1985)
(2023) -
De sensualiteit van het oudere lichaam : een gesprek met Joan Semmel
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Freeze-thaw risk in solid masonry walls : impact of climate change over Europe and the Mediterranean subjected to RCP 4.5
Woord vooraf
Inleiding : beeldhouwer van 'de nieuwe vrouw'
Introduction : sculpteur de la 'femme nouvelle'
Arleta Kowalewska, Bathhouses in Iudaea/Syria-Palaestina and Provincia Arabia from Herod the Great to the Umayyads
België als voorland van een open bouwcultuur : de jaarboekredactie in gesprek met de Brusselse bouwmeester Kristiaan Borret = Belgium points the way to an open architectural culture : the yearbook editors in conversation with the government architect of the Brussels Capital-Region, Kristiaan Borret
Introduction : temporary use in the swing between bottom-up and top-down
Ariadne and architecture : hesitation and instauration as architectural strategies
Verf op rollen? De rol van behangpapier in het Belgische interbelluminterieur
(2023) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Marcel Broodthaers : films on painting
Unfinished modernity : contextualizing Thomas Schütte’s Westkunst Modelle (1980-1981)
De roes van het reizen
Over de schenkende deugd
Ode aan de tussenruimte
(2023) Film-Plateau. -
A talismanic tunic with images of Mecca and Medina : pilgrimage, place and the body in Islamic ‘gunpowder empires’
The place of pilgrimage in talismanic shirts from the Islamic world
An inquiry into DeSingel’s architecture programme, focus on the 1990s
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Age-dependent prebiotic effects of soluble corn fiber in M-SHIME® gut microbial ecosystems
Visual argumentation in the illustrated art book : Robert Druwé’s ‘Rubens, Naam- en Jaartaltechniek’ (1944)
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Marx, mode en symbiose
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
'They have the power to shut the sky' : genre cinema and the politics that dwell beneath
Last dance : nuits disco à New York, par Bill Bernstein, photographe
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Thinking inside the box : tree-ring analysis, archaeobotany and historical documents reveal the authenticity of a remarkable 14th century chest made in Antwerp
Picart, Bernard, and the economization of spiritual life in the early eighteenth century
Theodoor Rombouts : virtuoos van het Vlaamse caravaggisme
The Unification of the Arts: A Framework for Understanding What the Arts Share and Why, by Steven Brown. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022
Cécile Asanuma-Brice, Un siècle de banlieue japonaise. Au paroxysme de la société de consommation
(2023) ABE JOURNAL. -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
From the Truth Commission report to the stage and the museum : the artistic dislocation of violence from the Ecuadorian chapter of 1983 to 2008
In situ analysis of paintings attributed to Greek painters of the Munich School
Raman characterization of lead-based pigment degradation : a combination of UV aging and laser-induced
Get to know the greens of Almada Negreiros mural paintings at the Maritime Station of Rocha do Conde de Óbidos, Lisbon : a multianalytical approach
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Bouwen voor de kunst in België : minder is minder
Jan De Cock
From concept to monument : time and costs of construction in the ancient world : papers in honour of Janet DeLaine
Simon Barker (UGent) , Christopher Courault, Javier Á. Domingo and Dominik Maschek(2023) -
Ad hoc baroque : Marcel Raymaekers' salvage architecture in postwar Belgium
(2023) -
Ad hoc barok : Marcel Raymaekers' hergebruikarchitectuur in naoorlogs België
(2023) -
Behoed ons voor een terugkeer naar blinde sloopwoede
The Absence of Mark Manders
Review of: Susan M. Canning, The social context of James Ensor’s art practice: Vive la sociale [Bloomsbury] London 2023
Percepties rond druggerelateerde interventies op muziekfestivals in België
It's the finance, stupid!
It's the finance, stupid!
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Data-based generation of residential floorplans using neural networks
Vrouwen en design in België
Katarina Serulus, Javier Gimeno-Martínez and Marjan Sterckx (UGent) -
Philippe Van Snick
Reading Cronenberg : a clinical approach to the psychoanalysis of film
(Re)mettre le passé à la mode : le 'culte de l’authentique' dans la mode française (1880-1900)
Vrouwen en design in België : een inleiding
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Do AIs dream of electric comics? Generative AI models, digital memory, and creativity
Waanzinnig in de verf : de serie ‘monomanes’ van Théodore Géricault (1791-1824)
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Articulating architecture : a speculation with the joints of choreography and architecture in Radouan Mriziga’s 55 and the Palais de la Dynastie (Brussels, Belgium)
Memling’s genius and locus : symbolists, travelers and tourists in Bruges’s St John’s Hospital
De levensloop en sociale omgeving van Hugo van der Goes
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
A twisted hand : affective iconography in Peter Paul Rubens's Adoration of the Magi
Ekphrasis in the cinema : Belgian and Italian post-war art documentaries as creative art criticism
La décoration monumentale : le décor des voûtes
- Book Chapter
- open access
Scales, skins, and carapaces in Antwerp collections
Lucien Hervé
A la recherche des maisons perdues : een bezoek aan de woon- en werkplekken
A la recherche des maisons perdues : looking for the lost houses
A la recherche des maisons perdues : une visite des lieux de vie et de travail
Scale models in the expanded field : the case of Dan Graham
Objects as friends : depression and photography in the work of Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys
Thinking inside the box : Zeichenkunst und Bilddebatte im 16. Jahrhundert
The dress makes the woman : Diane von Fürstenberg's feminism, fashion and politics
Venite et videte : come and see
Venite et videte : komt en ziet
Allerlei soorten vissen
The art of learning : illustrated lecture notebooks at the old University of Louvain
Ghosts from underground love
L’atelier comme nature morte : les intérieurs d’ateliers des artistes belges au XIXème siècle
Visual art and the reconstruction of the artist's gesture : phenomenological arguments for an alternative mirror theory
- Book Chapter
- open access
Mourning dress in the West, 1800 until today : codification, gender, and global perspectives
Une statique particulière : moderne (stand)beelden tijdens het interbellum
La femme nouvelle : veranderende vrouw(en)beelden
Pensées d’une femme : portret van de kunstenaar als auteur
La sculpture décorative : overstap naar de beeldhouwkunst en glaskunst tijdens de belle époque
La vie intérieure : een bezoek aan de woon- en werkplekken
La femme nouvelle : changer l’image de la femme
Pensées d’une femme : l’art de l’écriture
Une statique particulière : la statuaire moderne pendant l’entre-deux-guerres
La vie intérieure : visite des lieux de vie et de travail
La sculpture décorative : passage à la sculpture et l’art du verre pendant la Belle Époque
Moving horizons : agency, identity, and the poetics of women designers (ca. 1968–present)
- Book Chapter
- open access
Animating the Amsterdam Town Hall
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
From balnea to hammams : Late Antique bath design in Cyrenaica as inspiration for Early Islamic hammams?
Gender and self-fashioning at the intersection of art and science : Agnes Block, botany, and networks in the Dutch 17th century
A graphic soil sample
Nous ne goutons rien de pur : essai sur les courbes de Daphné, la vue et le toucher
- Book Chapter
- open access
Voor wat hoort wat, maar wat dan precies?
Het stilleven in België 1830-1930
From artistry to agency? Transactional architecture for the creative fashioning of the Antwerp suburbs in the early twentieth century
The Brick Screen : parametric approach to traditional Pakistani jali within the digital divide
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Improving hygrothermal risk assessment tools for brick walls in a changing climate
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Sensitivity analysis of traditional solid masonry wall to frost damage in North China
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Validation of building models against legislation using SHACL
Influential parameters for the environmental impact of circular versus linear building elements : case study of space dividing walls
Urban mining : availability of building materials in Flemish social housing dwellings
Methodology for dynamic simulations of energy use in multifamily buildings
The moisture transport interfaces in different brick construction types
Mitigating the effects of urban heat island on outdoor thermal comfort by urban geometry reshaping : a case study of Mashhad’s Vaez Tabasi street
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The crab at the end of the world
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Retrieving landscape : drawing(s) as key to the development of alternative biographical readings of Nanhai in the Pearl River Delta
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Layered authorship : the ghostwriters of Torhout = Gelaagd auteurschap : de ghostwriters van Torhout
Het verstedelijken van constructiegeschiedenis : de stad als assemblage van bouwpraktijken?
Rêves humides d’Amsterdam, coupures frileuses à Bruxelles
Philip Metten : five works
Bathing at the edge of the Roman Empire : baths and bathing habits in the north-western corner of continental Europe
- Book Editor
- open access
Anna Boch : un voyage impressionniste
Virginie Devillez, Stefan Huygebaert (UGent) and Wendy Van Hoorde(2023) -
- Book Editor
- open access
Anna Boch : een impressionistische reis
Virginie Devillez, Stefan Huygebaert (UGent) and Wendy Van Hoorde(2023) -
- Book Editor
- open access
Anna Boch : an impressionist journey
Virginie Devillez, Stefan Huygebaert (UGent) and Wendy Van Hoorde(2023) -
Book Tower images : visualizing Henry Van de Velde's Ghent University Library Tower
Steven Jacobs (UGent) and Charlotte Dossche (UGent)(2023) -
- Book Editor
- open access
From the scenic essay to the essay-exhibition : expanding the essay form in the arts beyond literature and film
Jasper Delbecke (UGent)(2023) -
Yvonne Serruys : beeldhouwer van de nieuwe vrouw
Marjan Sterckx (UGent)(2023) -
Yvonne Serruys : sculpteur de la femme nouvelle
Marjan Sterckx (UGent)(2023) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Inferring building function : a novel geo-aware neural network supporting building-level function classification
Petrus Christus : van Baarle naar Brugge in de voetsporen van Jan van Eyck
Pieter Cristus, zoon van Pieter, geboren in Baarle
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
‘Captains of industry’ of the metropolitan nexus : private mass housing development in twentieth-century Belgium
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Peripheralization through mass housing urbanization in Hong Kong, Mexico City, and Paris
A concrete state : constructing materials and building ambitions in the (Belgian) Congo
(2023) -
De rokers
Fashion photography at the Book Tower
Dirk Braeckman
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Spatial distribution of material degradation : can we predict spatial risks based on wetting and drying patterns?
Van privé naar publiek : de Alain Van Passencollectie verhuist naar de Universiteit Gent (vert. Michel De Dobbeleer)
Ukus slobodu : sastanak u okviru projekta 'CAN FOR BALKANS' u Leskovcu, Srbija (trans. Bratislav Zdravković) = A taste of freedom : the 'CAN FOR BALKANS' meeting in Leskovac, Serbia
Outwitting the Flemish past : Willy Vandersteen’s dealing with Brabant underdogs in Suske en Wiske’s ‘Het Spaanse spook’ (1948-1950)
Islands on Peninsulas? The Case of Ada Kaleh (as evoked by Andreea Tătărăşanu)
Titograd : oké, maar Sarajevo? De verhalen van de Winczlavs en de onfortuinlijke Van Hamme
- Book Editor
- open access
Sugar, spice, and the not so nice : comics picturing girlhood
Dona Pursall (UGent) and Eva Van de Wiele (UGent) -
Eye : Anne Collier (exhibition catalogue)
Liza Foley (UGent) and Paul McAree(2023) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Big brick hybrids : learning by building beyond the mandate
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Critical reflections on Cinema Belgica : the database for New Cinema History in Belgium
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Newspaper translators : a prosopographical perspective on translators of Russian literature in Dutch newspapers
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Laideur/désordre : jugement esthétique et représentation des campagnes urbanisées
The reliquary shrine of Saint Odilia in Borgloon (1292) : an iconographical reconstruction
Experimental research on the hygrothermal behaviour of natural insulation materials in wood frame walls : the effect of water infiltration on the drying potential and thermal performance
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
An insight into the green deteriorated paint layers of the maritime station of Alcântara (Lisbon) : an archeometric study
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Spatial distribution of material degradation : can we predict spatial risks based on wetting and drying patterns?
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
From simulation to practical guideline : the use and advantage of HAM-simulations for the conservation of heritage buildings in Havana, Cuba
- Book Chapter
- open access
Marble wall revetment in central Italy during the first century A.D. aesthetics and decorative effects
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Assessing the impact of climate change on historical buildings in Cuba
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Deriving practical guidelines using decision trees : what is the impact of climate change on hygrothermal risks in masonry heritage buildings in Brussels?
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Fit for purpose brick clustering for hygrothermal material properties : sensitivity to climate conditions
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
A comprehensive framework to select climate data for hygrothermal simulations : application on solid masonry walls in Brussels
Survival of the fittest : translations in periodicals aiming at the canon
De kunst van de vriendschap
Embracing home-making in displacement as constitutive to the fabrication of the city
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Financialized Berlin : the monetary transformation of housing, architecture and polity