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Employment of PhD holders: non-academic sectors mapped
(2023) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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De tewerkstelling van doctoraathouders : de niet-academische sectoren in kaart gebracht
(2023) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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Zijn doctoraathouders na het verlaten van de universiteit nog betrokken bij onderzoek?
(2023) In ECOOM Briefs -
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Are PhD holders still involved in research after leaving the university?
(2023) -
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Does intersectional collaboration during the PhD play a role for careers after the PhD?
(2023) -
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Speelt intersectorale samenwerking tijdens het doctoraat een rol voor de verdere loopbaan na het doctoraat?
(2023) -
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How satisfied are doctoral candidates with their academic career opportunities?
(2021) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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You have a PhD! What’s next? The career paths of PhD holders : ECOOM Brief 25
(2020) p.1-6 -
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Wat na het doctoraat? De carrièrepaden van doctoraathouders : ECOOM Brief 25
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Is de periode van doctoraatsfinanciering voldoende lang om het doctoraat succesvol te voltooien : de situatie in Vlaanderen
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Is the PhD funding period sufficiently long to successfully complete a PhD : the situation in Flanders (Belgium)
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How often do PhD students consider quitting their PhD? Findings for Flanders 2013-2018
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Why PhD students in Flanders consider quitting their PhD
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Life as it is : junior researchers at Flemish universities in 2018
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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PhD students and vigour : on bursting with energy, feeling fit and being enthusiastic about work
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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Mental health during the PhD adventure : findings for Flanders 2013 and 2018: ECOOM Brief 22
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How satisfied are PhD students with their job? A focus on Flanders 2013-2018
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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Het aandeel vrouwen in de academische onderzoekspopulatie in Vlaanderen
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Doctorandi en vitaliteit : over bruisen van energie, zich fit voelen en zin hebben om te gaan werken
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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Het leven zoals het is: junior onderzoekers aan de Vlaamse universiteiten anno 2018
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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Hoe tevreden zijn doctorandi met hun job? Een blik op Vlaanderen 2013-2018
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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Hoe vaak denken doctorandi aan stoppen met onderzoek? Bevindingen voor Vlaanderen 2013-2018
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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Waarom doctorandi in Vlaanderen denken aan stoppen met doctoreren
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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Mentale gezondheid en doctoreren : wat de cijfers voor Vlaanderen 2013 en 2018 vertellen
(2019) ECOOM BRIEFS. -
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- open access
The share of women in academic research in Flanders