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The future of metalexicography : reaching for the mesosphere
- Journal Article
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- open access
Corpus-driven Bantu lexicography, part 3 : mapping meaning onto use in Lusoga
- Journal Article
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Corpus-driven Bantu lexicography, part 1 : organic corpus building for Lusoga
- Journal Article
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Corpus-driven Bantu Lexicography, part 2 : lemmatisation and rulers for Lusoga
- Journal Article
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On the most innovative outer access structure of any Bantu dictionary: the lexique kikongo: français by Charles Polis (1938)
- Journal Article
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Lexicographie et enseignement de langues liées à l'immigration: note sur le contexte sociolinguistique de l'élaboration du dictionnaire finnois–lingala–français
- Journal Article
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Le dictionnaire de chimie en lingála pour les élèves de Kinshasa
- Journal Article
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Introducing a new lexicographical model: AlphaConceptual+ (and how it could be applied to dictionaries for Luganda)
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Digitizing the monolingual Lusoga dictionary: challenges and prospects
- Journal Article
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Pushing back the origin of Bantu lexicography: the vocabularium congense of 1652, 1928, 2012
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From corpus to dictionary: a hybrid prescriptive, descriptive and proscriptive undertaking
Problems of usage labelling in English lexicography
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- open access
A few words from AFRILEX
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- open access
'n Woord van AFRILEX
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Revolutionizing bantu lexicography: a Zulu case study
- Journal Article
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The Monolingual lusoga dictionary faced with demands from a new user category
Een digitaal compilatiecorpus historisch Nederlands
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- open access
A few words from AFRILEX
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- open access
'n Woord van AFRILEX
Compiling the first monolingual Lusoga dictionary
Volkslinguïstiek en dialectlexicografie in de zuidelijke Nederlanden
- Journal Article
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- open access
The lexicographic treatment of ideophones in Zulu
- Journal Article
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A corpus-based survey of four electronic Swahili-English Bilingual dictionaries
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Lexikos at eighteen: an analysis
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- open access
An analysis of practical lexicography: a reader (Ed. Fontenelle 2008)
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- open access
A few words from AFRILEX
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- open access
'n Woord van AFRILEX
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A new way to lemmatize adjectives in a user-friendly Zulu-English dictionary
- Journal Article
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- open access
The lexicographic treatment of quantitative pronouns in Zulu
- Journal Article
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- open access
Improving the computational morphological analysis of a Swahili corpus for lexicographic purposes
- Journal Article
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An analysis of The Oxford Guide to practical lexicography (Atkins and Rundell 2008)
- Journal Article
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- open access
Compiling a corpus-based dictionary grammar: an example for northern Sotho
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Dictionary writing system (DWS) plus corpus query package (CQP): the case of TshwaneLex
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- open access
Phonetics of EFL dictionary definitions
- Journal Article
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- open access
Do dictionary users really look up frequent words? On the overestimation of the value of corpus-based lexicography
- Journal Article
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Internationalisation, localisation and customisation aspects of the dictionary application TshwaneLex
- Journal Article
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From TshwaneLex to TshwanePedia: creating and flexibly maintaining online encyclopaedias
- Journal Article
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- open access
From TshwaneLex to TshwaneTerm: tailoring terminology management for South Africa
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The lexicographic treatment of the demonstrative copulative in Sesotho sa Leboa: an exercise in multiple cross-referencing
- Journal Article
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- open access
Online dictionaries on the internet: an overview for the African languages
Compiling a dictionary of an unwritten language. A non corpus-based approach
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Loan words versus indigenous words in Northern Sotho: a lexicographic perspective
- Journal Article
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- open access
Semi-automatic term extraction for the African languages, with special reference to Northern Sotho
- Journal Article
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The lexicographic treatment of days in Sepedi, or when mother-tongue intuition fails
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The concept of 'Simultaneous feedback': towards a new methodology for compiling dictionaries
The southern Dutch dialect dictionaries
Considering bilingual dictionaries against a corpus: do English-French dictionaries present 'real English'?