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Self-disorders in schizophrenia as disorders of transparency : an exploratory account
Pressure to not feel bad among (different-sex) romantic partners : prevalence, and correlates
In the mood : how sexual desire predicts and is predicted by romantic partners’ mood
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Ethnic microaggressions and adolescents' self-esteem and academic futility : the protective role of teachers
Self-disorder in schizophrenia : a revised view (2. Theoretical revision—hyperreflexivity)
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Temperament based personality types in community-dwelling older adults : a latent profile analysis
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Trait-dependent effects of theta burst stimulation after psychosocial stress : a sham-controlled study in healthy individuals
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Depressive symptoms in early adolescence : the dynamic interplay between emotion regulation and affective flexibility
Contamination fear and attention bias variability early in the COVID-19 pandemic
Migraine without aura
(2024) Migraine biology, diagnosis, and co-morbidities. In Handbook of clinical neurology 198. p.151-167 -
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Suspicion of ADHD by teachers in relation to their perception of students’ cognitive capacities : do cognitively strong students escape verdict?
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Neuropathic-like pain in knee osteoarthritis : exploring differences in knee loading and inflammation : a cross-sectional study
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The role of emotion regulation in perinatal depression and anxiety : a systematic review
Association of self-reported health problems and interpersonal violence in sport : a cross-sectional study in world-level performing athletes
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Identifying effective moderators of cognitive behavioural trauma treatment with caregiver involvement for youth with PTSD : a meta-analysis
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Optimism as a key factor in coping with the common cold
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Pharmacological treatment of pain, dyspnea, death rattle, fever, nausea, and vomiting in the last days of life in older people : a systematic review
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Basic psychological needs and suicidal ideation : testing an integrative model in referred and non-referred adolescents
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Neurocysticercosis prevalence and characteristics in communities of Sinda District in Zambia : a cross-sectional study
Nocturia in peri- menopausal women : the link between two common problems of the middle-age
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Effects of an incremental theory of the personality intervention on psychophysiological responses to social stress during the transition to college
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Norms for the Dutch version of the young schema questionnaire : adolescent in a clinical population
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Is chewing khat associated with mental health disorders? A scoping review of the content and quality of the current evidence base
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Reliability of an interpretation bias task of ambiguous faces and its relationship with social anxiety, depression, and looming maladaptive style
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Interplay between uncertainty intolerance, emotion regulation, cognitive flexibility, and psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic : a multi-wave study
On the impact of the genocide on the intergroup empathy bias between former perpetrators, survivors, and their children in Rwanda
The interplay between self-esteem, expectancy, cognitive control, rumination, and the experience of stress : a network analysis
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Characteristics associated with the discrepancy between subjective and objective executive functioning in depression
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Regaining control of your emotions? Investigating the mechanisms underlying effects of cognitive control training for remitted depressed patients
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Clinical guidelines for managing menopausal symptoms in women with (a history of) breast cancer
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Perspective-taking and intersubjectivity in oral narratives of people with a schizophrenia diagnosis : a cognitive linguistic viewpoint analysis
Assessing anxiety-linked impairment in attentional control without eye-tracking : the masked-target antisaccade task
The role of performance beliefs in the difference between self-report and behavioural measures of attentional control and their relationship with anxiety
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Associations between markers of inflammation and altered pain perception mechanisms in people with knee osteoarthritis : a systematic review
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Consensus criteria for chronic rhinosinusitis disease control : an international Delphi Study
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Flexible and digestible wood caused by viral-induced alteration of cell wall composition
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Estimated all-day and evening whole-brain radiofrequency electromagnetic fields doses, and sleep in preadolescents
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Management of post-acute COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation : EuGMS guidance
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Impact of new versus old International Children's Continence Society standardization on the classification of treatment naïve enuresis children at screening : the value of voiding diaries and questionnaires
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Development of Sinonasal Outcome Test (SNOT-22) domains in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
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Dupilumab in CRSwNP : responder analysis using clinically meaningful efficacy outcome thresholds
Factors associated with depression among prisoners in Mizan prison institute, southwest Ethiopia
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Eight items of the ruminative response scale are sufficient to measure weekly within-person variation in rumination
Association between knee inflammation and knee pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis : a systematic review
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Palliative care symptoms, concerns and well-being of older people with frailty and complex care needs upon hospital discharge : a cross-sectional study
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'Time does not heal all wounds' : sexual victimisation is associated with depression, anxiety, and PTSD in old age
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Partner perception of affective, behavioral, and cognitive reactions to voice use in people with Parkinson's disease
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Expressed emotion in families of children with and without autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy and down syndrome : relations with parenting stress and parenting behaviors
The development of Criterion A personality pathology : the relevance of childhood social functioning for young adult daily self-functioning
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Positive emotion in daily life : emotion regulation and depression
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The impact of COVID-19 measures on parent-reported restricted and repetitive behaviours in pre-school children with autism
Assessment of fatigue in postpartum women using patient-reported outcome measures : a systematic review utilising Consensus Based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) guidelines
Children's resilience during Covid‐19 confinement : a child's perspective : which general and media coping strategies are useful?
For there is nothing either good or bad : a study of the mediating effect of interpretation bias on the association between mindfulness and reduced post-traumatic stress vulnerability
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Factors associated with fatigue in hip and/or knee osteoarthritis : a systematic review and best evidence synthesis
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The impact of mental and somatic stressors on physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus : a diary study
Healthcare interventions improving and reducing quality of life in children at the end of life : a systematic review
Functional impairment, symptom severity, and overall quality of life in patients with advanced lung or colorectal cancer in six European countries : baseline findings from the ACTION study
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Changes in muscle morphology in female chronic neck pain patients using magnetic resonance imaging
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Hostility in medication-resistant major depression and comorbid generalized anxiety disorder is related to increased hippocampal-amygdala 5-HT2A receptor density
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A randomized controlled trial of cognitive control training (CCT) as an add-on treatment for late-life depression : a study protocol
Food for mood : experimentally induced negative affect triggers loss of control over eating in adolescents with low inhibitory control
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Unraveling prospective reciprocal effects between parental invalidation and pre-adolescents’ borderline traits : between- and within-family associations and differences with common psychopathology-parenting transactions
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Bridges over troubled waters : mapping the interplay between anxiety, depression and stress through network analysis of the DASS-21
Transdiagnostic vulnerability factors in eating disorders : a network analysis
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Interpersonal dynamics and therapeutic relationship in patients with functional somatic syndromes : a metasynthesis of case studies
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Menopause and sustainable career outcomes : a science mapping approach
Medical treatment in coronary patients : is there still a gender gap? Results from European Society of Cardiology EUROASPIRE V Registry
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Early detection of cervical cancer in western Kenya : determinants of healthcare providers performing a gynaecological examination for abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding
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Clinical correlates of rhinovirus infection in preschool asthma
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Local immune response to food antigens drives meal-induced abdominal pain
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The interrelatedness of chronic cough and chronic pain
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Burden of disease in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
Hormone therapy as a possible solution for postmenopausal women with nocturia : results of a pilot trial
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Dermatology life quality index in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis treated with Brodalumab or Ustekinumab
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A randomised wait-list controlled trial to evaluate Emotional Freedom Techniques for self-reported cancer-related cognitive impairment in cancer survivors (EMOTICON)
Coping strategy influences quality of life in patients with advanced lung cancer by mediating mood
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The prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 study (PICOV) in nursing home residents and staff : study protocol description and presentation of preliminary findings on symptoms
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Effect of single- versus double-layer uterine closure during caesarean section on postmenstrual spotting (2Close) : multicenter, double-blind, randomized controlled superiority trial
Negative controlling parenting and child personality as modifiers of psychosocial development in youth with autism spectrum disorder : a 9-year longitudinal study at the level of within-person change
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Predicting clinical outcomes via human fear conditioning : a narrative review
Generalized joint hypermobility and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, the impact on physical and psychosocial functioning
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Affron (R) and increase in positive mood : evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006
Characterizing nocturia among Belgian healthy postmenopausal women : prevalence, degree of bother, etiology and risk factors for nocturia
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Transition from childhood nocturnal enuresis to adult nocturia : a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Allergic rhinitis in childhood and the new EUFOREA algorithm
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Circadian patterns in postvoid residual and voided percentage among older women with urinary incontinence
Positionspapier : Empfehlungen zur Behandlung der chronischen Rhinosinusitis während der COVID-19-Pandemie im deutschen Gesundheitssystem : Empfehlungen des Ärzteverbandes Deutscher Allergologen (AeDA) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie (DGHNO-KHC) : Diese Empfehlungen basieren auf dem EAACI Positionspapier 'Treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in the COVID-19 pandemics : an EAACI position paper', Allergy, 2020 und wurden auf die Situation im deutschen Gesundheitswesen angepasst
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Real-life assessment of chronic rhinosinusitis patients using mobile technology : the mySinusitisCoach project by EUFOREA
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A 'dyadic dance' : pain catastrophizing moderates the daily relationships between parent mood and protective responses and child chronic pain
Supportive care for end-stage kidney disease : an integral part of kidney services across a range of income settings around the world
Does scapular corrective taping alter periscapular muscle activity and 3-dimensional scapular kinematics? : a systematic review
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Empowering children with ASD and their parents : design of a serious game for anxiety and stress reduction
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The interplay of parent and child coping responses in understanding child functioning in the context of living with a parent with or without chronic pain
Dupilumab improves health‐related quality of life in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis
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When negative interpretations persist, positive emotions don't! Inflexible negative interpretations encourage depression and social anxiety by dampening positive emotions
Prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints in urban communities in multi-ethnic Suriname : a cross-sectional study with the COPCORD methodology (stage 1, phase 1 and 2)
Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air (R) App
Rhinology Future Debates 2018, a EUFOREA report
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Burnout in healthcare workers : prevalence, impact and preventative strategies
Does a live performance impact synchronization to musical rhythm in cognitively impaired elderly?
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Attentional biases in pediatric chronic pain : an eye-tracking study assessing the nature of the bias and its relation to attentional control
Muscle recruitment during plyometric exercises in overhead athletes with and without shoulder pain
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Bilateral vestibulopathy : beyond imbalance and oscillopsia
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The psychometric properties of the Persian menopause rating scale
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Neurocognitive function, psychosocial outcome, and health-related quality of life of the first-generation metastatic melanoma survivors treated with Ipilimumab
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Social media use and well-being : a prospective experience-sampling study
Test strategies to predict inflammatory bowel disease among children With nonbloody diarrhea
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Allergic respiratory disease care in the COVID-19 era : a EUFOREA statement
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Validity, reliability and cut-offs of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 as a screening tool for depression among patients living with epilepsy in Rwanda
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Role of conduct problems in the relation between attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance use, and gaming
Surgical treatment of therapy-resistant reflux after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass : a case series of the modified Nissen fundoplication
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Distribution, prevalence, and severity of damages caused by nematodes on yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in NIssathme30igeria
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Effects of low and high FODMAP diets on human gastrointestinal microbiota composition in adults with intestinal diseases : a systematic review
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Pilot study on patients with Mal de Debarquement syndrome during pregnancy
Using a serious game to reduce stress and anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder
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Early maladaptive schemas and borderline personality disorder features in a nonclinical sample : a network analysis
The relationship between polypharmacy and trajectories of cognitive decline in people with dementia : a large representative cohort study
Decreased exercise tolerance in stage B heart failure : a shade of grey
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Measuring cognitive vulnerability to depression : further evidence on the factorial and predictive validity of negative cognitive style
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The relation between goal adjustment, goal disturbance, and mental well-being among persons with multiple sclerosis
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Regression in autism spectrum disorder : a critical overview of retrospective findings and recommendations for future research
The GALEN rhinosinusitis cohort : chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps affects health-related quality of life
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Stepwise approach towards adoption of allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis and asthma patients in daily practice in Belgium : a BelSACI-Abeforcal-EUFOREA statement
Patient- versus physician-reported outcomes in prostate cancer patients receiving hypofractionated radiotherapy within a randomized controlled trial
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Influence of health interventions on quality of life in seriously ill children at the end of life : a systematic review protocol
Therapists’ responses toward dependent (anaclitic) and self-critical (introjective) depressed outpatients : a multilevel approach
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Attachment and non-suicidal self-injury among young adolescents : the indirect role of behavioral problems
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Mediating mechanisms in cognitive behavioral therapy for childhood OCD : the role of dysfunctional beliefs
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Opioid, antipsychotic and hypnotic use in end of life in long-term care facilities in six European countries : results of PACE
Longitudinal assessment of patient-reported outcome measures in systemic sclerosis patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease : Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium
Couples coping with nutrition-related problems in advanced cancer : a qualitative study in primary care
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The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GALEN) rhinosinusitis cohort : a large European cross-sectional study of chronic rhinosinusitis patients with and without nasal polyps
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Maternal knowledge as a mediator of the relation between maternal psychological control and altruistic prosocial, instrumental prosocial, and antisocial behavior
Myoclonus-dystonia : distinctive motor and non-motor phenotype from other dystonia syndromes
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Management of insomnia in sleep disordered breathing
Vocal characteristics of school-aged children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
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Brain mechanisms underlying apathy
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Attentional disengagement from emotional information predicts future depression via changes in ruminative brooding : a five-month longitudinal eye-tracking study
Overnight urge perception in nocturia is independent of depression, PTSD, or anxiety in a male veterans administration population
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Does the use of digital media affect psychological well-being? An empirical test among children aged 9 to 12
Intergenerational transmission of attentional bias and anxiety
Evidence that the association of childhood trauma with psychosis and related psychopathology is not explained by gene-environment correlation : a monozygotic twin differences approach
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Association between feeling threatened by a terrorist attack and subjective health : a web survey a week after the attacks of 22 March 2016 in Belgium
Autonomic symptoms in patients with moderate and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Daily allergic multimorbidity in rhinitis using mobile technology : a novel concept of the MASK study
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Genetic and environmental influences on the affective regulation network : a prospective experience sampling analysis
Reciprocal associations between daily need-based experiences, energy, and sleep in chronic fatigue syndrome
Neuroleptic-free youth at ultrahigh risk for psychosis evidence diminished emotion reactivity that is predicted by depression and anxiety
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Quality of primary palliative care for older people with mild and severe dementia : an international mortality follow-back study using quality indicators
- Miscellaneous
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What treatments are effective for common cold in adults and children?
Dietary patterns and respiratory health in adults from nine European countries : evidence from the GA²LEN study
Nav1.1 inhibition can reduce visceral hypersensitivity
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Osteopathic care for spinal complaints : a systematic literature review
Pain distress : the negative emotion associated with procedures in ICU patients
Physical activity levels after treatment for breast cancer : two-year follow-up
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Temperamental factors in remitted depression : the role of effortful control and attentional mechanisms
The role of socioeconomic status in the relationship between detention and self-rated health among prison detainees in Belgium
The Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) score of allergic rhinitis using mobile technology correlates with quality of life : the MASK study
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A comparison of symptoms in older hospitalised cancer and non-cancer patients in need of palliative care : a secondary analysis of two cross-sectional studies
Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis : still unknown and underdiagnosed by physicians and especially by psychiatrists?
Suboptimal palliative sedation in primary care : an exploration
Thoughts and considerations of women with bipolar disorder about family planning and pregnancy : a qualitative study
Surgical management of degenerative meniscus lesions : the 2016 ESSK Ameniscus consensus
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Surgical management of degenerative meniscus lesions : the 2016 ESSKA meniscus consensus
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Depression-related difficulties disengaging from negative faces are associated with sustained attention to negative feedback during social evaluation and predict stress recovery
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Central poststroke pain : its profile among stroke survivors in Kano, Nigeria
Life after death in the ICU : detecting family-centered outcomes remains difficult
The parental emotional response to children index : a questionnaire measure of parents' reactions to ADHD
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Network approach to understanding emotion dynamics in relation to childhood trauma and genetic liability to psychopathology : replication of a prospective experience sampling analysis
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Unraveling the role of loneliness in depression : the relationship between daily life experience and behavior
An exploratory patient centric analysis of the ELECT trial : a phase 3 study of efficacy and safety of lanreotide autogel/depot (LAN) treatment for patients (pts) with carcinoid syndrome (CS)
Menopausal hormone therapy and cancer risk : an overestimated risk?
Investigating the reliability and validity of the Dutch versions of the illness management and recovery scales among clients with mental disorders
Antecedents of provided autonomy support and psychological control within close friendships : the role of evaluative concerns perfectionism and basic psychological needs
Alcohol hyper-responsiveness in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
End-of-life treatment decisions in nursing home residents dying with dementia in the Netherlands
The influence of induced shoulder muscle pain on rotator cuff and scapulothoracic muscle activity during elevation of the arm
Anodal tDCS over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates cognitive processing of emotional information as a function of trait rumination in healthy volunteers
Epidemiology and risk factors for tinnitus after leisure noise exposure in Flemish young adults
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Epidemiology and risk factors for leisure noise-induced hearing damage in Flemish young adults
Frequency and intensity of symptoms and treatment interventions in hospitalized older palliative cancer patients : a multicentre cross-sectional study
The efficacy and safety of onabotulinumtoxinA or solifenacin compared with placebo in solifenacin-naïve patients with refractory overactive bladder : results from a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, phase 3b trial
Parental autonomy-support and psychological control in eating disorder patients with and without binge-eating/purging behavior and non-suicidal self-injury
Pilot study of mobile phone technology in allergic rhinitis in European countries : the MASK-rhinitis study
The effects of rigid scapular taping on acromiohumeral distance in healthy shoulders : an observational study
Can we define and characterize the aging lower urinary tract? ICI-RS 2015
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The interplay between cognitive risk and resilience factors in remitted depression: a network analysis
The role of self-esteem instability in the development of postnatal depression: a prospective study testing a diathesis-stress account
Superficial and deep scapulothoracic muscle electromyographic activity during elevation exercises in the scapular plane
Gender differences in pre-event health status of young patients with acute myocardial infarction: a VIRGO study analysis
Mental health problems in young male offenders with and without sex offences : a comparison based on the MAYSI-2
Association between nonmedical use of prescription drugs and suicidal behavior among adolescents
Associations between depression risk, bullying and current smoking among Chinese adolescents : modulated by gender
Mortality from laparoscopic antireflux surgery in a nationwide cohort of the working-age population
Nurses' experience of maintaining their therapeutic relationship with outpatients with bipolar disorder and their caregivers during different stages of a manic episode : a qualitative study
High-frequency intimate partner violence during pregnancy, postnatal depression and suicidal tendencies in Harare, Zimbabwe
Effect of two isolated vocal-facilitating techniques chant talk and pitch inflections on the phonation of female speech-language pathology students : a pilot study
A multidisciplinary approach to clitoral reconstruction after female genital mutilation : the crucial role of counselling
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The heterogeneity of headache patients who self-medicate: a cluster analysis approach
Event rate and reaction time performance in ADHD: testing predictions from the state regulation deficit hypothesis using an ex-Gaussian model
Is there a need for early palliative care in patients with life-limiting illnesses?: interview study with patients about experienced care needs from diagnosis onward
Diagnostic accuracy of a novel method for detection of acute transmural myocardial ischemia based upon a self-applicable 3-lead configuration
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Nasal decongestants in monotherapy for the common cold
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Does comorbid anxiety counteract emotion recognition deficits in conduct disorder?
Scapulothoracic muscle activity during elevation exercises measured with surface and fine wire EMG : a comparative study between patients with subacromial impingement syndrome and healthy controls
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Should all acutely ill children in primary care be tested with point-of-care CRP : a cluster randomised trial
Blood eosinophils and World Trade Center exposure predict surgery in chronic rhinosinusitis : a 13.5-year longitudinal study
Biomarkers of patient intrinsic risk for upper and lower airway injury after exposure to the World Trade Center atrocity
Relative scapular muscle activity ratios are altered in subacromial pain syndrome
Are chronic neck pain, scapular dyskinesis and altered scapulothoracic muscle activity interrelated? : a case-control study with surface and fine-wire EMG
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An increased prevalence of self-reported allergic rhinitis in major Chinese cities from 2005 to 2011
EMAS recommendations for conditions in the workplace for menopausal women
Orthostatic intolerance and fatigue in the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Functional outcome after Ivor Lewis esophagectomy for cancer
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Phenotypic characteristics of Alzheimer patients carrying an ABCA7 mutation
Self-reported health status in coronary heart disease patients: a comparison with the general population
Insecure attachment and eating pathology in early adolescence: role of emotion regulation
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Towards understanding the child’s experience in the process of parentification: young adults’ reflections on growing up with a depressed parent
Promotion of an autonomy-supportive parental style in a multi-family group for eating-disordered adolescents
Acromiohumeral distance and 3-dimensional scapular position change after overhead muscle fatigue
Examining the role of psychological need satisfaction in sleep : a self-determination theory perspective
Knowledge, assessment, and management of adults with joint hypermobility syndrome/Ehlers-Danlos syndrome hypermobility type among Flemish physiotherapists
Phenotyping asthma, rhinitis and eczema in MeDALL population-based birth cohorts: an allergic comorbidity cluster
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Effects of Bifidobacterium breve feeding strategy and delivery modes on experimental allergic rhinitis mice
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Prevalence of allergic rhinitis among adults in urban and rural areas of China : a population-based cross-sectional survey
Symptomen en symptoom controle bij oudere palliatieve kankerpatiënten
Overeenkomst in symptoom assessment tussen oudere palliatieve kankerpatiënten, verpleegkundigen en naasten van de patiënt
The structured clinical interview for DSM-IV childhood diagnoses (Kid-SCID): first psychometric evaluation in a Dutch sample of clinically referred youths
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Prevalence and correlates of use of complementary and alternative medicine in children with autism spectrum disorder in Europe
EMAS position statement: The ten point guide to the integral management of menopausal health
The effect of parental loss on cognitive and affective interference in adolescent boys from a post-conflict region
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Internet-delivered cognitive control training as a preventive intervention for remitted depressed patients : protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Symptoms and toxicity of rituximab maintenance relative to observation following immunochemotherapy in patients with follicular lymphoma
Coping behaviours and post-traumatic stress in war-affected eastern Congolese adolescents
Identifying and describing patients' learning experiences towards self-management of bipolar disorders : a phenomenological study
Functional versus syndromal recovery in patients with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder
Collaborative care for patients with bipolar disorder : randomised controlled trial
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The impact of parental detention on the psychological wellbeing of Palestinian children
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Validating a decision tree for serious infection: diagnostic accuracy in acutely ill children in ambulatory care
Relations between parental and child separation anxiety: the role of dependency-oriented psychological control
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What's your motivation to be pregnant? Relations between motives for parenthood and women's prenatal functioning
Acromiohumeral distance during neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscles in healthy participants
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The prevalence of compassion fatigue and burnout among healthcare professionals in intensive care units : a systematic review
Nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescence : longitudinal course, trajectories, and intrapersonal predictors
Autonomic function in migraine patients: ictal and interictal pupillometry
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Training working memory to reduce rumination
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Severity of pediatric pain in relation to school-related functioning and teacher support: an epidemiological study among school-aged children and adolescents
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Health care professionals' reactions to patient pain: impact of knowledge about medical evidence and psychosocial influences
Herbal preparations for the menopause: beyond isoflavones and black cohosh