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The chicken or the egg? Causal inference in entrepreneurial orientation–performance research
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Successful strategic plan implementation in public organizations : connecting People, Process, and Plan (3Ps)
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Strategic planning through a cognitive and behavioral lens : strategic plan use, strategic consensus, and strategic voice
(2020) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
When a fire starts to burn : the relation between an (inter)nationally oriented incinerator capacity and the port cities’ local circular ambitions
Theme : Strategic planning that works : evidence from the European public sector
Bert George (UGent) , Anne Drumaux, Paul Joyce and Francesco Longo -
Strategic management in public administration
Entrepreneurial orientation and start-ups' external financing
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
New development : determinants of financial performance in public organisations
Designing value co-creation with the value management platform
(2018) Exploring Service Science. In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 331. p.399-413 -
Corporate governance and management incentives : evidence from the Scandinavian countries
Does strategic planning ‘work’ in public organizations? Insights from Flemish municipalities
Examining non-linear relationships in strategic planning, performance measurement and public service performance
(2017) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Unravelling the determinants of strategic planning effectiveness in public organizations : a strategic decision-making perspective at the individual and organizational level
(2016) -
The role of institutional dual embeddedness in the strategic local adaptation of international branch campuses: evidence from Malaysia and Singapore
JMS at 50: trends over time
Praktijkboek strategie: routeplan voor het ontwikkelen van een werkbare bedrijfsstrategie
(2014) -
A state of research on strategic management in the public sector: an analysis of the empirical evidence
Grande théorie et théorie intermédiare en stratégie: une perspective épistemologique
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Corporate decision-making in R&D outsourcing and the impact on internal R&D employment intensity
Business domain definition practice: does it affect organisational performance?