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Keeping the conversation going : rendering each other capable while creating zines
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Humor and the law : laughter as critique/the limits of laughter
- Journal Article
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A three-legged race : assessing the functionality of consociational power-sharing with cabinet conflict-resolution data from Belgium (1979–2006)
- Journal Article
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Contested discourses of a circular plastics economy in Europe : prioritizing material, economy, or society?
Revolutionary debtscapes : domestic territories of contestation in Tunisia
The (de-)politicization of black male bodies in American heavyweight boxing
Introduction: Transnational assemblages and the production of security knowledges : new perspectives on security governance in, and on, conflict and post-conflict contexts
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Investigating the scientific knowledge–policy interface in EU climate policy
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Three decades of EU climate policy : racing toward climate neutrality?
Internal conflicts in Roman-era Greek cities
Whose circular repair economy counts? Four competing discourses of electronics repair
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Personalization at different levels : intra-party competition and preference voting in local elections
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Participation and co-theorising : how stakeholder interests and scientific outputs clash in the Horizon 2020 multi-actor approach
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Hoe de betrouwbaarheid van informatie checken?
The double connection : towards a bi-directional notion of participation
The European Participation Index (EPI) and inequality : a multi-dimensional cross-national comparative measure of worker participation
African studies keyword : organic
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Strategies or opportunities : trade union's international quest for social justice
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Sustaining gender : natural resource management, conflict prevention, and the UN Sustaining Peace agenda in times of climate catastrophe
Rural radicalism and the tactic of third-party leverage : how acholi peasants drew a UN agency into their struggle against land-grabbing by the Ugandan state
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What’s love got to do with it? Badiou’s scene of Two through the lens of Lacan's formulas of sexuation
The EU as a global gender actor : tracing intersectionality in the European gender action plans for external relations 2010–2025
New visions, critiques, and hope in the post-liberal age? A call for rethinking intervention and statebuilding
Exploring approaches to equal and effective participation of governance actors in trans-local city food networks
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Early marriage/pregnancy among Syrian refugees in Jordan in light of reproductive governance and justice
- Journal Article
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History by commission? The Belgian colonial past and the limits of history in the public eye
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Translating Europe’s return migration regime to the Gambia : the incorporation of local CSOs
‘We are like in a jungle trying to survive’ ; navigating uncertainty by Cameroonian returnees
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At the crossroads between care and control : a cross-country comparison of assisted return
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Securitization and coping strategies of women sex workers in Tajikistan
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Beyond the humanitarian savior logics? UNHCR's public communication strategies for the Syrian and Central African crises
‘We are at war’ : reflections on positionality and research as negotiation in post-2022 Ukraine
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What makes populist messages persuasive? Experimental evidence for how emotions and issue characteristics moderate populist framing effects
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Literary neo-avant-gardes : historicizing the politics of form
Staying on top : political cycles in private bank lending
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Deliberative assembling : tinkering and farmer agency in precision agriculture implementation
She said this might be God’s way of taking care of us : family involvement in human trafficking
Legitimising detention and deportation of illegalised migrant families : reconstructing public controversies in Belgium and the Netherlands
Commentary on Urban Secularism by Julia Martínez-Ariño
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Policy coordination and integration in local government : perspectives on barriers
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Questioning Anglocentrism in plural policing studies : private security regulation in Belgium and the United Kingdom
- Journal Article
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Policymakers on social cohesion : contradictory expectations for child and family social work
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Power-sharing and the paradox of federalism : federalization and the evolution of ethno-territorial conflict in the case of Belgium (1979–2018)
- Issue Editor
- open access
Literary neo-avant-gardes : historicizing the politics of form
Lars Bernaerts (UGent) , Vincent Broqua and Sabine Müller -
Engaging with labour migrants : emigration policy in Tajikistan
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Donor-funded women’s empowerment in Tajikistan : trajectories of women’s NGOs and changing attitudes to the international agenda
Beyond narratives of conflict : modern medicine, reproduction and Catholicism in contemporary historiography
The truths of psychoanalysis
Jasper Feyaerts (UGent) and Paulo Beer -
Producing democracy in armed violence settings : elections and citizenship in Eastern DRC
- Journal Article
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A scoping review of the causes and consequences of fraud in sport
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Place-embedded agency : exploring knowledge-place connections for enabling plurality in governance of social-ecological systems
Conceptualizing morality policy : a dyadic morality frame analysis of a gendered legislative debate on abortion
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From resolving land disputes to agrarian justice : dealing with the structural crisis of plantation agriculture in eastern DR Congo
(Post-)crisis policing, public health and private security : the COVID-19 pandemic and the private security sector
- Journal Article
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Unaccompanied adolescent minors’ experiences of exception and abandonment in the Ventimiglia border space
- Journal Article
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Living at the edge of the capital city of Mongolia : capturing the socio-spatial aspects of Ger residents' the lived citizenship
- Journal Article
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Shifting senses of solidarity and belonging in the internal migration pathways of citizens in ger areas in Ulaanbaatar : a social work perspective
- Journal Article
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Women's blame, men's merit? The effect of gender on voters' evaluation of ministers' governing performance
- Journal Article
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Learning in, about and from the field? Symbolic functions of EU knowledge production on Central Asia
- Journal Article
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Institutional interplay in global environmental governance : lessons learned and future research
- Journal Article
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Framing China’s mask diplomacy in Europe during the early covid-19 pandemic : seeking and contesting legitimacy through foreign medical aid amidst soft power promotion
- Journal Article
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Agency and vulnerability in the field of immigration law : a linguistic-ethnographic perspective on lawyer-client interaction
On the emergence of anti-relativism in the EU's historical culture (2000-2020)
- Journal Article
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Beyond Derrida : fragments of feminist hospitality in residents hosting illegalized migrants in Belgium
- Journal Article
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In search of the invisible people : revisiting the concept of 'internally displaced persons' in light of an Ethiopian case study
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Hard worker versus pretty eyes : evaluating the numerical and substantive representation of ministers in newspaper articles
- Journal Article
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Democratising conceptual art : what about the spectator?
- Journal Article
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The genetically modified organism shall not be refused? Talking back to the technosciences
Cabinet conflicts in Belgium (1979-2018)
(2021) -
Nurturing the female body : notions of wellbeing in womb yoga
Foreign policy change : from policy adjustments to fundamental reorientations
The extension of the Belgian euthanasia law to minors in 2014
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Social justice-oriented narratives in European urban food strategies : bringing forward redistribution, recognition and representation
- Journal Article
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Does it pay off? The effects of party leadership elections on parties’ trustworthiness and appeal to voters
- Journal Article
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The European Union’s international climate leadership : towards a grand climate strategy
Resisting bare life : civil solidarity and the hunt for illegalized migrants
OK Computer? The digital turn in legal history : a methodological retrospective
From the social to the urban question : the pedagogical role of participatory arts practices in cities in transformation
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No man is an island : psychological underpinnings of prosociality in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak
Strategic narratives in China’s climate policy : analysing three phases in China’s discourse coalition
Lost in regulation : Nord Stream 2 and the limits of the European Commission’s geo-economic power
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Indicators and success stories : the UN sustaining peace agenda, bureaucratic power, and knowledge production in post-war settings
- Journal Article
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Power struggles in policy feedback processes : incremental steps towards a circular economy within Dutch wastewater policy
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Steps towards a European fiscal union : has the revised stability and growth pact delivered so far?
- Miscellaneous
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Transnational lived citizenship : the case of the Eritrean diaspora
Worlds apart? The World Bank’s business rankings and small entrepreneurship in Tajikistan
When IOM encounters the field : localising the migration and development paradigm in Tajikistan
- Journal Article
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Teachers’ perceived societal appreciation : PISA outcomes predict whether teachers feel valued in society
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
How about the female voice : evaluating the representation of Flemish ministers in newspaper articles
- Book Editor
- open access
Barricadepoëzie : lyrisch activisme sinds 1848
Johan Sonnenschein and Kornee van der Haven (UGent)(2021) -
Moving beyond coal : exploring and explaining the Powering Past Coal Alliance
Families on hold : how the context of an asylum centre affects parenting experiences
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Student politics and political violence in Bangladesh
(2020) -
The ‘affective liminality’ of young immigrants in Belgium : from ruly to unruly feelings on the path towards formal citizenship
Indifference and queer television studies : distinguishing norms of existence and coexistence
Conservation as a social contract in a violent frontier : the case of (anti-) poaching in Garamba National Park, eastern DR Congo
- Journal Article
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Towards a sustainable model of innovative work behaviors’ enhancement : the mediating role of employability
- Journal Article
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Collective identities and the integration of core state powers : introduction to the special issue
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
The structure of mercantile communities in the Roman world : how open were Roman trade networks?
- Journal Article
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Challenges in turning a great idea into great health policy : the case of integrated care
- Journal Article
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A transition in the Dutch wastewater system? : The struggle between discourses and with lock-ins
Livable streets? Green gentrification and the displacement of longtime residents in Ghent, Belgium
- Journal Article
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Introduction : ethnographic perspectives on the state in Bangladesh
- Journal Article
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Labour-power and bossing : local leadership formation and the party-state in 'middle' Bangladesh
Social work research and human rights : where do we go from here?
Politics and banking in Russia : the rise of Putin
The failure of gender equality initiatives in academia : exploring defensive institutional work in Flemish universities
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Covid-19 and the politics of sustainable energy transitions
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Paradigm shift or reinventing the wheel? Towards a research agenda on change and continuity in EU development policy
From fast-track implementation to livelihood deterioration : the dam-based Ribb Irrigation and Drainage Project in Northwest Ethiopia
- Journal Article
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- open access
Politics of Non-Motherhood in Shi’a Islam: Imagery and Narratives around Lady Fatemeh-Masoumeh of Qom
Legal-discursive constructions of genuine cross-border love in Belgian marriage fraud investigations
Revisiting colonial legacies in knowledge production on customary authority in Central and East Africa
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Post-socialist urban futures : decision-making dynamics behind large-scale urban waterfront development in Belgrade and Bratislava
- Journal Article
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A new school in the study of India?
Theatricality : a dramatic form of contesting spectatorial codes
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Local positionality in the production of knowledge in Northern Uganda
Governmentality and the climate-development nexus : the case of the EU global climate change alliance
Everyday resistance : exposing the complexities of participatory slum-upgrading projects in Nagpur
The female body as the bearer of national identity in Iran : a critical discourse analysis of the representation of women's bodies in official online outlets
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Brexit and the EU in global climate governance
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Parliamentary involvement, party ideology and majority-opposition bargaining : Belgian participation in multinational military operations
- Journal Article
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Preparing for the new oil order? Saudi Arabia and Russia
Rebel rule : a governmentality perspective
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Refugee organizations’ public communication : conceptualising and exploring new avenues for an underdeveloped research subject
The European Union : organised crime policies, politics and the EU
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Archived voices, acoustic traces, and the reverberations of Kurdish history in modern Turkey
The usefulness of reintegration support : the dual perspectives of returnees and caseworkers
Uncertainty in situations of forced displacement : a critical interpretative synthesis of refugee literature
Keeping financialisation under the radar : Brussels Airport, Macquarie Bank and the Belgian politics of privatised infrastructure
Subversive humanitarianism : rethinking refugee solidarity through grass-roots initiatives
Elusive centres of a Balkan city : Skopje between undesirable and reluctant heritage
'Shouldn't you be teaching me?' State mimicry in the Congo
‘That pungent question of authorship’: the reception of the sculpture of Marie d’Orléans in La Mode in 1838
La chaîne des dames : a woman artist's networking in Paris in the first half of the twentieth century
National behaviour in multilateral military operations
Burden sharing in CSDP military operations
The political materialities of borders : new theoretical directions
Olga Demetriou and Rozita Dimova (UGent) -
Migrants, mobile worlding and city-making : exploring the trans-urban circulation and interconnectedness of diasporic world-making practices
- Journal Article
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‘Strasbourg was something new, it was an adventure’ : a history of the Belgian cases before the European Court of Human Rights in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s
- Miscellaneous
- open access
How do Flemish politicians talk about migration? A study on the political framing of migration in Belgium 2016-2018
(2018) -
Public authority and conservation in areas of armed conflict : Virunga National Park as a ‘State within a State’ in Eastern Congo
Confronting the colonial : the (re)production of ‘African’ exceptionalism in critical security and military studies
- Journal Article
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- open access
Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex
L’affaire Cumont et idéologies et politique académique à l’université de Gand au cours de la crise moderniste
Between tags & guns : fragmentations of public authority around eastern Congo's artisanal 3T mines
- Journal Article
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- open access
The traps of international scripts : making a case for a critical anthropology of gender and sexuality in development
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- open access
WK Rusland: 'Een cliché zegt meer dan duizend woorden'
Light, dark, and the powers that be : a hydroelectric project in Butembo (DR Congo)
NATO burden sharing in Libya : a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis
Spatial perspectives on knowledge brokers : evidence from Brussels
- Journal Article
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Transport policy in Belgium : translating sustainability discourses into unsustainable outcomes
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Is the governing coalition a strategic coalition? Analysing the relationship between political group characteristics, strategic plan quality and strategic consensus
(2017) -
An analysis of media framing of and by Cannabis Social Clubs in Belgium : making the news?
Between humanitarian assistance and migration management : on civil actors’ role in voluntary return from Belgium
Платонов и скифство
Dynamics of the North-South capital flows or rise of South-South land deals? : features of land acquisition in Ethiopia
Cows and guns : cattle-related conflict and armed violence in Fizi and Itombwe, eastern DR Congo
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Higher education governance and policy : an introduction to multi-issue, multi-level, and multi-actor dynamics
Sport policy systems and sport federations : a cross-national perspective
Jeroen Scheerder, Annick Willem (UGent) and Elien Claes(2017) -
Brokers of crisis : the everyday uncertainty of Eastern Congo's mineral négociants
The 'Anglophone crisis' : a tale of the Cameroonian postcolony
When technology is more than instrumental : how ethical concerns in EU agriculture co-evolve with the development of GM crops
Let us save China : Gertrude Stein and politics
The European Union in the G20 : what role for small states?
Learning organization modelling patterns
Players' perspectives on the positive impact of video games: a qualitative content analysis of online forum discussions
The impact of public branding: an experimental study on the effects of branding policy on citizen trust
The DAC is dead, long live the DCF? A comparative analysis of the OECD development assistance committee and the UN development cooperation forum
- Journal Article
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- open access
Four perspectives of sustainability applied to the local food strategy of Ghent (Belgium) : need for a cycle of democratic participation?
Selling green militarization : the discursive (re)production of militarized conservation in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Disentangling media effects : the impact of short-term and long-term news coverage on Belgian emergency assistance
Flemish diamond or ABC-axis?: the spatial structure of the Belgian metropolitan area
Different farming styles behind the homogenous soy production in southern Brazil
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Taking context into account in urban agriculture governance : case studies of Warsaw (Poland) and Ghent (Belgium)
Questioning the state-rebel divide in Mindanao: a comparative analysis of north Cotabato and Compostela Valley province
EU trade policy : persistent liberalisation, contentious protectionism
In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister: China und die politisch-gesellschaftliche Lage des Schriftstellers
Helden van hier? Een kritisch geïnspireerde kwalitatieve inhoudsanalyse naar de Vlaamse krantenberichtgeving over westerse en niet-westerse hulpagentschappen tijdens tyfoon Haiyan (2013)
- Journal Article
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- open access
Subversief mediagebruik in hedendaagse activistische kunst
- Journal Article
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Taxation, stateness and armed groups : public authority and resource extraction in eastern Congo
Learning how to squat : cooperation and conflict between refugees and natives in Rome
- Journal Article
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Unravelling the (post-)political in transition management : interrogating pathways towards sustainable change
- Journal Article
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Greening the economy or economizing the green project? : when environmental concerns are turned into a means to save the market
- Journal Article
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New voices, new media : class consciousness, sex, and politics in online Nigerian and Kenyan poetry
The rise and fall of nodding syndrome in public discourse: an analysis of newspaper coverage in Uganda
Trauma, ethics and the political beyond PTSD: the dislocations of the real
(2016) -
Once a member, always a member? Assessing the importance of time in the relationship between the European Union and the Development Assistance Committee
Ruined futures: managing instability in post-earthquake Van (Turkey)
Identifying rights-holders in natural resource regimes : a critical assessment of the Peruvian protected areas legislation
Cleavage, ideology and identity: explaining the linkage between representatives and interest groups
Particularizing the Universal: Dave Eggers Writes Human Rights
Min(d)ing the land: the relationship between artisanal and small-scale mining and surface land arrangements in the southern Philippines, eastern DRC and Liberia
Aragonese tiles in a Flemish castle: a chivalric gift-exchange network in fifteenth-century Europe
Choosing coalition partners in Belgian local government
Your place or mine? Institutional capture and the creation of overlapping international institutions
Decentralization, institutional ambiguity, and mineral resource conflict in Mindanao, Philippines
- Journal Article
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Transnational land deals: towards an inclusive land governance framework
Catholicism and Fascism in Europe 1918-1945
Jan Nelis (UGent) , anne morelli and Danny Praet (UGent)(2015) -
Undermining the State? Informal mining and trajectories of State formation in Eastern Mindanao, Philippines
Ghent's Red-Light district in comparative perspective
Triangular politics: Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and Elisabeth de Gramont
The lived experiences of migrants in detention
Post-Islamism, ideological evolution and 'la tunisianité' of the Tunisian Islamist party al-Nahda
Nemogući identitet i nestabinost reprezentacionih formi
The land that disappeared: forceful occupation, disputes and the negotiation of Landlord power in a Bangladeshi Bastee
Formalising land rights based on customary tenure : community delimitation and women's access to land in central Mozambique
Donner corps au 'Nouveau Rwanda' : danse et reconstruction post-génocidaire
- Book Chapter
- open access
Law is politics and often also policy
- Journal Article
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Navigating between stealth advocacy and unconscious dogmatism : the challenge of researching the norms, politics and power of global health
- Book Chapter
- open access
Religion in the Yugoslav successor states at the beginning of the twenty-first century
Democratic contributions to UN peacekeeping operations: a two-step fuzzy set analysis of UNIFIL II
Het gevaar van een leesgroep in Angola
Mechanisms of informal governance: evidence from the IEA
Jiang Qing, A Confucian constitutional order : how China's ancient past can shape its political future
Geographies of whiteness and wealth : white, middle class discourses on segregation and social mix in Flanders, Belgium
Epistemic and technological determinism in development aid
Geschiedenis van het publiekrecht en van de politiek
(2014) -
Intersecting interregionalism: regions, global governance and the EU
Francis Baert (UGent) , Tiziana Scaramagli and Fredrik Söderbaum(2014) 7. -
- Book Editor
- open access
(2014) 1. -
Introduction: intersecting interregionalism
Goodbye hero!
Transfeminists and transmigrants perspectives in Europe
- Book Chapter
- open access
Goodbye hero!
Goodbye hero!
Challenging domination by means of translation: the Spanish civil war and the creation of a canon
The European commission's implementation of budget support and the Governance Incentive Tranche in Ethiopia: democracy promoter or developmental donor?
Beyond economic partnership agreements: the European Union and the trade–development nexus
The translation of political taboos during the Franco regime: the publication of the Spanish civil war
The process of rescaling interests in the Belgian context : the impact of regional governmental strength
Credibility of fiscal policy and politics: an empirical assessment (Chinese version)
Artistic strategies of engagement: hampering neo-liberal silencing of dissensus art
Credibility of fiscal policy and politics: an empirical assessment
‘This pasture is ours since ancient times’ : an ethnographic analysis of the reduction in conflicts along the post-1991 Afar-Tigray regional boundary
Laozi Benyi: a political philosophy for the last phase of time
- Journal Article
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(De)politicising the local : the case of the Transition Towns movement in Flanders (Belgium)
Power, public opinion, right of rebellion and/or revolution in the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: deconstructing the radicality of Spinoza's political thought
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Gender and diversity : what's at stake?
(Un)dead and (un)buried from Antigone to Bradley Manning
(2014) -
The European commission's neoliberal trade discourse since the crisis: legitimizing continuity through subtle discursive change
- Journal Article
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Félicie de Fauveau. L’amazone de la sculpture (1801-1886)
- Journal Article
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Thanatological pluralism and the epistemic openness of 'death'
L'Etat bourguignon, un Etat inventeur ou les limites de l'invention
- Book Editor
- open access
Intuitu fidelis servitii sui
Filip Van Tricht (UGent) and Els De Paermentier (UGent)(2013) -
IMF reform after the crisis
God and Caesar in the democratic republic of Congo: negotiating church-state relations through the management of school fees in Kinshasa's Catholic schools
- Journal Article
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The intergenerational transmission of need for closure underlies the transmission of authoritarianism and anti-immigrant prejudice
- Journal Article
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Insights from global environmental governance
Borderlands, identity and urban development: the case of Goma (Democratic Republic of the Congo)