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Asymptotic estimates for the growth of deformed Hankel transform by modulus of continuity
Partial decomposition of nonlinear Euler–Lagrange equations with a state transform
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A note on best constants for weighted integral Hardy inequalities on homogeneous groups
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Wave equation for Sturm-Liouville operator with singular potentials
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Modeling of a catalytic fluidized bed reactor via coupled CFD-DEM with MGM : from intra-particle scale to reactor scale
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Discrete Weierstrass transform : generalisations
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On the number of subproblem iterations per coupling step in partitioned fluid‐structure interaction simulations
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Weighted radial basis collocation method for large deformation analysis of rubber-like materials
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Artificial neural network and YUKI algorithm for notch depth prediction in X70 steel specimens
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Decomposition of pointwise finite-dimensional 𝕊1 persistence modules
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Smoothing and Strichartz estimates for degenerate Schrödinger-type equations
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A gradient reproducing kernel based stabilized collocation method for the 5th order Korteweg-de Vries equations
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Fujita-type results for the degenerate parabolic equations on the Heisenberg groups
L-p-bounds for Fourier integral operators on the torus
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An introduction to adversarially robust deep learning
Chiral liquid crystal flat optics devices for optical components and augmented reality displays
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VariantscanR : an R-package as a clinical tool for variant filtering of known phenotype-associated variants in domestic animals
- Journal Article
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Two-Scale analysis of fretting fatigue crack initiation in heterogeneous materials using Continuum Damage Mechanics
- Journal Article
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An L1 type difference/Galerkin spectral scheme for variable-order time-fractional nonlinear diffusion-reaction equations with fixed delay
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Theoretical and numerical aspects for the longtime behavior of nonlinear delay time Caputo fractional reaction-diffusion equations
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Multisite assessment of reproducibility in high‐content cell migration imaging data
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L2-Lp estimates and Hilbert–Schmidt pseudo differential operators on the Heisenberg motion group
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Improved node and arc multiplicity estimation in de Bruijn graphs using approximate inference in conditional random fields
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Quasi-Newton methods for partitioned simulation of fluid-structure interaction reviewed in the generalized Broyden framework
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Degree 2 Boolean functions on Grassmann graphs
- Journal Article
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Embedded antipodal planes and the minimum weight of the dual code of points and lines in projective planes of order p^2
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Inverted resonance capture cascade: modal interactions of a nonlinear energy sink with softening stiffness
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Minimal codewords arising from the incidence of points and hyperplanes in projective spaces
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Effect of biomaterial stiffness on cardiac mechanics in a biventricular infarcted rat heart model with microstructural representation of in situ intramyocardial injectate
Tailored nonlinear stiffness and geometric damping : applied to a bistable vibration absorber
Experimental study of adaptive course controllers with nonlinear modulators for surface ships in shallow water
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Estimation of fretting fatigue lifetime in heterogeneous material based on microstructure characterization and multi-scale homogenization
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Distributed sliding-mode cloud predictive formation control of networked multi-agent systems with application to air-bearing spacecraft simulators
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Lyapunov exponents of multi-state cellular automata
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Logic reasoning under data veracity concerns
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A small sample correction for factor score regression
- Journal Article
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ETF Basket-Adjusted Covariance estimation
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First-break-heuristically-schedule : constructing highly-constrained sports timetables
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Ensuring valid inference for cox hazard ratios after variable selection
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Control of the Cauchy problem on Hilbert spaces : a global approach via symbol criteria
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Symmetry of positive solutions for lane-emden systems involving the logarithmic Laplacian
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Qualitative properties of solutions to a nonlinear time-space fractional diffusion equation
- Journal Article
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Some results on k-critical P5-free graphs
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Audio event-relational graph representation learning for acoustic scene classification
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Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to fractional single-phase-lag heat equation
- Journal Article
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A stochastic mobility-driven spatially explicit SEIQRD COVID-19 model with VOCs, seasonality, and vaccines
Proximal mediation analysis
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Sub-diffusion equations with Mittag-Leffler nonlinearity
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Quantitative analysis of the correlation between geometric parameters of pits and stress concentration factors for a plate subject to uniaxial tensile stress
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Machine learning-based orthotropic stiffness identification using guided wavefield data
Revisiting Ziegler–Nichols : a fractional order approach
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On the existence and uniqueness of solutions to a nonlinear variable order time-fractional reaction–diffusion equation with delay
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Breaking the decisional Diffie–Hellman problem for class group actions using genus theory : extended version
- Journal Article
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The weight distributions of linear sets in PG(1,q5)
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Liquid injection in a fluidised bed : temperature uniformity
- Journal Article
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Kinetic study of thermocatalytic decomposition of methane over nickel supported catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor
- Journal Article
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Existence and non-existence of global solutions for semilinear heat equations and inequalities on sub-Riemannian manifolds, and Fujita exponent on unimodular Lie groups
- Journal Article
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Hardy, weighted Trudinger-Moser and Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type inequalities on Riemannian manifolds with negative curvature
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A comparison principle for higher order nonlinear hypoelliptic heat operators on graded Lie groups
- Journal Article
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Functional connectivity–based prediction of global cognition and motor function in riluzole-naive amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients
- Journal Article
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FragGeneScanRs : faster gene prediction for short reads
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Higgledy-piggledy sets in projective spaces of small dimension
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A variational approach for accurate prediction of stress and displacement fields and thermo-elastic constants in general symmetric laminates containing ply cracking and delamination under general triaxial loading
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On a reconstruction of a solely time-dependent source in a time-fractional diffusion equation with non-smooth solutions
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A solely time-dependent source reconstruction in a multiterm time-fractional order diffusion equation with non-smooth solutions
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A full discretization for the saddle-point approach of a degenerate parabolic problem involving a moving body
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Finite element method for the reconstruction of a time-dependent heat source in isotropic thermoelasticity systems of type-III
Regularity of solutions to a Vekua-type equation on compact Lie groups
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Neumaier graphs with few eigenvalues
- Journal Article
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Critical Gagliardo–Nirenberg, Trudinger, Brezis–Gallouet–Wainger inequalities on graded groups and ground states
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Well-posedness of Tricomi–Gellerstedt–Keldysh-type fractional elliptic problems
- Journal Article
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Uniqueness for inverse source problems of determining a space-dependent source in thermoelastic systems
On boundary value problems of the Samarskii–Ionkin type for the Laplace operator in a ball
Lyapunov, Hartman-Wintner and De La Vallée Poussin-type inequalities for fractional elliptic boundary value problems
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Markovian imprecise jump processes : extension to measurable variables, convergence theorems and algorithms
- Journal Article
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Fourier multipliers for Triebel–Lizorkin spaces on compact Lie groups
- Journal Article
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Nonlinear mediation analysis with high‐dimensional mediators whose causal structure is unknown
Maneuvring behavior of push convoys in different barge configurations
- Journal Article
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Method for encoding and decoding variables in engineering problems
A 2D numerical modelling of plasticity induced crack closure on MT specimens
- Journal Article
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Experimental study on the temperature distribution in fluidised beds
Prediction of the peak load and crack initiation energy of dynamic brittle fracture in X70 steel pipes using an improved artificial neural network and extended Finite Element Method
- Journal Article
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Existence of a weak solution to a nonlinear induction hardening problem with Leblond–Devaux model for a steel workpiece
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Analysis of adaptive mesh refinement in a turbulent buoyant helium plume
Improvements to the computation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of two-dimensional Schrödinger equations by constant perturbation based algorithms
Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(n, q) (vol 87, pg 1839, 2019)
A hybrid PSO and Grey Wolf Optimization algorithm for static and dynamic crack identification
Crack detection in l-shaped aluminum plate via electromagnetic ultrasonic measurements
New bounds for Ramsey numbers R(Kk−e,Kl−e)
- Journal Article
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- open access
A space-time discretization for an electromagnetic problem with moving non-magnetic conductor
Discrete time-dependent wave equations : I. Semiclassical analysis
Cauchy type problems for fractional differential equations
- Journal Article
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Randomness is inherently imprecise
Coherent and Archimedean choice in general Banach spaces
- Journal Article
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Axiomatic characterization of the x2 dissimilarity measure
Multimode time-cost-robustness trade-off project scheduling problem under uncertainty
- Journal Article
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A novel hybrid sand and dust storm detection method using MODIS data on GEE platform
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On the sunflower bound for k-spaces, pairwise intersecting in a point
Nonexistence of global solutions for an inhomogeneous pseudo-parabolic equation
Longitudinal mediation analysis of time-to-event endpoints in the presence of competing risks
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- open access
Reverse Stein–Weiss, Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev, Hardy, Sobolev and Caffarelli–Kohn–Nirenberg inequalities on homogeneous groups
Stochastic parabolic equations with singular potentials
A time discrete scheme for an electromagnetic contact problem with moving conductor
Thermoelastic problem in the setting of dual-phase-lag heat conduction : existence and uniqueness of a weak solution
A general framework for the numerical analysis of high-order finite difference solvers for nonlinear multi-term time-space fractional partial differential equations with time delay
Estimating structural equation models using James–Stein type shrinkage estimators
The structure of causal explanations in population biology
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Testing for international business cycles : a multilevel factor model with stochastic factor selection
A stochastic-programming approach for scheduling catch-up rounds in round-robin sport leagues
The probabilistic final standing calculator : a fair stochastic tool to handle abruptly stopped football seasons
Maximum principle for space and time-space fractional partial differential equations
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Recent advances in trajectory inference from single-cell omics data
Towards understanding the role of islandness in shaping socio-ecological systems on SIDS : the socio-ecological islandscape concept
Reversibility of non-saturated linear cellular automata on finite triangular grids
Automatic laser profile recognition and fast tracking for structured light measurement using deep learning and template matching
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Noetherian operators, primary submodules and symbolic powers
- Journal Article
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A POD-Galerkin reduced order model of a turbulent convective buoyant flow of sodium over a backward-facing step
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The nuclearity of Gelfand-Shilov spaces and kernel theorems
Recurrent misconceptions in the study of CA reversibility on triangular grids
Special issue on : Advances in fracture and damage assessment
- Journal Article
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Reduced order models for the incompressible Navier‐Stokes equations on collocated grids using a ‘discretize‐then‐project’ approach
A consecutive‐interpolation polyhedral finite element method for solid structures
Constrained shape optimization problem in elastic mechanics : dedicated to Professor Dinh Nho Hao on the occasion of his 60th birthday
Robust inference for mediated effects in partially linear models
Mathematical models for characterizing non-Hertzian contacts
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The Data Governance Act and the EU's move towards facilitating data sharing
Impact of hydrogen and crosshead displacement rate on the martensitic transformations and mechanical properties of 304L stainless steel
- Journal Article
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Enumeration of cospectral and coinvariant graphs
Self-adjointness and compactness of operators related to finite measure spaces
- Journal Article
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Ellipticity and Fredholmness of pseudo-differential operators on l(2)(Z(n))
Existence of solutions for p-sub-Laplacians with nonlinear sources on the Heisenberg group
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Sharp Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation on the sphere
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On the Benjamin-Ono equation in the half line
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Principal frequency of p-sub-Laplacians for general vector fields
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Time-dependent wave equations on graded groups
- Journal Article
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Eigenfunction expansions of ultradifferentiable functions and ultradistributions : III. Hilbert spaces and universality
- Journal Article
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Explicit solutions for linear variable–coefficient fractional differential equations with respect to functions
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Schatten-von Neumann classes of integral operators
A family of sharp inequalities on real spheres
Rigidity of a thin domain depends on the curvature, width, and boundary conditions
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A precise and reliable multivariable chain rule
- Journal Article
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An efficient quasi‐Newton method for three‐dimensional steady free surface flow
- Journal Article
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Cameron-Liebler k-sets in AG(n,q)
Global analytic hypoellipticity for a class of evolution operators on T-1 × S-3
Indirect inference of sensitive variables with peer network survey
- Journal Article
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DECONbench : a benchmarking platform dedicated to deconvolution methods for tumor heterogeneity quantification
The heat equation with strongly singular potentials
Some properties relating to the Mittag–Leffler function of two variables
- Journal Article
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Global properties of vector fields on compact Lie groups in Komatsu classes
Capacitor voltage ripple reduction in MMC-HVDC system using flat bottom current method
Liquid hydrodynamics in a gas-liquid vortex reactor
Covers of generalized quadrangles : 2. Kantor-Knuth covers and embedded ovoids
An anatomy-based dynamic model of total knee arthroplasty
Dielectric-based temperature sensing of nanoliter water samples with a post-processing tuned matching network
C*-algebras, H*-algebras and trace ideals of pseudo-differential operators on locally compact, Hausdorff and abelian groups (vol 10, pg 269, 2019)
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Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to a non-autonomous time-fractional diffusion equation (of distributed order)
- Journal Article
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The reconstruction of a solely time-dependent load in a simply supported non-homogeneous Euler–Bernoulli beam
Invariant expressions for linear complex mechanisms : single-step substance case
Pizzetti and Cauchy formulae for higher dimensional surfaces : a distributional approach
Dixmier traces for discrete pseudo-differential operators
Hilbert-Schmidt and trace class pseudo-differential operators on the abstract Heisenberg group
Conditional independence ideals with hidden variables
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New and updated semidefinite programming bounds for subspace codes
Comparative study on ship motions in waves based on two time domain boundary element methods
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Adjusting for time‐varying confounders in survival analysis using structural nested cumulative survival time models
Invariant expressions for linear complex mechanisms : generalization for polar two-step sub-mechanisms
Nearest comoment estimation with unobserved factors
An inherent difficulty in the aggregation of multidimensional data
- Journal Article
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An efficient quasi‐Newton method for two‐dimensional steady free surface flow
The smallest nontrivial snarks of oddness 4
- Journal Article
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Existence of regular nut graphs for degree at most 11
A framework for robust quadratic optimal control with parametric dynamic model uncertainty using polynomial chaos
- Journal Article
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Secant update version of quasi-Newton PSB with weighted multisecant equations
Stabilization time modeling for hydroprocessing : identification of the dominant factors
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SPECS: a non-parametric method to identify tissue-specific molecular features for unbalanced sample groups
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Well-posedness of the fractional zener wave equation for heterogeneous viscoelastic materials
- Journal Article
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The multi-league sports scheduling problem, or how to schedule thousands of matches
Flexible multivariate Hill estimators
Improved ANN technique combined with Jaya algorithm for crack identification in plates using XIGA and experimental analysis
- Journal Article
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High quality genome assemblies of Mycoplasma bovis using a taxon-specific Bonito basecaller for MinION and Flongle long-read nanopore sequencing
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Subtleties in the interpretation of hazard contrasts
Sequence space representations for spaces of entire functions with rapid decay on strips
- Journal Article
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On the space of Laplace transformable distributions
Damage detection in girder bridges using modal curvatures gapped smoothing method and Convolutional Neural Network : application to Bo Nghi bridge
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Development of an adaptive infill criterion for constrained multi-objective asynchronous surrogate-based optimization
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Multiplicity of the saturated special fiber ring of height two perfect ideals
Analysis of the queue lengths in a priority retrial queue with constant retrial policy
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Doubly robust tests of exposure effects under high-dimensional confounding
The impact of upstream contraction flow on three-dimensional polymer extrudate swell from slit dies
Determined admissible sets
Quantifying and reducing epistemic uncertainty of passive acoustic telemetry data from longitudinal aquatic systems
Global hypoellipticity for strongly invariant operators
Lyapunov-type inequalities for a nonlinear fractional boundary value problem
- Journal Article
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Heterogeneous indirect effects for multiple mediators using interventional effect models
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On a non-local problem for a multi-term fractional diffusion-wave equation
A parallel hybrid implementation of the 2D acoustic wave equation
- Miscellaneous
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Towards the next phase of the Journal of Numerical Cognition
Quasinormable C0-groups and translation-invariant Frechet spaces of type D-E
Uniqueness for an inverse source problem of determining a space dependent source in a time-fractional diffusion equation
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Identification of an unknown spatial load distribution in a vibrating beam or plate from the final state
On the role of monometrics in penalty-based data aggregation
Isothermal flow of neat polypropylene through a slit die and its die swell : bridging experiments and 3D numerical simulations
Fatigue process of rib-to-deck welded joints of orthotropic steel decks
New developments in factor score regression : fit indices and a model comparison test
Swapping the equilibrium
Catalyst ignition and extinction : a microkinetics-based bifurcation study of adiabatic reactors for oxidative coupling of methane
Compartmental modelling in chemical engineering : a critical review
A novel design and electromagnetic analysis for a linear switched reluctance motor
- Journal Article
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Analysis of several subcycling schemes in partitioned simulations of a strongly coupled fluid-structure interaction
A novel underdetermined source recovery algorithm based on k-sparse component analysis
Conservatively Perturbed Equilibrium (CPE) in chemical kinetics
Extremum principle for the Hadamard derivatives and its application to nonlinear fractional partial differential equations
Hermite–Hadamard, Hermite–Hadamard–Fejér, Dragomir–Agarwal and Pachpatte type inequalities for convex functions via new fractional integrals
C*-algebras, H*-algebras and trace ideals of pseudo-differential operators on locally compact, Hausdorff and abelian groups
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Pseudo-differential operators on homogeneous spaces of compact and Hausdorff groups
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Regular intersecting families
Blow-up of solutions of nonlinear heat equation with hypoelliptic operators on graded Lie groups
Fractional Sturm–Liouville equations : self-adjoint extensions
Report of the editors : 2018
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POD‐identification reduced order model of linear transport equations for control purposes
Notch tip displacements of the concrete Brazilian disc test with central notch analysed by the concrete damaged plasticity model
Bifurcation analysis of the rotating axially compressed nano‐rod with imperfections
Distributed-order fractional constitutive stress–strain relation in wave propagation modeling
A savings analysis of horizontal collaboration among VMI suppliers
Delay characteristics in place-reservation queues with class-dependent service times
Injectivity and surjectivity of the Stieltjes moment mapping in Gelfand–Shilov spaces
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Regularity of bicyclic graphs and their powers
Calibrating static measurement data from distributed fiber optics by the integration of limited FBG sensors based on the extended kernel regression method
Direct and inverse problems for the Poisson equation with equality of flows on a part of the boundary
On the local integrability condition for generalised translation-invariant systems
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Brascamp–Lieb inequalities on compact homogeneous spaces
A criterion of solvability of the elliptic Cauchy problem in a multi-dimensional cylindrical domain
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What makes data science different? A discussion involving Statistics2.0 and computational sciences
Asymptotics for the heat kernel on H-type groups
Green's formula for integro-differential operators
On the Wiener index, distance cospectrality and transmission-regular graphs
The Gellerstedt equation with integral perturbation in the Cauchy data
Selective maintenance optimization when quality of imperfect maintenance actions are stochastic
Improved linear matrix inequality approach to stability analysis of linear systems with interval time-varying delays
A comparative analysis of original and aftermarkets brake pads sold in the Brazilian market
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Application of the EVEX resource to event extraction and network construction : Shared Task entry and result analysis
Disentangling systematic and idiosyncratic dynamics in panels of volatility measures
A novel formulation of point vortex dynamics on the sphere : geometrical and numerical aspects
Fluid-structure interaction in the Lagrange-Poincaré formalism : the Navier-Stokes and inviscid regimes
Relative geodesics in the special Euclidean group
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Arithmetical rank of the cyclic and bicyclic graphs
On the associated graphs to a commutative ring
On a model of viscoelastic rod in unilateral contact with a rigid wall
Forms of early walking