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Peter Arzt-Grabner, Letters and letter writing
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Luis Unceta Gómez, Łukasz Berger, Politeness in ancient Greek and Latin
Antony Augoustakis, Marco Fucecchi, Silius Italicus and the tradition of the Roman historical epos
Wiebke Nierste, Natur und Kunst bei Claudian : poetische 'concordia discors'
Irene Caiazzo, Constantinos Macris, Aurélien Robert, Brill's companion to the reception of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
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Christodoulos Papavarnavas, Gefängnis als Schwellenraum in der byzantinischen Hagiographie
Stephan Renker, A commentary on Quintus of Smyrna
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Emlyn Dodd, Roman and Late Antique wine production in the Eastern Mediterranean
Sonia Pertsinidis, Theophrastus' characters : a new introduction
Jan Stenger, Learning cities in Late Antiquity
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Jeffrey Beneker, Plutarch : how to be a leader
Sinclair Hood, Lisa Maria Bendall, The masons’ marks of Minoan Knossos
Luciano Agostiniani, Maria Pia Marchese, Lingua, testi, storia : atti della giornata di studi in ricordo di Aldo Luigi Prosdocimi (Firenze, 6 giugno 2017)
Leendert Weeda, Horace's Sermones book 1 : credentials for maecenas
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Tyler V. Franconi, Fluvial landscapes in the Roman world
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Nicola Reggiani, Digital papyrology I : methods, tools and trends
Andreas Rhoby, Rudolf S. Stefec, Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften
Christine Delaplace, La fin de l'Empire romain d'Occident : Rome et les Wisigoths de 382 à 531
Joseph W. Shaw, Elite Minoan architecture : its development at Knossos, Phaistos, and Malia
Joyce E. Salisbury, Rome's christian empress : Galla Placidia rules at the twilight of the empire
Owen Hodkinson, Patricia A. Rosenmeyer, Evelien Bracke, Epistolary narratives in Ancient Greek literature
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Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Libanios : Zeuge einer schwindenden Welt
Christina Luke, Morag M. Kersel, U.S. cultural diplomacy and archaeology : soft power, hard heritage
Linda-Marie Günther, Sonja Plischke, Studien zum vorhellenistischen und hellenistischen Herrscherkult
A. T. Fear, Orosius : seven books of history against the pagans
Steven E. Sidebotham, Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route
Klaus Tausend, Im Inneren Germaniens
Edward J. Watts, Riot in Alexandria
Holger Müller (ed.), 1000 & 1 Talente : Visualisierung antiker Kriegskosten : Begleitband zu einer studentischen Ausstellung
Christoph Pieper, Elegos redolere Vergiliosque sapere
Margaret Malamud, Ancient Rome and Modern America
Michiel de Vaan, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages
Catherine Darbo-Peschanski, L'historia : commencements grecs
Jörg Rüpke, R. L. (Richard Lindsay) Gordon, Religion of the Romans
Bruno Bleckmann, Horst Schneider, De vita Constantini
Johannes Fried, Wolfram Brandes, Donation of Constantine and Constitutum Constantini
Colin Adams, Land transport in Roman Egypt : a study of economics and administration in a Roman province
Dorothee Elm von der Osten, Jörg Rüpke, Katharina Waldner, Texte als Medium und Reflexion von Religion im römischen Reich
Ilaria Ramelli, Il basileus come nomos empsychos tra diritto naturale e diritto divino
Giovanna Granata, L'archivio Arnaldo Momigliano : inventario analitico
Catherine Rowett, Dumb beasts and dead philosophers
Vera-Elisabeth Hirschmann, Horrenda Secta : Untersuchungen zum frühchristlichen Montanismus und seinen Verbindungen zur paganen Religion Phrygiens
René T. J. Cappers, Roman foodprints at Berenike : archaeobotanical evidence of subsistence and trade in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
Jonas Eiring, John Lund, Transport amphorae and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean
Aurelio Pérez Jiménez, Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti, La verdad tamizada : cronistas, reporteros e historiadores ante su público
Michel Narcy, Eric Rebillard (eds.), Hellénisme et christianisme
Claude Eilers, Roman patrons of Greek cities