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Bossen hun groeiplaats, deel 1 : over snelle en trage bossen
Bossen hun groeiplaats, deel 1 : over trage bossen op zandbodem
Universities as frontrunners in the effort towards green and biodiverse cities?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Phosphorus puts a mortgage on restoration of species-rich grasslands on former agricultural land
Dringend nood aan herstel van laaggelegen schraal hooiland
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Leven in het groen is gezond : maar hoe groen zijn onze zorginstellingen?
Win some, lose some : mesocosm communities maintain community productivity despite lower phosphorus availability because of increased species diversity
Effects of bioavailable phosphorus and soil biota on typical Nardus grassland species in competition with fast-growing plant species
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Advies uitmijnen in Landschap De Liereman
(2021) -
Bloemrijke graslanden ontwikkelen na ontharding
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Droogte-robuuste aanplantingstechnieken : rapport voor het verkrijgen van vitaal en weerbaar (jong) bos
(2020) -
Kansen voor fruit in openbaar groen?
Impact van de natuur op de kwaliteit van de zorg : welke maatregelen helpen mens én natuur vooruit?
Juglans regia (walnut) in temperate arable agroforestry systems : effects on soil characteristics, arthropod diversity and crop yield
Vertical stratification of moth communities in a deciduous forest in Belgium
Linkages between aboveground and belowground community compositions in grasslands along a historical land-use intensity gradient
Phytomining to re-establish phosphorus-poor soil conditions for nature restoration on former agricultural land
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Advies: Herstel van dotterbloemgrasland in het natuurpark Overmeers
(2019) -
Hoogvliegers onder de nachtvlinders : over de verticale verdeling van nachtvlinders in loofbos
Gradients in abundance and diversity of ground dwelling arthropods as a function of distance to tree rows in temperate arable agroforestry systems
Effects of temperate agroforestry on yield and quality of different arable intercrops
Advisering over natuurherstel in het militair domein Tielenkamp
Impact of fire on the Baikiaea woodlands
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Phosphorus mining efficiency declines with decreasinq soil P concentration and varies across crop species
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Advisering over het herstel van soortenrijke graslanden via maaien en uitmijnen in de Lange velden en Drongen
(2017) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Advisering over het herstel van soortenrijke graslanden via maaien en uitmijnen in De Oude Kale vallei
(2017) -
P-removal for restoration of Nardus grasslands on former agricultural land : cutting traditions
Trees increase soil organic carbon and nutrient availability in temperate agroforestry systems
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Tree species identity shapes earthworm communities
Quantifying establishment limitations during the ecological restoration of species-rich Nardus grassland
Predicting site productivity of the timber tree Pterocarpus angolensis
Annual diameter growth of Pterocarpus angolensis (Kiaat) and other woodland species in Namibia
Jaarlijkse groei van Pterocarpus angolensis (Kiaat) en andere boomsoorten in Kavango, Namibië
Ups en downs van nachtvlinders
Phosphorus mining for ecological restoration on former agricultural land
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Impact of bioavailable phosphorus on plant and soil microbial communities in grassland under restoration management
Bos in de vallei van de Gondebeek : 1775-2013
Can shrub species with higher litter quality mitigate soil acidification in pine and oak forests on poor sandy soils?
Spatio-temporal variation in seed predation by a native weevil in the invasive Prunus serotina
Natuurontwikkeling op landbouwgrond : herstelmaatregelen
Metal and nutrient dynamics in decomposing tree litter on a metal contaminated site
Natuurrestoratie op voormalige landbouwgronden via uitmijnen van fosfor: eerste resultaten in natuurgebieden 'Landschap De Liereman' (Oud-Turnhout) en het 'Vrieselhof' (Oelegem)
Forest floor leachate fluxes under six different tree species on a metal contaminated site
Over de intieme relatie tussen boomsoorten en regenwormen
Natuurherstel op landbouwgrond : fosfor als bottleneck
Restoration of species-rich Nardus grasslands: exploring the technique of phosphorus mining
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Phytoextraction of phosphorus for ecological restoration: application of soil additives
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Elevated Cd and Zn uptake by aspen limits the phytostabilization potential compared to five other tree species
Ecologische bosontwikkeling op voormalige landbouwgronden in de praktijk : keuzes voor beheerders
Tree species affect soil metal redistribution: implications for phytoremediation
Fytoremediatie van metaalverontreinigde bodems in de Kempen: mogelijkheden en valkuilen
Nitrogen saturation and net ecosystem production
Effect of vegetation type on throughfall deposition and seepage flux
On the importance of incorporating forest edge deposition for evaluating exceedance of critical pollutant loads
The effect of forest type on throughfall deposition and seepage flux: a review
Tree species effect on the redistribution of soil metals
Phytoextraction of metals from soils: how far from practice?
Acidification of forested podzols in North Belgium during the period 1950-2000
Seasonal changes of metals in willow (Salix sp.) stands for phytoremediation on dredged sediment
Reuse of dredged sediments in landscape construction: ecotoxicological risks and ecological implications
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Afforestation of dredged material: fate of metals under different tree species
(2006) -
Comment on "In defense of plants as biomonitors of soil quality"
Use and abuse of trace metal concentrations in plant tissue for biomonitoring and phytoextraction
Early vegetation succession and management options on a brackish sediment dike
Bos op bagger?
Inventory-based carbon stock of Flemish forests: comparison of European biomass expansion factors
Metal uptake by young trees from dredged brackish sediment: limitations and possibilities for phytoextraction and phytostabilisation
Support, shape and number of replicate samples for tree foliage analysis
Fate of heavy metals in the revaluation of contaminated sites with short rotation forestry systems
(2003) CONSOIL 2003. -
Revaluation of contaminated sediments with Short Rotation Forestry systems
Phytoremediation prospects of willow stands on contaminated sediment: a field trial
Sampling procedure for the foliar analysis of deciduous trees
Afforestation of dredged sediment depots, dikes and mounds
Should foliar cadmium concentrations be expressed on a dry weight or dry ash weight basis?
Preliminary results of afforestation of brackish sludge mounds.
Cd and Zn concentrations in small mammals and willow leaves on disposal facilities for dredged material.
Dredged sediment as a substrate for biomass production of willow trees established using the SALIMAT technique.
Growth of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L. ) seedling on blend-substrates based consolidated brackish dredging sludge
Sludge mounds as buffer zones between hard to combine landuses.
Brackish dredging sludge: possibilities and limitations for afforestation.
Biomass production and the detoxification of land disposed dredging sludge by means of willow cultures.