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Ecosystem multifunctionality lowers as grasslands under restoration approach their target habitat type
Linking wood density records of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) with temperature and precipitation variability from a temperate lowland site
- Journal Article
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- open access
Phosphorus puts a mortgage on restoration of species-rich grasslands on former agricultural land
Dringend nood aan herstel van laaggelegen schraal hooiland
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Advies uitmijnen in Landschap De Liereman
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Species ecological strategy and soil phosphorus supply interactively affect plant biomass and phosphorus concentration
Biomass increment and carbon sequestration in hedgerow-grown trees
Verschralen richting bloemrijk hooiland : lessen uit praktijkgericht onderzoek
Distinct growth responses to drought for oak and beech in temperate mixed forests
Environmental drivers interactively affect individual tree growth across temperate European forests
Context-dependency of agricultural legacies in temperate forest soils
- Journal Article
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- open access
Local soil characteristics determine the microbial communities under forest understorey plants along a latitudinal gradient
Phytomining to re-establish phosphorus-poor soil conditions for nature restoration on former agricultural land
- Journal Article
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- open access
A general framework for quantifying the effects of land-use history on ecosystem dynamics
A million and more trees for science
Tree species diversity indirectly affects nutrient cycling through the shrub layer and its high-quality litter
Competition, tree age and size drive the productivity of mixed forests of pedunculate oak, beech and red oak
Species diversity, pollinator resource value and edibility potential of woody networks in the countryside in northern Belgium
Very large trees in a lowland old-growth beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest : density, size, growth and spatial patterns in comparison to reference sites in Europe
- Journal Article
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- open access
Effects of mineral soil and forest floor on the regeneration of pedunculate oak, beech and red oak
Synthesis and future research directions linking tree diversity to growth, survival, and damage in a global network of tree diversity experiments
- Journal Article
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- open access
Plant and soil microbe responses to light, warming and nitrogen addition in a temperate forest
Species and structural diversity affect growth of oak, but not pine, in uneven-aged mature forests
Local neighbourhood effects on sapling growth in a young experimental forest
Tree species identity outweighs the effects of tree species diversity and forest fragmentation on understorey diversity and composition
Evaluating the robustness of three ring-width measurement methods for growth release reconstruction
- Journal Article
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- open access
Contributions of a global network of tree diversity experiments to sustainable forest plantations
Does neighbourhood tree diversity affect the crown arthropod community in saplings?
Productivity, stand dynamics and the selection effect in a mixed willow clone short rotation coppice plantation
Mixing effects on litter decomposition rates in a young tree diversity experiment
Driving mechanisms of overstorey-understorey diversity relationships in European forests
Exploring life growth patterns in birch (Betula pendula)
Integrating black cherry in forest management in the Netherlands and Belgium
Disentangling tree species identity and richness effects on the herb layer: first results from a German tree diversity experiment
Het pratende bos
Intraspecific variation in flowering phenology affects seed germinability in the forest herb Primula elatior
- Journal Article
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- open access
Growth and yield of mixed versus pure stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) analysed along a productivity gradient through Europe
5 jaar FORBIO : een tussentijdse update van het Belgische boomsoortendiversiteitsexperiment
Bos in de vallei van de Gondebeek : 1775-2013
Spatio-temporal variation in seed predation by a native weevil in the invasive Prunus serotina
The effects of local neighbourhood diversity on pest and disease damage of trees in a young experimental forest
Do diverse overstoreys induce diverse understoreys?: lessons learnt from an experimental-observational platform in Finland
Relating changes in understorey diversity to environmental drivers in an ancient forest in northern Belgium
Shrub clearing adversely affects the abundance of Ixodes ricinus ticks
Understorey vegetation shifts following the conversion of temperate deciduous forest to spruce plantation
Assessment of the functional role of tree diversity: the multi-site FORBIO experiment
Local habitat and landscape affect Ixodes ricinus tick abundances in forests on poor, sandy soils
- Journal Article
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- open access
Former land use affects the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and biomass of forest herbs
Long-term scenarios of the invasive black cherry in pine-oak forest: impact of regeneration success
The effects of sampling method and vegetation type on the estimated abundance of Ixodes ricinus ticks in forests
Bos onder de loep: 40 jaar onderzoek in het Aelmoeseneiebos
(2011) -
Spatio-temporal litterfall dynamics in a 60-year-old mixed deciduous forest
An intraspecific application of the leaf-height-seed ecology strategy scheme to forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient
Early trajectories of spontaneous vegetation recovery after intensive agricultural land use
The phosphorus legacy of former agricultural land use can affect the production of germinable seeds in forest herbs
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Plasticity in response to phosphorus and light availability in four forest herbs
Invasieve exoten in bossen
Faut-il lutter ou vivre avec?: le cas de l'invasion par le cerisier tardif
Prunus serotina unleashed: invader dominance after 70 years of forest development
Factors affecting radial growth of the invasive Prunus serotina in pine plantations in Flanders
Present and future population dynamics of Prunus serotina in forests in its introduced range
(2010) -
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Patterns of Prunus serotina invasion in two contrasting forests
Does Prunus serotina act as an aggressive invader in areas with a low propagule pressure?
Zullen bosplantenpopulaties zich ooit vestigen in jonge bossen op voormalige landbouwgronden?
Is Amerikaanse vogelkers overal even invasief?
The seedling bank stabilizes the erratic early regeneration stages of the invasive Prunus serotina
De wisselende rol van Amerikaanse vogelkers in het bosbeheer
The invasive Prunus serotina stabilizes its erratic early regeneration by building up a seedling bank
Long-term population dynamics of Prunus serotina in natural forests on sandy soils
Een balans van 20 jaar spontane bosontwikkeling in Liedekerkebos
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Patterns of Prunus serotina invasion in two contrasting forests on sandy soils
Is Prunus serotina an aggressive invader in areas with a low propagule pressure?
Bestrijding van Amerikaanse vogelkers in Vlaanderen : stand van zaken
Impact of avian frugivores on dispersal and recruitment of the invasive Prunus serotina in an agricultural landscape
Van dennenplantages naar een beloofd land?!: theoretische en praktische aspecten van bosomvorming
Modelling radial growth of Prunus serotina in pine forests.
Omvorming van dennenbos op arme zandgronden
Predicting patterns of invasion by black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) in Flanders (Belgium) and its impact on the forest understorey community
Population dynamics of the invasive Prunus serotina in pine forest on poor sandy soils in Flanders (Belgium)