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Portfolio of interventions to mature human organizational dimensions of food safety culture in food businesses
Portfolio of interventions to mature food safety culture in food businesses
- Journal Article
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- open access
Development, feasibility, and knowledge impact of a massive open online course on radiation safety : a multicentric prospective cohort study
Boost your food safety culture using the scientifically validated digital tool from UGent
Food safety culture maturity and the link with cost of quality
Food Safety Culture : a delineated conceptual framework
A multi-case study exploring the effect of interventions on food safety culture maturity
Exploring the social dimensions of microbial food safety risk governance
- Conference Paper
- open access
Sensory overload at the workplace: A scoping review and exploratory interviews to reveal a new perspective on workplace wellbeing
(2024) -
- Conference Paper
- open access
Exploring the social dimensions of microbial food safety risk governance
European airline cockpit and cabin crew well-being during the COVID-19 lockdown : does union satisfaction have a buffering effect on mental health, organizational dehumanization, medication use, and job insecurity?
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Food safety culture enhancement : intervention implementation in a case study with pre- and post-assessment comparison
- Conference Paper
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- open access
Food safety culture enhancement : intervention implementation in a case study with pre- and post-assessment comparison
A systematic literature review on service robot attributes and organizational climate’s role
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The relationship between food safety culture maturity and cost of quality : an empirical pilot study in the food industry
Voedselintegriteitsklimaat en -cultuur ter preventie van fraude in levensmiddelenbedrijven
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Food integrity culture in food businesses in view of organizational and employees' demographic characteristics
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Food safety culture maturity and its relation to company and employee characteristics
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Contribución de la participación en actividades significativas sobre la salud mental en población española durante el confinamiento por COVID-19
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The underpinning of meaningful activities by brain correlates : a systematic review
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Surgeons’ leadership style and team behavior in the hybrid operating room : prospective cohort study
Multicentric study on the relation between perceived department radiation shielding policies and staff radiation shielding conscientiousness
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom : a cross-level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Assessing endovascular team performances in a hybrid room using the Black Box system : a prospective cohort study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Does workplace telepressure get under the skin? Protocol for an ambulatory assessment study on wellbeing and health-related physiological, experiential, and behavioral concomitants of workplace telepressure
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the engagement in meaningful activities survey
The link between food safety culture maturity and cost of quality : an exploratory study in food processing companies
Perceived food safety culture in the food processing industry, and the influence of organizational and individual characteristics
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Surgeon’s leadership style and team behaviour in the hybrid operating room
Towards a food safety culture improvement roadmap : diagnosis and gap analysis through a conceptual framework as the first steps
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Food integrity climate assessment in Belgian and Saudi Arabian food businesses
Food safety culture roadmap : from diagnosis towards intervention
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
An exploratory study on the relation between companies' food integrity climate and employees' food integrity behavior in food businesses
Quantitative study of food integrity climate in Belgian and Saudi Arabian food businesses in view of their organisational characteristics
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Assessment of food integrity culture in food businesses through method triangulation
Werk, organisatie en samenleving : geschiedenis van de vakgroep personeelsbeleid, arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie
- Conference Paper
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- open access
Surgeon’s leadership style and team behaviour in the hybrid operating room
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The effect of an online individualized program to prevent nurse burnout : a mixed method study
When thoughts have no off switch : the cost of telepressure and message-based communication behaviour within boundary-crossing contexts
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Assessing endovascular team performances in the hybrid room using a comprehensive data capture platform : prospective cohort study
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Surgeon’s leadership style and team behavior in the hybrid operating room
Meaningful activities during COVID-19 lockdown and association with mental health in Belgian adults (vol 21, 622, 2021)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Meaningful activities during COVID-19 lockdown and association with mental health in Belgian adults
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Development and validation of a behavioral video coding scheme for detecting mental workload in manual assembly
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Een exploratief onderzoek naar de accepteerbaarheid van industriële cobots bij (toekomstige) operatoren
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Food integrity climate in food businesses : conceptualization, development, and validation of a self-assessment tool
Food safety governance in Saudi Arabia : challenges in control of imported food
Meaningful activities during COVID-19 lockdown and association with mental health in Belgian adults
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Assessment of endovascular team performances using a comprehensive data capture platform in the hybrid room : a pilot study
Pilot study to assess endovascular team performance in the hybrid room using a comprehensive data recording system
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Assessing endovascular team performances in the hybrid room using a comprehensive data capture platform : prospective cohort study
Strengthening food safety culture in the food industry through interventions on food safety culture dimensions
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Food integrity culture assessment to prevent fraud in food industry
Assessment of endovascular team performances using a comprehensive data capture platform in the hybrid room : a pilot study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Employee acceptability of wearable mental workload monitoring : exploring effects of framing the goal and context in corporate communication
Introduction of a surgical Black Box system in a hybrid angiosuite : challenges and opportunities
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Team perception of the radiation safety climate in the hybrid angiography suite : a cross-sectional study
Radiation safety performance is more than simply measuring doses! Development of a radiation safety rating scale
You’ve got mail : does workplace telepressure relate to email communication?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Ethical climate and intention to leave among critical care clinicians : an observational study in 68 intensive care units across Europe and the United States
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Exploring the influence of core-self evaluations, situational factors, and coping on nurse burnout : a cross-sectional survey study
Private life telepressure and workplace cognitive failure among hospital nurses : the moderating role of mobile phone presence
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Mobile pupillometry in manual assembly : a pilot study exploring the wearability and external validity of a renowned mental workload lab measure
Non-technical attributes and surgical experience : a cross-sectional study comparing communication styles and attitudes in surgical staff, trainees and applicants
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Employee acceptability of wearable mental workload monitoring in industry 4.0 : a pilot study on motivational and contextual framing
Non-technical skills in surgical disciplines : communication styles & attitudes towards uncertainty and risk in surgical staff, trainees and applicants : a comparative study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
De comparatieve beoordelingsmethode voor een betrouwbare en valide cv-screening : een vergelijking tussen experts en studenten
Method triangulation to assess different aspects of food safety culture in food service operations
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Detachment from work : a diary study on telepressure, smartphone use and empathy
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
A pilot study on the validity of mobile pupillometry in manual assembly
Monetary intelligence and behavioral economics : the enron effect-love of money, corporate ethical values, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), and dishonesty across 31 geopolitical entities
Monetary intelligence and behavioral economics across 32 cultures : good apples enjoy good quality of life in good barrels
Validation of objective wearable cognitive load measurement in robot-assisted assembly
(2018) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Application of participation in clinical practice : key issues
The relation between social capital and burnout : a longitudinal study
Quantitative study of food safety climate in Belgian food processing companies in view of their organizational characteristics
Ethical decision-making climate in the ICU : theoretical framework and validation of a self-assessment tool
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Understanding mental workload : from a clarifying concept analysis toward an implementable framework
An information system design theory for the comparative judgement of competences
Authentic Leadership and Job Satisfaction in Turbulent Times
(2017) -
Authenticity at work: the role of leaders’ attachment style
(2017) -
Feedback opportunities of comparative judgement : an overview of possible features and acceptance at different user levels
Voedselveiligheidsklimaat in de Belgische voedselverwerkende industrie
A longitudinal study of physical demands, musculoskeletal complaints and employees' psychosocial job resources
Development and validation of a scale to capture social desirability in food safety culture
Towards an extended food safety culture model : studying the moderating role of burnout and jobstress, the mediating role of food safety knowledge and motivation in the relation between food safety climate and food safety behavior
Authentic leadership and thriving among nurses : the mediating role of emphathy
The impact of authentic leadership on job satisfaction during turbulent times
Interplay between food safety climate, food safety management system and microbiological hygiene in farm butcheries and affiliated butcher shops
Impact op klimaat voedselveiligheid : Universiteit Gent onderzoekt rol medewerker
Comparative Judgment-based feedback versus the traditional approach: similarities and differences
Feedback op schrijven: wat heeft de comparatieve methode te bieden?
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Impact of food safety climate on food safety and hygiene output in two vegetable processing companies
Comparative judgment within online assessment: exploring students’ feedback reactions
Combined spinal epidural analgesia for labor using sufentanil epidurally versus intrathecally : a retrospective study on the influence on fetal heart trace
Impact op voedselveiligheidsklimaat : Universiteit Gent onderzoekt rol medewerker
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Interplay between food safety climate, food safety management system and microbiological output in farm butcheries and affiliated butcher shops
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Interplay between food safety climate, food safety management system and microbiological hygiene and safety: illustrated in farm butcheries and affiliated butcher shops
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Food safety culture
Comparative judgment within online assessment
Competenties kwaliteitsvol beoordelen: brengt een comparatieve aanpak soelaas?
Comparative judgment within online assessment: exploring students feedback reactions
The impact of authentic leadership on thriving in turbulent times
Food safety climate in food processing organizations: development and validation of a self-assessment tool
Comparative judgment within online assessment: exploring students’ feedback reactions
Transformational leadership and safety performance among nurses: the mediating role of knowledge related job characteristics
Testing the triple- match principle in the technology sector: a two- wave longitudinal panel study
Het motivationele proces van het Job Demands-Resources Model bij vrijwillig en onvrijwillig ontslagen werknemers tijdens de opzegtermijn
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Development and validation of a Food Safety Climate assessment tool
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Is food safety climate impacting safety and quality?: case study of meat distribution
Authentic leadership and thriving among nurses: the mediating role of empathy
Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Dutch version of the authentic leadership inventory
Het demand-induced strain compensation model nader onderzocht: de rol van match, zelfregulerend gedrag en persoonskenmerken
The role of individual and work unit level social capital in sickness absence
The impact of effort-reward imbalance and learning motivation on teachers' sickness absence
Vulnérabilités au travail et mobilité professionelle des infirmiers en Belgique
Emotional job resources and emotional support seeking as moderators of the relation between emotional job demands and emotional exhaustion: a two-wave panel study
Testing the triple-match principle among technology employees
End-of-life care of the geriatric patient and nurses' moral distress
Perceived work ability and turnover intentions: a prospective study among Belgian healthcare workers
Emotion work and emotional exhaustion in teachers: the job and individual perspective
Dimensions of distributed leadership and the impact on teachers' organizational commitment: a study in secondary education
De factoriële validiteit en meetinvariantie van de Utrechtse Burnout Schaal Algemene versie (UBOS-A)
Santé et sécurité pour un emploi de qualité
(2012) -
Job resources and matching active coping styles as moderators of the longitudinal relation between job demands and job strain
Perceived work ability and turnover intentions: a prospective study among Belgian health care workers
Effort-reward imbalance and actual turnover among Belgian health care workers
The love of money is the root of all evil: pay satisfaction, and CPI as moderators
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Psychosocial predictors of actual turnover among Belgian health care workers
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Impact of the effort-reward imbalance model on intent to leave among Belgian health care workers: a prospective study
Teacher education and the choice to enter the teaching profession: a prospective study
Student teachers' professional identity formation : between being born as a teacher and becoming one
Disability case management: een meerwaarde bij arbeidsreïntegratie
Impact of the effort-reward imbalance model on intent to leave among Belgian health care workers: a prospective study
The influence of physical and psychosocial factors at work on perceived work ability among Belgian health care workers: a prospective study
Wat vinden kersverse leraren van hun opleiding?
Emerging issues in personnel and work: an introduction to the theme
The interplay of job demands, job resources and cognitive outcomes in informatics.
Antecedents and consequences of unethical behavior: Does economic development make a difference ?
Recurrent changes in the work environment, job resources and distress among nurses: A comparative cross-sectional survey
The factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Maslach Burnout Inventory for human services
A test of the social active learning hypothesis among beginning teachers
Teacher education, graduates' teaching commitment and entrance into the teaching profession
Impact of recurrent changes in the work environment on nurses' psychological well-being and sickness absence
The love of money and pay level satisfaction: measurement and functional equivalence in 29 geopolitical entities around the world
Impact of waiting on the perception of service quality in nuclear medicine
Employee well-being and customer satisfaction in the context of work environment changes
Flexibility practices and changes in work environments: impact on worker well being
An international comparative study of work/family stress and occupational strain
Use of benzodiazepine drugs and perceived job stress in a cohort of working men and women in Belgium. Results from the BELSTRESS-study
Optimaal presteren in organisaties
Waiting for Godot: waiting in nuclear medicine
The job content questionnaire: methodological considerations and challenges for future research
Perceptions of job insecurity and the impact of world market competition as health risks: Results from Belstress
Job choice of teacher education graduates
Productivity and service quality perceptions in ambulatory care clinics
Factoriële validiteit van de UBOS-C: een onderzoek bij Vlaamse opvoeders
Over de samenhang tussen jobonzekerheid en verloopintentie. Een replicatiestudie op basis van de 'Belstress'-data'
Psychosocial work environment and psychological well-being: assessment of the buffering effects in the job demand-control (-support) model in BELSTRESS.
Patients' and personnel's perceptions of service quality and patient satisfaction in nuclear medicine.
Locus of control and well-being at work: How generalizable are western findings?
Flexihealth: une méthodologie d'évaluation du stress en situation de changement
The impact of elements of the wait experience on service quality perception
(2002) -
ILLOGIC: computer-assisted model for interpretive analysis of qualitative data
The relationship between employee well being and customer satisfaction.
Job stress and its antecedents: A comparison between health care and non-health care employees
Personality correlates of burnout : a cross-validation study.
Scale reliability and validity of the Karasek 'Job Demand-Control-Support' model in the Belstress study.
Do national levels of individualism and internal locus of control relate to well-being: an ecological level international study.
The relationship between perception of service quality and waiting time in Nuclear Medicine
Patients' and personnel's perceptions of service quality and patient satisfaction in nuclear medicine
The effect of mood on self-referencing in a persuasion context.
Flexihealth: un nécessaire équilibre entre contraintes de flexibilité et bien-être des travailleurs
ILLOGIC: computer-assisted model for interpretive analysis of qualitative data
The dynamic relationship between productivity, work pressure and service quality in ambulatory care clinics
Automatic activation of the self in a persuasion context.
Het effect van toegiftsartikelen bij voedingsproducten op het keuze- en koopgedrag van ouders onder invloed van kinderen
The impact of premiums in nutrition products on the buying behaviour of families with children.
Economische psychologie en consumentengedrag
Approche psycho-organisationelle du stress au travail: résultats préliminaires de Belstress
Psycho-social health of permanent night nurses
Affect als informatie: onderzoek betreffende de mediërende rol van mentale schema's op attitudes
BELSTRESS: Het Belgische stressonderzoek.
BELSTRESS : arbeids- en organisatiepsychologische benadering van jobstress : voorlopige resultaten
Patiëntentoewijzing en arbeidsbeleving van verpleegkundigen
Het vakgebied van de Economische Psychologie
Economisch-psychologische gevolgen van burnout
Onderzoeksdesign en instrumentarium van het Belgisch jobstress onderzoek
(1996) -
Risicofactoren van burn-out: een onderzoek bij leerkrachten uit het secundair onderwijs
Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen de werk-psychologische antecedenten werkstress, ondersteuning en burnout
Risicofactoren van burn-out: een onderzoek bij leerkrachten uit het secundair onderwijs
Etude belge du stress au travail : aperçu du modèle de recherche et des outils d'investigation
Burnout and work organization in hospital wards: A cross-validation study.
Arbeids- en levensomstandigheden van de verpleegkundigen
Arbeids- en levensomstandigheden van de beoefenaars van de verpleegkunde
De impact van jobstress
Relatie tussen het ploegenstelsel en de psycho-sociale gezondheid bij verpleegkundigen
Confirmatorische analyse van de factorstructuur en de validiteit van de Maslach Burnout Inventory
Evaluatie van een participatief beleidsinitiatief vanuit het middenkader in een universitair ziekenhuis
Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van verpleegkundige functie-ontwerpen op de arbeidsbeleving
Onderzoek naar de antecedenten en gevolgen van burnout bij verpleegkundigen in algemene ziekenhuizen
(1994) -
Exploratieve analyse van de factoriële validiteit van de Maslach Burnout Inventory
De rol van attributionele en emotionele processen bij agressieve kinderen: een onderzoek
Recensie: Defrenne, J. & Delvaux, C. (1990). Le Management de l'incerti tude: l'adhésion partenariale.