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Uncovering unknown dynamics in water resource recovery facilities with neural differential equations and Shapley value analysis
Geometric properties of ternary fuzzy relations
Advanced wood species identification based on multiple anatomical sections and using deep feature transfer and fusion
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Modification speed alters stability of ecological higher-order interaction networks
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Traces of ternary relations based on Bandler–Kohout compositions
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Identification of compound drought and heatwave events on a daily scale and across four seasons
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Environment‐dependent population dynamics emerging from dynamic energy budgets and individual‐scale movement behaviour
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The pseudo-inverse of a monotone function between complete lattices and its use in generating t-norms and t-conorms
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Temperature-driven dynamics : unraveling the impact of climate change on cryptic species interactions within the Litoditis marina complex
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A critical review of common pitfalls and guidelines to effectively infer parameters of agent-based models using Approximate Bayesian Computation
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Impedimetric biofilm characterization with microelectrode arrays using equivalent electrical circuit features and ensemble classifiers
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Ultrametrics for context-aware comparison of binary images
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Metapopulation models with anti-symmetric Lotka–Volterra systems
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A simulation study on the probabilities of rank reversal, tie making, and tie breaking for multiple criteria decision making methods
A dissection of the monotonicity property of binary operations from a dominance point of view
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Cooperative interactions between invader and resident microbial community members weaken the negative diversity-invasion relationship
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High-quality marine economic development in China from the perspective of green total factor productivity growth : dynamic changes and improvement strategies
No six-cell neighborhood cellular automaton solves the parity problem
Weaker forms of increasingness of binary operations and their role in the characterization of meet and join operations
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Compound extreme climate events intensify yield anomalies of winter wheat in France
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A TOPSIS analysis of regional competitiveness at European level
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A comparison of embedding aggregation strategies in drug-target interaction prediction
A multi-perspective exploration of the salinization mechanisms of groundwater in the Guanzhong Basin, China
Butterfly abundance changes in England are well associated with extreme climate events
Exponential-trigonometric optimization algorithm for solving complicated engineering problems
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On the representation of internal uninorms on a bounded lattice
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Decomposition and construction of uninorms on the unit interval
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Hyperparameter optimization of two-branch neural networks in multi-target prediction
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Improving deep neural network random initialization through neuronal rewiring
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Evaluation of activated sludge settling characteristics from microscopy images with deep convolutional neural networks and transfer learning
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Machine-learning-based prediction of disability progression in multiple sclerosis : an observational, international, multi-center study
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Link prediction in stagewise graphs
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Hyperdimensional computing : a fast, robust, and interpretable paradigm for biological data
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DepoScope : accurate phage depolymerase annotation and domain delineation using large language models
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A comparison of machine learning methods for predicting the direction of the US stock market on the basis of volatility indices
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Prediction of Klebsiella phage-host specificity at the strain level
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A holistic approach to the composition of ternary relations
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Rapid and non-destructive microbial quality prediction of fresh pork stored under modified atmospheres by using selected-ion flow-tube mass spectrometry and machine learning
Microelectrode-array-based sensing of bacterial biofilm antibiotic susceptibility using impedance spectroscopy and convolutional neural networks
Bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic contaminants in biota : a long-term evaluation in the Belgian part of the North Sea
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Non-uniform number-conserving elementary cellular automata
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Plant impedance spectroscopy : a review of modeling approaches and applications
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DeepMTP : a Python-based deep learning framework for multi-target prediction
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Non-uniform number-conserving elementary cellular automata on the infinite grid : a tale of the unexpected
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Combining natural language processing and multidimensional classifiers to predict and correct CMMS metadata
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No bacterial-mediated alleviation of thermal stress in a brown seaweed suggests the absence of ecological bacterial rescue effects
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Future multivariate weather generation by combining Bartlett-Lewis and vine copula models
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Oracle selection provides insight into how far off practice is from Utopia in plant breeding
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A decomposition theorem for number-conserving multi-state cellular automata on triangular grids
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Fuzzy structures induced by fuzzy betweenness relations
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A density-grid-based method for clustering k-dimensional data
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Fuzzy relational Galois connections between fuzzy transitive digraphs
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Modelling fish co-occurrence patterns in a small spring-fed river using a machine learning approach
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Seven-state rotation-symmetric number-conserving cellular automaton that is not isomorphic to any septenary one
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Lightweight image super-resolution with a feature-refined network
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A deep recursive multi-scale feature fusion network for image super-resolution?
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Triangular norms on bounded trellises
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RADAM : texture recognition through randomized aggregated encoding of deep activation maps
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A note on the representation theorem for nullnorms on bounded lattices
Moisture dynamics of wood fibre insulation materials
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Solving the Kemeny ranking aggregation problem with quantum optimization algorithms
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When driving becomes risky : micro-scale variants of the lane-changing maneuver in highway traffic
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The potential of surveillance data for dengue risk mapping : an evaluation of different approaches in Cuba
Biology-based machine learning to predict phage-host specificity for the clinical phage therapist
- Conference Paper
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A comparison of different machine learning algorithms for predicting microbial quality during storage of modified atmosphere packaged pork based on volatile organic compounds
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Rapid and non destructive prediction of pork microbial quality using volatolome based artificial neural networks
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Evaluating the potential of Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis for plant agriculture
Characterizing seafood freshness via Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
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An exploration of reversible septenary number-conserving cellular automata : a survey of known methods
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Valid prediction intervals for regression problems
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Prediction of pipe failures in water supply networks for longer time periods through multi-label classification
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A nearest neighbor open-set classifier based on excesses of distance ratios
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Application of the Point-Descriptor-Precedence representation for micro-scale traffic analysis at a non-signalized T-junction
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Food biodiversity : quantifying the unquantifiable in human diets
Interspecies interactions of the 2,6-dichlorobenzamide degrading aminobacter sp. MSH1 with resident sand filter bacteria : indications for mutual cooperative interactions that improve BAM mineralization activity
Studying the spatio-temporal dynamics of wood decay with X-ray CT scanning
The Hukuhara difference, gH-difference and gH-division are not inclusion isotonic
Digital phagograms : predicting phage infectivity through a multilayer machine learning approach
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Impact of bias nonstationarity on the performance of uni- and multivariate bias-adjusting methods : a case study on data from Uccle, Belgium
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Equivalent electrical circuits and their use across electrochemical impedance spectroscopy application domains
Cross-disciplinary communication in intelligent packaging technology development
Machine learning to assist in large-scale, activity-based synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist screening of serum samples
Idempotent uninorms on a complete chain
Quo vadis, agent-based modelling tools?
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Identification of phage receptor-binding protein sequences with hidden Markov models and an extreme gradient boosting classifier
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Moisture dynamics of wood-based panels and wood fibre insulation materials
Adaptive scoping : balancing short- and long-term genetic gain in plant breeding
Embedding metric learning into an extreme learning machine for scene recognition
Reversibility of number-conserving 1D cellular automata : unlocking insights into the dynamics for larger state sets
Maximal directions of monotonicity of an aggregation function
BioCCP.jl : collecting coupons in combinatorial biotechnology
- Conference Paper
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Two novel approaches to identify phage receptor-binding protein sequences
A complete description of the dynamics of legal outer-totalistic affine continuous cellular automata
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Improved wood species identification based on multi-view imagery of the three anatomical planes
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Qualitative team formation analysis in football : a case study of the 2018 FIFA World Cup
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Covering the combinatorial design space of multiplex CRISPR/Cas experiments in plants
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Day versus night use of forest by red and roe deer as determined by Corine Land Cover and Copernicus Tree Cover Density : assessing use of geographic layers in movement ecology
Machine-learning-based prediction of disability progression in multiple sclerosis : an observational, international, multi-center study
A representation of nullnorms on a bounded lattice in terms of beam operations
A characterization of idempotent nullnorms on bounded lattices
Class-specific discriminative metric learning for scene recognition
Multi-target prediction for dummies using two-branch neural networks
On triangular norms representable as ordinal sums based on interior operators on a bounded meet semilattice
Nullnorms on bounded lattices constructed by means of closure and interior operators
A complete representation theorem for nullnorms on bounded lattices with ample illustrations
Lifting associative operations on subposets of a complete lattice
Joint global metric learning and local manifold preservation for scene recognition
Ordinal classification with a spectrum of information sources
Hybrid differential equations : integrating mechanistic and data-driven techniques for modelling of water systems
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Bipolar equations on complete distributive symmetric residuated lattices : the case of a join-irreducible right-hand side
Identifying volatile spoilage indicators in minced beef packed under gaseous atmospheres
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Effective drought communication : using the past to assess the present and anticipate the future
A distance-constrained semantic autoencoder for zero-shot remote sensing scene classification
Integrated hybrid modelling of water resource recovery facilities by coupling mechanistic and data-driven ODE models
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The Point-Descriptor-Precedence representation for point configurations and movements
Influence of topology on the dynamics of in silico ecosystems with non-hierarchical competition
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Compositions of ternary relations
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Incorporating unmodeled dynamics into first-principles models through machine learning
Reversibility of non-saturated linear cellular automata on finite triangular grids
Automated detection and counting of Artemia using U-shaped fully convolutional networks and deep convolutional networks
Constructions of uni-nullnorms and null-uninorms on a bounded lattice
Forty years of fuzzy sets and systems : a bibliometric analysis
Distance metric learning for augmenting the method of nearest neighbors for ordinal classification with absolute and relative information
Otolith identification using a deep hierarchical classification model
Unraveling the natural durability of wood : revealing the impact of decay-influencing characteristics other than fungicidal components
Curved splicing of copulas
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Predicting bacteriophage hosts based on sequences of annotated receptor-binding proteins
Recurrent misconceptions in the study of CA reversibility on triangular grids
A comparative study of machine learning methods for ordinal classification with absolute and relative information
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Crowdsourced mapping of unexplored target space of kinase inhibitors
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Stability analysis of the coexistence equilibrium of a balanced metapopulation model
Two-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-conserving cellular automata
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Transitive closures of ternary fuzzy relations
A characterization of the property of orthomonotonicity
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Deep scoping : a breeding strategy to preserve, reintroduce and exploit genetic variation
A characterization of the classes Umin and Umax of uninorms on a bounded lattice
Practical equivalent electrical circuit identification for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis with gene expression programming
Aggregation theory revisited
Untangling the mechanisms of cryptic species coexistence in a nematode community through individual-based modelling
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Cold-start problems in data-driven prediction of drug-drug interaction effects
Pairwise learning for predicting pollination interactions based on traits and phylogeny
A survey on matching strategies for boundary image comparison and evaluation
On the aggregation of compositional data
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Oceanic response to the consecutive Hurricanes Dorian and Humberto (2019) in the Sargasso Sea
Quantitative dominance-based neighborhood rough sets via fuzzy preference relations
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Unsupervised cell segmentation and labelling in neural tissue images
Ordinal sums of triangular norms on a bounded lattice
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On the role of distance transformations in Baddeley’s Delta Metric
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Disentangling the information in species interaction networks
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Probabilistic topic modelling in food spoilage analysis : a case study with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
- Book Chapter
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Identifying potential volatile spoilage indicators in shredded carrot using SIFT-MS
(2021) Dynamic flavor : capturing aroma using real-time mass spectrometry. In ACS Symposium Series 1402. p.107-122 -
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Exploring the effect of occurrence-bias-adjustment assumptions on hydrological impact modeling
Impact of bias nonstationarity on the performance of uni- and multivariate bias-adjusting methods
Comparison of occurrence-bias-adjusting methods for hydrological impact modelling
Combining absolute and relative information with frequency distributions for ordinal classification
- Conference Paper
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Performance of bio-based building materials : durability and moisture dynamics
Combining mechanistic and data-driven techniques for predictive modelling of wastewater treatment plants
Scalable large-margin distance metric learning using stochastic gradient descent
Deep feature fusion through adaptive discriminative metric learning for scene recognition
Fuzzy linear programming problems : models and solutions
Improved deep embedding learning based on stochastic symmetric triplet loss and local sampling
A hitchhiker's guide to quasi-copulas
A mathematical morphology approach for a qualitative exploration of drought events in space and time
Algebraic shortcuts for leave-one-out cross-validation in supervised network inference
Fusing absolute and relative information for augmenting the method of nearest neighbors for ordinal classification
Using intransitive triads to determine final species richness of competition networks
Ternary reversible number-conserving cellular automata are trivial
Identification of cellular automata based on incomplete observations with bounded time gaps
On the construction of uninorms by paving
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Wildfire ignition probability in Belgium
Fuzzy betweenness relations and their connection with fuzzy order relations
Relational Galois connections between transitive fuzzy digraphs
An inherent difficulty in the aggregation of multidimensional data
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Spatial movement pattern recognition in soccer based on relative player movements
Option implied moments obtained through fuzzy regression
Relational Galois connections between transitive digraphs: Characterization and construction
Development of a land use regression model for black carbon using mobile monitoring data and its application to pollution-avoiding routing
Oceanic response to Hurricane Irma (2017) in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cuba and the eastern Gulf of Mexico
High-ISO long-exposure image denoising based on quantitative blob characterization
A correspondence between voting procedures and stochastic orderings
Automated artemia length measurement using U-shaped fully convolutional networks and second-order anisotropic Gaussian kernels
Automated blob detection using iterative Laplacian of Gaussian filtering and unilateral second-order Gaussian kernels
Closures and openings of ternary relations
Boundary detection using unbiased sparseness-constrained colour-opponent response and superpixel contrast
Efficient enumeration of three-state two-dimensional number-conserving cellular automata
Information content in pollination network reveals missing interactions
A split-and-perturb decomposition of number-conserving cellular automata
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Preservation of genetic variation in a breeding population for long-term genetic gain
On the construction of fuzzy betweenness relations from metrics
A spatio-temporal land use regression model to assess street-level exposure to black carbon
Non-king elimination, intransitive triad interactions, and species coexistence in ecological competition networks
Spatio-temporal variability of oceanographic conditions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cuba
Three-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-conserving cellular automata
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The constrained median : a way to incorporate side information in the assessment of food samples
Perspective : towards automated tracking of content and evidence appraisal of nutrition research
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A general-purpose toolbox for efficient Kronecker-based learning
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Bio-based building materials : how to unravel the role of material characteristics on fungal susceptibility?
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Superpixel segmentation based on anisotropic edge strength
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Chronicle of a failure foretold : 2017 Rector election at Ghent University
On the compatibility of a ternary relation with a binary fuzzy relation
Left- and right-compatibility of order relations and fuzzy tolerance relations
Exploring the use of X-ray micro CT as a tool for the monitoring of moisture production and mass loss during lab-based fungal degradation testing
Topologies induced by the representation of a betweenness relation as a family of order relations
A taxonomy of monotonicity properties for the aggregation of multidimensional data
On the role of monometrics in penalty-based data aggregation
A two-layer representation of four-state reversible number-conserving 2D cellular automata
Learning single‐cell distances from cytometry data
The impact of hurricanes on the oceanographic conditions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cuba
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All binary number-conserving cellular automata based on adjacent cells are intrinsically one-dimensional
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Real-time prediction of influenza outbreaks in Belgium
On the lattice structure of the set of supermodular quasi-copulas
On the degree of asymmetry of a quasi-copula with respect to a curve
The superdominance relation, the positional winner, and more missing links between Borda and Condorcet
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Rift Valley fever : an open-source transmission dynamics simulation model
Integrating expert and novice evaluations for augmenting ordinal regression models
Multivariate winning probabilities
Noise-robust line detection using normalized and adaptive second-order anisotropic Gaussian kernels
The acclamation consensus state and an associated ranking rule
Cutting levels of the winning probability relation of random variables pairwisely coupled by a same Frank copula
The sample monomode and an associated test for discrete monomodality
Two-dimensional affine continuous cellular automata solving the relaxed density classification problem
A validated expert-based habitat suitability assessment for eagle owls in Limburg, the Netherlands
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Analysis of spatio-temporal fungal growth dynamics under different environmental conditions
Kernel-based distance metric learning for supervised k-means clustering
An efficient method for clustered multi-metric learning
A method based on the Levenshtein distance metric for the comparison of multiple movement patterns described by matrix sequences of different length
Kernel distance metric learning using pairwise constraints for person re-identification
Assessing the potential of the qualitative trajectory calculus to detect gait pathologies : a case study of children with developmental coordination disorder
Lattice-based versus lattice-free individual-based models : impact on coexistence in competitive communities
Possibilistic compositions and state functions : application to the order promising process for perishables
Inter- and intrafield distribution of cereal leaf beetle species (coleoptera : chrysomelidae) in Belgian winter wheat
Guiding mineralization co-culture discovery using Bayesian optimization
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X-ray microtomography and linear discriminant analysis enable detection of embolism-related acoustic emissions
A statistical approach to the identification of diploid cellular automata based on incomplete observations
Contour detection based on anisotropic edge strength and hierarchical superpixel contrast
Multiscale edge detection using first-order derivative of anisotropic Gaussian kernels
Penalty-based aggregation of strings
(2019) NEW TRENDS IN AGGREGATION THEORY. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 981. p.212-222 -
The dominance, covering and supercovering relations in the context of multiple partially specified reciprocal relations
(2019) FUZZY TECHNIQUES: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1000. p.483-492 -
- Journal Article
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An ontology to standardize research output of nutritional epidemiology : from paper-based standards to linked content
- Conference Paper
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From DIKW pyramid to graph database : a tool for machine processing of nutritional epidemiologic research data
Spoilage evaluation of raw Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stored under modified atmospheres by multivariate statistics and augmented ordinal regression
Clonal sets of a binary relation
Traces of ternary relations
- Conference Paper
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Combining absolute and relative information in studies on food quality
Habitat characteristics of possible hunting grounds of the Eurasian eagle owl in Limburg, The Netherlands
Indices for financial market volatility obtained through fuzzy regression
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On the linear stability of some finite difference schemes for nonlinear reaction-diffusion models of chemical reaction networks
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Three-species competition with non-deterministic outcomes
Spatio-temporal drought identification through mathematical morphology
Monotonicity of a profile of rankings with ties