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Ruminations on sustainable and safe food : championing for open symbiotic cultures ensuring resource efficiency, eco-sustainability and affordability
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A concept for international societally relevant microbiology education and microbiology knowledge promulgation in society
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Nitrogen and me : how little did we, and do we know about 'stikstof - azote - nitrogen'?
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How can we possibly resolve the planet's nitrogen dilemma?
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A sustainable waste-to-protein system to maximise waste resource utilisation for developing food- and feed-grade protein solutions
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Weaponising microbes for peace
The Pareto principle : to what extent does it apply to resource acquisition in stable microbial communities and thereby steer their geno-/ecotype compositions and interactions between their members?
Feasibility of packed-bed trickling filters for partial nitritation/anammox : effects of carrier material, bottom ventilation openings, hydraulic loading rate and free ammonia
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Analysis of non-axenic biomasses for self-healing concrete
Vrij onderzoek noodzakelijk voor maatschappelijke uitdagingen : ruimte voor wetenschap op initiatief van de onderzoeker
Insights of metallic nanoparticles and ions in accelerating the bacterial uptake of antibiotic resistance genes
Aggregation of purple bacteria in an upflow photobioreactor to facilitate solid/liquid separation : impact of organic loading rate, hydraulic retention time and water composition
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Multiple intertwined crises facing humanity necessitate a European Environmental Research Organization
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Microbial biotechnology to assure national security of supplies of essential resources : energy, food and water, medical reagents, waste disposal and a circular economy
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Engineering microbial technologies for environmental sustainability : choices to make
- Book Chapter
- open access
Resource recovery from industrial wastewater : what and how much is there?
- Book Chapter
- open access
Resource recovery 2050 and beyond : water in a climate-neutral and cyclic economy
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Performance of second-generation microbial protein used as aquaculture feed in relation to planetary boundaries
Direct nitrogen stripping and upcycling from anaerobic digestate during conversion of cheese whey into single cell protein
- Book Chapter
- open access
Producing microbial-based protein from reactive nitrogen recovered from wastewater
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Assessing the potential for up-cycling recovered resources from anaerobic digestion through microbial protein production
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Probiotics : their action against pathogens can be turned around
Effective orthophosphate removal from surface water using hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria : moving towards applicability
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Safeguarding the microbial water quality from source to tap
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Novel bioplastic from single cell protein as a potential packaging material
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Enrichment of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria from high-temperature and high-salinity environments
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Exploration of isoxanthohumol bioconversion from spent hops into 8-prenylnaringenin using resting cells of Eubacterium limosum
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Hydrogen oxidizing bacteria are capable of removing orthophosphate to ultra-low concentrations in a fed batch reactor configuration
The hydrogen gas bio-based economy and the production of renewable building block chemicals, food and energy
Growth kinetics of environmental Legionella pneumophila isolated from industrial wastewater
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Stochasticity in microbiology : managing unpredictability to reach the Sustainable Development Goals
Upcycling of biowaste carbon and nutrients in line with consumer confidence : the 'full gas' route to single cell protein
Purple phototrophic bacteria for resource recovery : challenges and opportunities
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Storage, fertilization and cost properties highlight the potential of dried microbial biomass as organic fertilizer
Legionella occurrence in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants and risks of reclaimed wastewater reuse : review
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The urgent need for microbiology literacy in society
Mainstream ammonium recovery to advance sustainable urban wastewater management
Decoupling livestock from land use through industrial feed production pathways
Taking the technical microbiome into the next decade
Carbon emission avoidance and capture by producing in-reactor microbial biomass based food, feed and slow release fertilizer : potentials and limitations
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Rapid removal of ammonium from domestic wastewater using polymer hydrogels
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The contribution of microbial biotechnology to sustainable development goals
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The contribution of microbial biotechnology to economic growth and employment creation
Copper oxide nanoparticles induce lysogenic bacteriophage and metal-resistance genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
Microbes and the next nitrogen revolution
The microbiome as engineering tool : manufacturing and trading between microorganisms
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Microbial technology with major potentials for the urgent environmental needs of the next decades
Used water and nutrients: recovery perspectives in a 'panta rhei' context
Autotrophic nitrogen assimilation and carbon capture for microbial protein production by a novel enrichment of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria
Decrease of dissolved sulfide in sewage by powdered natural magnetite and hematite
Pressing topics in the Belgian water sector anno 2015
A review of sustainable sanitation systems in Africa
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Microbial protein : future sustainable food supply route with low environmental footprint
Perspectives for microbial community composition in anaerobic digestion : from abundance and activity to connectivity
Management of microbial communities through transient disturbances enhances the functional resilience of nitrifying gas-biofilters to future disturbances
Nitrate reducing CaCO3 precipitating bacteria survive in mortar and inhibit steel corrosion
Strategies for the reduction of Legionella in biological treatment systems
Legal constraints and opportunities for biochar: a case analysis of EU law
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A perspective on the economic valorization of gene manipulated biotechnology: past and future
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The manufacturing microbe
Inoculum selection is crucial to ensure operational stability in anaerobic digestion
Resource recovery from used water: the manufacturing abilities of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria
Global phosphorus scarcity and full-scale P-recovery techniques: a review
Industrial application of biological self-healing concrete: challenges and economical feasibility
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A two-stage decentralised system combining high rate activated sludge (HRAS) with alternating charcoal filters (ACF) for treating small community sewage to reusable standards for agriculture
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Enhancement of biogas potential of primary sludge by co-digestion with cow manure and brewery sludge
Simulation of long-term nutrient removal in a full-scale closed-loop bioreactor for sewage treatment: an example of Bayesian inference
Digestion of high rate activated sludge coupled to biochar formation for soil improvement in the tropics
Can direct conversion of used nitrogen to new feed and protein help feed the world?
Ammonia and temperature determine potential clustering in the anaerobic digestion microbiome
Screening of bacteria and concrete compatible protection materials
Co-digestion of molasses or kitchen waste with high-rate activated sludge results in a diverse microbial community with stable methane production
Production of non-axenic ureolytic spores for self-healing concrete applications
Ammonia and temperature determine clustering or AD-typing in the anaerobic digestion microbiome
Anaerobic digestion: about beauty and consolation
- Conference Paper
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H2-Oxidizing bacteria for single cell protein production and sustainable nitrogen cycling
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Anaerobic digestion and the markets for resource recovery
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The technological side of the microbiome
Foam formation in a downstream digester of a cascade running full-scale biogas plant: influence of fat, oil and grease addition and abundance of the filamentous bacterium Microthrix parvicella
Self-healing concrete by use of microencapsulated bacterial spores
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Biomass retention on electrodes rather than electrical current enhances stability in anaerobic digestion
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Greenhouse gas emissions from rice microcosms amended with a plant microbial fuel cell
Pipelines for new chemicals: a strategy to create new value chains and stimulate innovation-based economic revival in Southern European countries
Methanosaeta dominate acetoclastic methanogenesis during high-rate methane production in anaerobic reactors treating distillery wastewaters
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Enhanced disinfection of wastewater by combining wetland treatment with bioelectrochemical H₂O₂ production
Anaerobic digestion of molasses by means of a vibrating and non-vibrating submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Pathway of nitrous oxide consumption in isolated Pseudomonas stutzeri strains under anoxic and oxic conditions
The industrial markets of sporulating bacteria
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Operational conditions determine the anaerobic digestion microbiome
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The HMI™ module: a new tool to study the host-microbiota interaction in the human gastrointestinal tract in vitro
The antibacterial and anti-biofouling performance of biogenic silver nanoparticles by Lactobacillus fermentum
Biomass retention on electrodes rather than electrical current enhances stability in anaerobic digestion
X-ray computed tomography proof of bacterial-based self-healing in concrete
Application of hydrogel encapsulated carbonate precipitating bacteria for approaching a realistic self-healing in concrete
Moderate temperature increase leads to disintegration of floating sludge and lower abundance of the filamentous bacterium Microthrix parvicella in anaerobic digesters
Performance of the biosorptive activated sludge (BAS) as pre-treatment to UF for decentralized wastewater reuse
Autotrophic nitrogen removal after ureolytic phosphate precipitation to remove both endogenous and exogenous nitrogen
Sewage pre-concentration for maximum recovery and reuse at decentralized level
Enhanced fractionation of mixed wastewater as an alternative to separation at the source
Decentralized two-stage sewage treatment by chemical-biological flocculation combined with microalgae biofilm for nutrient immobilization in a roof installed parallel plate reactor
Environmental conditions and community eveness determine the outcome of biological invasion
Enrichment of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (Anammox) bacteria from OLAND and conventional sludge: features and limitations
Influence of temperature on the effectiveness of a biogenic carbonate surface treatment for limestone conservation
Factors influencing urease driven struvite precipitation
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Performance of a lab-scale bio-electrochemical assisted septic tank for the anaerobic treatment of black water
A bioelectrochemical system as stabilizing and remediating agent in anaerobic digestion
A bioelectrochemical system in anaerobic digestion: stabilization and remediation
Anaerobic digestion of molasses by means of a vibrating and non-vibrating submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor
One-stage partial nitritation/anammox at 15 °C on pretreated sewage : feasibility demonstration at lab-scale
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Enhanced self-healing capacity in cementitious materials by use of encapsulated carbonate precipitating bacteria : from proof-of-concept to reality
Integration of wetland wastewater treatment with disinfection via bioelectrochemical H2O2 production
Atmospheric methane removal by methane-oxidizing bacteria immobilized on porous building materilas
Application of a molecular based approach for the early detection of short term 3-chloroaniline shock loads on activated sludge bacterial community and functionality
Environmental conditions and community evenness determine the outcome of biological invasion
Mainstream sewage treatment with partial nitritation–anammox: potential role of NO production
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Wastewater disposal to landfill-sites: a synergistic solution for centralized management of olive mill wastewater and enhanced production of landfill gas
Different human gut models reveal the distinct fermentation patterns of arabinoxylan versus inulin
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Prebiotics, faecal transplants and microbial network units to stimulate biodiversity of the human gut microbiome
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Enhanced disinfection of wastewater by combining wetland treatment with bioelectrochemical H2O2 production
Synthetic microbial communities: high throughput models to test new ecological hypothesis
High-rate iron-rich activated sludge as stabilizing agent for the anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste
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Repeated pulse feeding induces functional stability in anaerobic digestion
Anaerobic digestion of molasses by means of a vibrating and non-vibrating submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Recovery against environmental action
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Atmospheric methane removal by methane-oxidizing bacteria immobilized on porous building materials
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Hydrogel encapsulated bacterial spores for self-healing concrete: proof of concept
Recovery of metals using biometallurgy
Dietary modulation of clostridial cluster XIVa gut bacteria (Roseburia spp.) by chitin-glucan fiber improves host metabolic alterations induced by high-fat diet in mice
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Bio-palladium : from metal recovery to catalytic applications
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Incorporating a mucosal environment in a dynamic gut model results in a more representative colonization by lactobacilli
Anaerobic digestibility of marine microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum in a lab-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Angiopoietin-like protein 4 : health effects, modulating agents and structure-function relationships
The biology and biotechnology behind bioflocs
Diatomaceous earth as a protective vehicle for bacteria applied for self-healing concrete
Biodeposited Pd/Au bimetallic nanoparticles as novel Suzuki catalysts
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100 years of microbial electricity production : three concepts for the future
Principles and technology of microbial fuel cells
Anaerobic digestibility of Scenedesmus obliquus and Phaeodactylum tricornutum under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions
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Microbial resource management of one-stage partial nitritation/anammox
Behandeling van anaerobe digestaten met OLAND maximaliseert de elektrische netto-energiewinst
Methanosarcina: the rediscovered methanogen for heavy duty biomethanation
Biogenic silver nanoparticles (bio-Ag-0) decrease biofouling of bio-Ag-0/PES nanocomposite membranes
Use of silica gel or polyurethane immobilized bacteria for self-healing concrete
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Successful hydraulic strategies to start up OLAND sequencing batch reactors at lab scale
- Journal Article
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Diclofenac and 2-anilinophenylacetate degradation by combined activity of biogenic manganese oxides and silver
In vitro fermentation of arabinoxylan oligosaccharides and low molecular mass arabinoxylans with different structural properties from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) bran and psyllium (Plantago ovata Forsk) seed husk
Enhanced disinfection efficiencies of solar irradiation by biogenic silver
Anaerobic digestibility of marine microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum in a lab-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Combination of chemical biological flocculation and microalgae biofilm growth for decentralized sewage treatment
Improved start-up of OLAND sequencing batch reactors by means of hydraulic strategies
Simple strategies to control the oxygen budget of an OLAND rotating biological contactor
A high-rate ammonia gas biofilter based on partial nitritation/anammox removes total nitrogen at high efficiency
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Microbiologically induced cementation of CaCO3 nanoparticles for lime-stone conservation
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Suitability of granular carbon as an anode material for sediment microbial fuel cells
Managing the microbiota in aquaculture systems for disease prevention and control
Occurence of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP): case-study in re-use plant for drinking water
Transparent exopolymer particle removal in different drinking water production centers
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Special issue: Microbial resource management: preface
- Journal Article
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Catalytic dechlorination of diclofenac by biogenic palladium in a microbial electrolysis cell
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Sulfide- and nitrite-dependent nitric oxide production in the intestinal tract
Doping of biogenic Pd catalysts with Au enables dechlorination of diclofenac at environmental conditions
Strategies to mitigate N2O emissions from biological nitrogen removal systems
Biofloc technology in aquaculture: beneficial effects and future challenges
Biologically produced nanosilver: current state and future perspectives
Microbial production and environmental applications of Pd nanoparticles for treatment of halogenated compounds
Efficient total nitrogen removal in an ammonia gas biofilter through high-rate OLAND
Evaluation and thermodynamic calculation of ureolytic magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitation from UASB effluent at pilot scale
Early warning indicators for process failure due to organic overloading by rapeseed oil in one-stage continuously stirred tank reactor, sewage sludge and waste digesters
Electrochemical resource recovery from digestate to prevent ammonia toxicity during anaerobic digestion
Arabinoxylans and inulin differentially modulate the mucosal and luminal gut microbiota and mucin-degradation in humanized rats
Conversion of biogas to bioproducts by algae and methane oxidizing bacteria
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Integration of wetland wastewater treatment with disinfection via bio-electrochemical H₂O₂ production
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Efficient atmospheric methane removal by methanotrophic bacteria immobilized on porous building materials
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Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from rice paddy soils amended with a plant microbial fuel cell
Feeding pattern variation induces functional stability in anaerobic digestion
A bioelectrochemical system as stabilizing and remediating agent in anaerobic digestion
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Benefits from the plant-sediment MFC
Characterization of a mixed culture that reductively dechlorinates mixed chlorinated ethenes and ethanes
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Anode materials for sediment microbial fuel cells
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Cathodes for sediment microbial fuel cells
Bacterial modulation of the fasting-induced adipose factor (FIAF): an example of host-microbe crosstalk related to obesity
Adherence and viability of intestinal bacteria to differentiated Caco-2 cells quantified by flow cytometry
Bacterial monocultures, propionate, butyrate and H(2)O(2) modulate the expression, secretion and structure of the fasting-induced adipose factor in gut epithelial cell lines
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Biogenic palladium enhances diatrizoate removal from hospital wastewater in a microbial electrolysis cell
The antibacterial activity of biogenic silver and its mode of action
ZeroWasteWater: short-cycling of wastewater resources for sustainable cities of the future
The host selects mucosal and luminal associations of coevolved gut microorganisms: a novel concept
Floc-based sequential partial nitritation and anammox at full scale with contrasting N(2)O emissions
A sustainable, carbon neutral methane oxidation by a partnership of methane oxidizing communities and microalgae
Long-chain acylhomoserine lactones increase the anoxic ammonium oxidation rate in an OLAND biofilm
OLAND is feasible to treat sewage-like nitrogen concentrations at low hydraulic residence times
Gold nanoparticle formation using Shewanella oneidensis: a fast biosorption and slow reduction process
Propionate as a health-promoting microbial metabolite in the human gut
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The 'LipoYeasts' project : using the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica in combination with specific bacterial genes for the bioconversion of lipids, fats and oils into high-value products
Convergent dynamics of the juvenile European sea bass gut microbiota induced by poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate
A time-course analysis of four full-scale anaerobic digesters in relation to the dynamics of change of their microbial communities
Biocatalytic dechlorination of hexachlorocyclohexane by immobilized bio-Pd in a pilot scale fluidized bed reactor
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Palladium nanoparticles produced by fermentatively grown bacteria as catalyst for diatrizoate removal with biogenic hydrogen
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Dehalogenation of trichloroethylene in microbial electrolysis cells with biogenic palladium nanoparticles
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Occurrence of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in drinking water systems
Studying the host-microbiota interaction in the human gastrointestinal tract: basic concepts and in vitro approaches
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Autotrophic nitrous oxide removal in bioelectrochemical systems
Biocathodic nitrous oxide removal in a microbial fuel cell
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Microbial reuterin production and its effects on a 3-D model of colonic epithelium
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Linoleic acid biohydrogenation and butyrate production upon rolled oats addition to a fed-batch reactor simulating conditions of the colon
Simple strategies to control the oxygen budget of an OLAND rotating biological contactor
Prebiotic and other health-related effects of cereal-derived arabinoxylans, arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides, and xylooligosaccharides
Efficiency and sustainability of urban wastewater treatment with maximum separation of the solid and liquid fraction
Biodegradation of micropollutants and prospects for water and wastewater biotreatment
Palladium nanoparticles produced by fermentatively cultivated bacteria as catalyst for diatrizoate removal with biogenic hydrogen
Industrial biomass: source of chemicals, materials, and energy!: implications and limitations of the use of biomass as a source for food, chemicals, materials and energy
(2011) -
Biosupported bimetallic Pd-Au nanocatalysts for dechlorination of environmental contaminants
Arabinoxylans and inulin differentially modulate the mucosal and luminal gut microbiota and mucin-degradation in humanized rats
- Conference Paper
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Nutrient removal from UASB effluent in agro-industries
'One reactor' autotrophic nitrogen removal after ureolytic phosphate precipitation to remove both endogenous and exogenous nitrogen
Recovery of nutrients from wastewater: a market for artificial manure?
Biocathodic nitrous oxide removal in bioelectrochemical systems
Successful hydraulic strategies to start up OLAND sequencing batch reactors at lab scale
Lab-scale production and anaerobic digestion of freshwater microalgae Scenedesmus obliquus and marine microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Anaerobic digestibility of freshwater microalgae Scenedesmus obliquus and marine microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions
The adherent and invasive Escherichia coli is repressed from mucus by arabinoxylans, inulin and Lactobacillus reuteri in a novel in vitro gut model
Arabinoxylans prevent adverse effects of a high fat diet through prebiotic modulation of the gut microbiota
Performance and greenhouse gas emissions from an industrial nitrogen removal plant: trade-off between water and air quality?
OLAND is feasible to treat sewage-like nitrogen concentrations at low hydraulic residence time
Contrastive N2O emissions from partial nitritation and anammox at an industrial WWTP
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OLAND is feasible to treat sewage-like nitrogen concentrations at low hydraulic residence time
Self-healing concrete by use of diatomaceous earth immobilized bacteria
A mirobial based system developed for self-healing concrete cracks
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Occurrence of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) through drinking water treatment plants
Limestone porosity determines the protective effect of a biogenic carbonate surface treatment
Enhanced biomethanation of kitchen waste by different pre-treatments
The techno-economic potential of renewable energy through the anaerobic digestion of microalgae
Biogenic metals for the oxidative and reductive removal of pharmaceuticals, biocides and iodinated contrast media in a polishing membrane bioreactor
Degradation of acetaminophen by Delftia tsuruhatensis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a membrane bioreactor
Virus disinfection in water by biogenic silver immobilized in polyvinylidene fluoride membranes
The intestinal microbiome: a separate organ inside the body with the metabolic potential to influence the bioactivity of botanicals
Upgrading of straw hydrolysate for production of hydrogen and phenols in a microbial electrolysis cell (MEC)
Addition of an aerated iron-rich waste-activated sludge to control the soluble sulphide concentration in sewage
In quest of the nitrogen oxidizing prokaryotes of the early Earth
Dehalogenation of environmental pollutants in microbial electrolysis cells with biogenic palladium nanoparticles
Correlations between molecular and operational parameters in continuous lab-scale anaerobic reactors
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Influence of pore structure on the effectiveness of a biogenic carbonate surface treatment for limestone conservation
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Visions about water and sanitation for the cities of the future : time to rethink environmental microbial processes
Potential of applying bacteria of heal cracks in concrete
Bioelectrochemical perchlorate reduction in a microbial fuel cell
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Differential patterns of glycerol metabolism by the colon microbiota
The techno-economical potential of renewable energy through the anaerobic digestion of microalgae
Mucin-coated surfaces in dynamic gut models demonstrate the species-specificity of probiotic colonization
The host selects mucosal and luminal teams of co-evolved, submissive gut microbiota
Incorporation of a mucosal environment in a dynamic gut model results in a more representative colonization by lactobacilli