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Penultimate interglacial palynology of Flanders : a revised river evolution model
The Last Termination in the South Indian Ocean: a unique terrestrial record from Kerguelen Islands (49°S) situated within the Southern Hemisphere westerly belt
Subantarctic peatlands and their potential as palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic archives
Is palynology a credible climate proxy in the Subantarctic?
Subantarctic flowering plants: pre-glacial survivors or post-glacial immigrants?
Peat bank growth, Holocene palaeoecology and climate history of South Georgia (sub-Antarctica), based on a botanical macrofossil record
A divergent timing of Holocene climate events in the sub-Antarctic based on palaeoecological evidence.
(2009) -
An integrated palaeoenvironmental investigation of a 6200 year old peat sequence from Ile de la Possession, Iles Crozet, sub-Antarctica
Holocene palaeoecology and climate history of South Georgia (sub-Antarctica) based on a macrofossil record of bryophytes and seeds
(2007) -
First investigation of deep lake sediments on subantarctic Kerguelen Islands (Lac d’Armor): reconstructing past floods and volcanic eruptions
(2007) -
Prospection et échantillonnage de sédiments organiques et mise en place des pièges à pollen. District de Kerguelen, Programme PEISACG - 448
(2007) -
Glacial geomorphology and chronology of deglaciation, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic
Holocene palaeoecology and climate history on South Georgia (sub-Antarctic) based on a plant macrofossil record
(2006) -
Paleo-ecologisch onderzoek van een Holocene sequentie uit het Deurganckdok te Doel (Wase Scheldepolders, Noord-België)
Palaeo-environment: radiocarbon dating: Moerbeke 'Moervaart'
Palaeo-environment: pedolithostratigraphical analyses: Doel 'Deurganckdok-sector A'
Palaeo-environment: pollen and phytolith analyses
Features: palaeobotanical analyses
The onset of deglaciation of Cumberland Bay and Stromness Bay, South Georgia
The palaeobotanical investigation of the Roman site of Maldegem-Vake
Holocene palaeoecology and climate history of South Georgia (sub-Antarctica) based on a macrofossil record of bryophytes and seeds
Archeologisch en paleolandschappelijk onderzoek in het kader van het Verrebroekdokproject (Beveren, O.-Vl.) : synthese van de onderzoeksresultaten
Proeve tot ontwikkeling van een methodologie voor het opstellen van een grootschalige geoarcheologische kaart op basis van twee testgebieden (Kemzeke en Lotenhulle-Nevele)
(2003) -
Palynologisch onderzoek van de oude Maas-arm te Haelen - Nederlands Limburg
(2003) -
Het ontstaan van de Westerschelde
Het Deurganckdok te Doel (Beveren, O-Vl.). Paleolandschappelijk en archeologisch onderzoek
De evolutie van de Schelde na de laatste ijstijd.
Holocene Palaeoecology and Climate History on South Georgia (sub-Antarctic) based on a plant macrofossil record
(2001) -
Subantarctic island vascular floras: Pre-glacial survivers or post-glacial immigrants?
(2001) -
A small Final-Palaeolithic knapping site at Verrebroek 'Dok 2' (Flanders, Belgium)
The Lateglacial and early Postglacial occupation of northern Belgium: the evidence from Sandy Flanders.
De natuurlijke omgeving: over de kracht van het getij
De aardrijkskunde van Opbrakel
The influence of the geographical position of the Antarctic Convergence on the evolution of the terrestrial ecosystems on Subantarctic Islands. Geomorphological and palaeoecological approach
(1998) -
Postglacial geomorphological and palaeoecological evolution of Husdal (South Georgia)
(1998) -
Palaeobotanical and palaeoecological research in the Stromness bay area on South Georgia
(1998) -
Opaline concretions in Weichselian Late-glacial lake marl from Flanders, northern Belgium.
Localisatie van de Romeinse bewoning in lemig en zandlemig Vlaanderen
Linden in het 17de-eeuwse Gent
Mineralogical observations of weddellite from South Georgia, Subantarctica.
Landschapsreconstructie van de Gallo-Romeinse site Waasmunster-Pontrave
Geomorfologisch onderzoek in het bekken van de Bovenzwalm
Problems in dating stone-age settlements on sandy soils: the Hof ten Damme site near Melsele, Belgium
Fysische en socio-economische achtergronden van het plaggenlandbouw- systeem in de Antwerpse Kempen
Archeobotanisch onderzoek van het Romeinse kamp van Maldegem-Vake (Oost Vlaanderen, België): macroresten van de opgravinscampagnes 1986 en 1987
Early tidal influence on the Lower Schelde, Belgium
Problems in dating stone-age settlements on sandy soils: The Hof ten Damme site near Melsele, Belgium.
The Devensian/Weichselian Late-glacial in northwest Europe (Ireland, Britain, North Belgium, The Netherlands, northwest Germany)
Rivierlandschappen in Vlaanderen : geomorfologische ontwikkeling
Venen en moeren: fysisch-geografische benadering
Paleo-ecologische en geomorfologische evolutie van Laag- en Midden-België tijdens het Laat-Kwartair
Palaeoclimatology of the last glacial/intergraciai cycle. Global changes over the last 30.000 years. IGBP-related research in Belgium, Royal Belgian Academies of Sciences, 1991, pp. 111-112.
Earth science conservation and the Quaternary record in northern and middle Belgium. Bull. Soc. belge de Géologie, T. 100(3-4), 1991, pp. 313-320.
Het Elisabethhuis. Gent, stadsarchief, 1997, pp. 66-67.