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Representing digital assets using MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Standards-Based Interfaces for Harvesting and Obtaining Assets from Digital Repositories
(2006) -
Packaging models for the storage and distribution of complex digital objectsin archival information systems: a review of MPEG-21 DID principles
aDORe: A modular, standards-based digital object repository
Access Interfaces for Open Archival Information Systems based on the OAI-PMH and the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services
aDORe, a modular and standards-based Digital Object repository at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
A standards-based solution for the accurate transfer of digital assets
Representing Digital Objects for long-term preservation using MPEG-21 DID
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
aDORe, a modular and standards-based digital object repository at the Los Alamos national lLaboratory
Timing issues in multimedia formats: Review of the principles and comparison of existing formats
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Using MPEG-21 DIP and NISO OpenURL for the dynamic dissemination of complex digital objects in the Los Alamos National Laboratory digital library
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Using MPEG-21 DIDL to represent complex digital objects in the Los Alamos National Laboratory digital library
An analysis of packaging formats for complex digital objects : review of principles
Metadata-based access to multimedia architectural and historical archive collections: a review
An analysis of multimedia formats for content description