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Search for long-lived particles using displaced vertices and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
K<SUP>0</SUP><sub>S</sub> and Λ((Λ)over-bar) two-particle femtoscopic correlations in PbPb collisions at √<i>s</i><sub>NN</sub>=5.02 TeV
Measurement of simplified template cross sections of the Higgs boson produced in association with W or Z bosons in the H → bb decay channel in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
Search for pair production of scalar and vector leptoquarks decaying to muons and bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Test of lepton flavor universality in B<SUP>±</SUP> → K<SUP>±</SUP> μ<SUP>+</SUP>μ<SUP>-</SUP> and B<SUP>±</SUP> → K<SUP>±</SUP> e<SUP>+</SUP> e<SUP>-</SUP> decays in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Measurement of the production cross section for a W boson in association with a charm quark in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Observation of the J/ψ → μ<SUP>+</SUP>μ<SUP>-</SUP>μ<SUP>+</SUP>μ<SUP>-</SUP> decay in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Combined search for electroweak production of winos, binos, higgsinos, and sleptons in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Search for long-lived heavy neutrinos in the decays of B mesons produced in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson into a Z boson and a pseudoscalar particle in proton-proton collisions at √s=13TeV
Search for a new resonance decaying into two spin-0 bosons in a final state with two photons and two bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Study of charm hadronization with prompt Λ<sub>c</sub><SUP>+</SUP> baryons in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at √<i>s</i><sub>NN</sub>=5.02 TeV
Extracting the speed of sound in quark-gluon plasma with ultrarelativistic lead-lead collisions at the LHC
Search for the lepton flavor violating τ → 3<sub>μ</sub> decay in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
Observation of the γ(3<i>S</i>) Meson and Suppression of γ States in Pb-Pb Collisions at √<i>s<sub>NN</sub></i>=5.02 TeV
Search for long-lived particles decaying to final states with a pair of muons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13.6 TeV
Search for heavy neutral leptons in final states with electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
Search for flavor changing neutral current interactions of the top quark in final states with a photon and additional jets in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
Nonresonant central exclusive production of charged-hadron pairs in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to a pair of pseudoscalars in the μμbb and ττbb final states
Development of the CMS detector for the CERN LHC Run 3
Search for dark matter particles in W<SUP>+</SUP>W<SUP>-</SUP> events with transverse momentum imbalance in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Observation of the Ξ<i><sub>b</sub></i><SUP>-</SUP> → ψ(2<i>S</i>)Ξ<SUP>-</SUP> decay and studies of the Ξ<i><sub>b</sub></i> (5945)<SUP>0</SUP> baryon in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Search for stealth supersymmetry in final states with two photons, jets, and low missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
Measurement of the primary Lund jet plane density in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
Search for long-lived heavy neutral leptons decaying in the CMS muon detectors in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Inclusive and diferential cross section measurements of t(t)over-barb(b)over-bar production in the lepton plus jets channel at √s=13 TeV
Search for Narrow Trijet Resonances in Proton-Proton Collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Search for Baryon Number Violation in Top Quark Production and Decay Using Proton-Proton Collisions at √ s=13 TeV
Search for a third-generation leptoquark coupled to a τ lepton and a b quark through single, pair, and nonresonant production in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Search for supersymmetry in final states with disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Search for W' bosons decaying to a top and a bottom quark in leptonic final states in proton-proton collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV
Evidence for tWZ production in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV in multilepton final states
Higher-order moments of the elliptic flow distribution in PbPb collisions at √<i>s</i><sub>NN</sub>=5.02 TeV
Study of azimuthal anisotropy of γ(1S) mesons in pPb collisions at √S<sub>NN</sub>=8.16 TeV
Combination of Measurements of the Top Quark Mass from Data Collected by the ATLAS and CMS Experiments at √<i>s</i>=7 and 8 TeV
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Constraints on populations of neutrino sources from searches in the directions of IceCube neutrino alerts
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Searches for neutrinos from large high altitude air shower observatory ultra-high-energy γ-ray sources using the IceCube neutrino observatory
Observation of high-energy neutrinos from the Galactic plane
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Measurement of atmospheric neutrino mixing with improved IceCube DeepCore calibration and data processing
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Detection of astrophysical tau neutrino candidates in IceCube
First all-flavor search for transient neutrino emission using 3-years of IceCube DeepCore data
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Search for high-energy neutrinos from ultraluminous infrared galaxies with IceCube
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Graph neural networks for low-energy event classification & reconstruction in IceCube
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Search for neutrino emission from cores of Active Galactic Nuclei
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Search for GeV-scale dark matter annihilation in the Sun with IceCube DeepCore
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Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with eight years of IceCube data
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Improved characterization of the astrophysical muon-neutrino flux with 9.5 years of IceCube data
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Search for high-energy neutrino emission from galactic X-ray binaries with IceCube
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Study of quark and gluon jet substructure in Z plus jet and dijet events from pp collisions
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Evidence for X(3872) in Pb-Pb Collisions and Studies of its Prompt Production at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
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Search for strongly interacting massive particles generating trackless jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of double-parton scattering in inclusive production of four jets with low transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
A search for time-dependent astrophysical neutrino emission with IceCube data from 2012 to 2017
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All-flavor constraints on nonstandard neutrino interactions and generalized matter potential with three years of IceCube DeepCore data
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Measurement of the high-energy all-flavor neutrino-nucleon cross section with IceCube
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IceCube high-energy starting event sample : description and flux characterization with 7.5 years of data
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Search for GeV neutrino emission during intense gamma-ray solar flares with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
A convolutional neural network based cascade reconstruction for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
LeptonInjector and LeptonWeighter : a neutrino event generator and weighter for neutrino observatories
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Search for multi-flare neutrino emissions in 10 yr of IceCube data from a catalog of sources
Detection of a particle shower at the Glashow resonance with IceCube
Follow-up of astrophysical transients in real time with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
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Measurements of the time-dependent cosmic-ray Sun shadow with seven years of IceCube data : comparison with the solar cycle and magnetic field models
IceCube-Gen2 : the window to the extreme Universe
Multimessenger gamma-ray and neutrino coincidence alerts using HAWC and IceCube subthreshold data
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The CMS Phase-1 pixel detector upgrade
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Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final states with two bottom quarks and two photons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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First measurement of the cross section for top quark pair production with additional charm jets using dileptonic final states in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurements of production cross sections of polarized same-sign W boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Correlations of azimuthal anisotropy Fourier harmonics with subevent cumulants in pPb collisions at root s(NN)=8.16 TeV
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First measurement of large area jet transverse momentum spectra in heavy-ion collisions
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Search for a heavy vector resonance decaying to a Z boson and a Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for top squarks in final states with two top quarks and several light-flavor jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for resonant and nonresonant new phenomena in high-mass dilepton final states at root s=13 TeV
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Evidence for Higgs boson decay to a pair of muons
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Search for new physics in top quark production with additional leptons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV using effective field theory
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Search for the lepton flavor violating decay tau -> 3 mu in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for top squark production in fully hadronic final states in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for a heavy resonance decaying to a top quark and a W boson at root s=13 TeV in the fully hadronic final state
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Measurements of the pp -> W-+/-gamma gamma and pp -> Z gamma gamma cross sections at root s=13 TeV and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings
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Precision luminosity measurement in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV in 2015 and 2016 at CMS
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Measurement of the W gamma production cross section in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV and constraints on effective field theory coefficients
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Search for W ' bosons decaying to a top and a bottom quark at root s=13 TeV in the hadronic final state
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Measurements of production cross sections of the Higgs boson in the four-lepton final state in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for long-lived particles decaying to jets with displaced vertices in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 Te V
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Study of Z boson plus jets events using variables sensitive to double-parton scattering in pp collisions at 13 TeV
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Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of Y(1S) and Y(2S) mesons in PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
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Measurements of angular distance and momentum ratio distributions in three-jet and Z plus two-jet final states in pp collisions
Measurement of the Z boson differential production cross section using its invisible decay mode (Z → nu(nu)over-bar) in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of the inclusive and differential Higgs boson production cross sections in the leptonic WW decay mode at p root s=13 TeV
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Evidence for electroweak production of four charged leptons and two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for dark matter produced in association with a leptonically decaying Z boson in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV
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Studies of charm and beauty hadron long-range correlations in pp and pPb collisions at LHC energies
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Search for top squark pair production using dilepton final states in pp collision data collected at root s=13TeV
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Observation of a new excited beauty strange baryon decaying to Xi(-)(b)π+π−
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MUSiC : a model-unspecific search for new physics in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV
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Measurement of differential tt¯ production cross sections using top quarks at large transverse momenta in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕs in the Bs0→J/ψϕ(1020)→μ+μ−K+K− channel in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV
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Search for supersymmetry in final states with two oppositely charged same-flavor leptons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for dark photons in Higgs boson production via vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of differential cross sections for Z bosons produced in association with charm jets in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
Study of Drell-Yan dimuon production in proton-lead collisions at root s(NN)=8.16 TeV
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Measurement of prompt D-0 and D-0 meson azimuthal anisotropy and search for strong electric fields in PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
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Measurements of pp -> ZZ production cross sections and constraints on anomalous triple gauge couplings at root s=13 TeV
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Constraints on anomalous Higgs boson couplings to vector bosons and fermions in its production and decay using the four-lepton final state
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Constraints on the initial state of Pb-Pb collisions via measurements of Z-boson yields and azimuthal anisotropy at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
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Observation of forward neutron multiplicity dependence of dimuon acoplanarity in ultraperipheral Pb-Pb collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeV
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Search for the rare decay of the W boson into a pion and a photon in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurements of the electroweak diboson production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=5.02 TeV using leptonic decays
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Measurement of prompt open-charm production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for chargino-neutralino production in events with Higgs and W bosons using 137 fb(-1) of proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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The very forward CASTOR calorimeter of the CMS experiment
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Hard color-singlet exchange in dijet events in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Development and validation of HERWIG 7 tunes from CMS underlying-event measurements
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In-medium modification of dijets in PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
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Measurement of the inclusive and differential t(t)over-bar gamma cross sections in the single-lepton channel and EFT interpretation at root s=13 TeV
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Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying into two lighter Higgs bosons in the tau tau bb final state at 13TeV
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Combined searches for the production of supersymmetric top quark partners in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of the electroweak production of Z gamma and two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV and constraints on anomalous quartic gauge couplings
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Measurement of the top quark mass using events with a single reconstructed top quark in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for lepton-flavor violating decays of the Higgs boson in the mu tau and e tau final states in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for charged Higgs bosons produced in vector boson fusion processes and decaying into vector boson pairs in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for singly and pair-produced leptoquarks coupling to third-generation fermions in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of differential t(t)over-bar production cross sections in the full kinematic range using lepton plus jets events from proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Observation of tW production in the single-lepton channel in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Electron and photon reconstruction and identification with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC
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Search for long-lived particles using displaced jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurements of the differential cross sections of the production of Z + jets and γ + jets and of Z boson emission collinear with a jet in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Search for dark matter produced in association with avleptonically decaying Z boson in proton-proton collisions at root s = 13 TeV (vol 81, 13, 2021)
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Angular analysis of the decay B+ → K∗(892)+μ+μ− in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV
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Measurements of Higgs boson production cross sections and couplings in the diphoton decay channel at root s=13 TeV
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Cosmic ray spectrum from 250 TeV to 10 PeV using IceTop
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Searching for eV-scale sterile neutrinos with eight years of atmospheric neutrinos at the IceCube Neutrino Telescope
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eV-scale sterile neutrino search using eight years of atmospheric muon neutrino data from the IceCube neutrino observatory
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Beam test performance of prototype silicon detectors for the outer tracker for the phase-2 upgrade of CMS
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Search for physics beyond the standard model in events with jets and two same-sign or at least three charged leptons in proton-proton collisions at <mml:msqrt>s</mml:msqrt>=13 TeV
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Observation of electroweak production of W gamma with two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of the associated production of a Z boson with charm or bottom quark jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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A deep neural network for simultaneous estimation of b jet energy and resolution
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Measurement of the t(t)over-barb(b)over-bar production cross section in the all-jet final state in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of the cross section for t(t)over-bar production with additional jets and b jets in pp collisions at root s=13TeV
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Measurement of t(t)over-bar normalised multi-differential cross sections in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV, and simultaneous determination of the strong coupling strength, top quark pole mass, and parton distribution functions
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The production of isolated photons in PbPb and pp collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
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Measurement of quark- and gluon-like jet fractions using jet charge in PbPb and pp collisions at 5.02 TeV
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Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments in in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Bose-Einstein correlations of charged hadrons in proton-proton collisions at <mml:msqrt>s</mml:msqrt>=13 TeV
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Search for direct pair production of supersymmetric partners to the tau lepton in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV
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Strange hadron production in pp and pPb collisions at root(NN)-N-s=5.02 TeV
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Search for supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at <mml:msqrt>s</mml:msqrt>=13 TeV in events with high-momentum Z bosons and missing transverse momentum
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Measurement of CKM matrix elements in single top quark t-channel production in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of the Y(1S) pair production cross section and search for resonances decaying to Y(1S)mu(+)mu(-) in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Studies of Charm Quark Diffusion inside Jets Using Pb-Pb and pp Collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
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Pileup mitigation at CMS in 13 TeV data
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Search for decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson into a Z boson and a rho or phi meson
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Investigation into the event-activity dependence of gamma(nS) relative production in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV
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Measurement of the jet mass distribution and top quark mass in hadronic decays of boosted top quarks in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for direct top squark pair production in events with one lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum at 13 TeV with the CMS experiment
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Measurement of differential cross sections and charge ratios for t-channel single top quark production in proton-proton collisions at mml:msqrts mml:msqrt=13 mml:mspace width="0.166667em"mml:mspaceTe mml:mspace width="0.333333em"mml:mspace
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Production of Lambda(+)(c) baryons in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeV
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Study of excited Lambda(0)(b) states decaying to Lambda(0)(b)pi(+)pi(-) in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV
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Search for Supersymmetry with a Compressed Mass Spectrum in Events with a Soft tau Lepton, a Highly Energetic Jet, and Large Missing Transverse Momentum in Proton-Proton Collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Multiparticle correlation studies in pPb collisions root s(NN)=8.16 TeV
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Measurement of electroweak production of a W boson in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Evidence for WW production from double-parton interactions in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Identification of heavy, energetic, hadronically decaying particles using machine-learning techniques
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Search for an excited lepton that decays via a contact interaction to a lepton and two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Study of J/psi meson production inside jets in pp collisions at N root s=8 TeV The CM Collaboration
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Search for high mass dijet resonances with a new background prediction method in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for a Narrow Resonance Lighter than 200 GeV Decaying to a Pair of Muons in Proton-Proton Collisions at root s=13 TeV
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A multi-dimensional search for new heavy resonances decaying to boosted WW, WZ, or ZZ boson pairs in the dijet final state at 13TeV
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Performance of the reconstruction and identification of high-momentum muons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for production of four top quarks in final states with svame-sign or multiple leptons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Mixed higher-order anisotropic flow and nonlinear response coefficients of charged particles in PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 and 5.02 TeV
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Search for dijet resonances using events with three jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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A measurement of the Higgs boson mass in the diphoton decay channel
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Measurement of the cross section for electroweak production of a Z boson, a photon and two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV and constraints on anomalous quartic couplings
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Search for light pseudoscalar boson pairs produced from decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson in final states with two muons and two nearby tracks in pp collisions at root s d=13TeV
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Measurement of the single top quark and antiquark production cross sections in the t channel and their ratio in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Observation of nuclear modifications in W-+/- boson production in pPb collisions at root s(NN)=8.16 TeV
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Study of central exclusive pi(+)pi(-) production in proton-proton collisions at root s=5.02 and 13 TeV
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Measurements of (tt)over-barH Production and the CP Structure of the Yukawa Interaction between the Higgs Boson and Top Quark in the Diphoton Decay Channel
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Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into a top and a bottom quark in the all-jet final state of pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Study of dijet events with a large rapidity gap between the two leading jets in pp collisions at root s = 7TeV (vol 78, 242, 2018)
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Search for lepton flavour violating decays of a neutral heavy Higgs boson to mu tau and e tau in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in dilepton final states containing one tau lepton in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Combined search for supersymmetry with photons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for dark matter particles produced in association with a Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV
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Measurement of properties of B(s)(0)s -> mu(+)mu(-) decays and search for B-0 -> mu(+)mu(-) with the CMS experiment
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Search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying to a top quark pair in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Running of the top quark mass from proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Experimental study of different silicon sensor options for the upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker
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Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with 137 fb(-1) in final states with a single lepton using the sum of masses of large-radius jets
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A search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to charm quarks
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Measurements with silicon photomultipliers of dose-rate effects in the radiation damage of plastic scintillator tiles in the CMS hadron endcap calorimeter
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Determination of the strong coupling constant alpha(S)(m(Z)) from measurements of inclusive W-+/- and Z boson production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 and 8 TeV
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Search for physics beyond the standard model in multilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for top squark pair production in a final state with two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Extraction and validation of a new set of CMS pythia8 tunes from underlying-event measurements
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Searches for physics beyond the standard model with the MT2 variable in hadronic final states with and without disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at s=13Te
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Constraints on the chi(c1 )versus chi(c2) Polarizations in Proton-Proton Collisions at root s=8 TeV
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Inclusive search for highly boosted Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Dependence of inclusive jet production on the anti-k(T) distance parameter in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Calibration of the CMS hadron calorimeters using proton-proton collision data at root s=13 TeV
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Search for a heavy pseudoscalar Higgs boson decaying into a 125 GeV Higgs boson and a Z boson in final states with two tau and two light leptons at root s=13 TeV
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Observation of the Lambda(0)(b) -> J/psi Lambda phi decay in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for resonant pair production of Higgs bosons in the bbZZ channel in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for a light charged Higgs boson in the H-+/- -> cs channel in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurements of production cross sections of WZ and same-sign WW boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Reconstruction of signal amplitudes in the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter in the presence of overlapping proton-proton interactions
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Observation of the Production of Three Massive Gauge Bosons at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of B-c(2S)(+) and B-c*(2S)(+) cross section ratios in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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W+ W- boson pair production in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement of top quark pair production in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Observation of the B-s(0) -> X(3872)phi Decay
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Performance of the CMS Level-1 trigger in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying to a pair of W bosons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for new neutral Higgs bosons through the H -> ZA ><mml:msup>l+</mml:msup><mml:msup>l-</mml:msup>bb<mml:mo stretchy="true"><overbar></mml:mover> process in pp collisions at <mml:msqrt>s</mml:msqrt>=13 TeV
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- open access
Search for a charged Higgs boson decaying into top and bottom quarks in events with electrons or muons in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV
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Search for electroweak production of a vector-like T quark using fully hadronic final states
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Evidence for Top Quark Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
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Measurement of single-diffractive dijet production in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV with the CMS and TOTEM experiments
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Measurement of the top quark Yukawa coupling from t(t)over-bar kinematic distributions in the dilepton final state in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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- open access
Measurements of the W boson rapidity, helicity, double-differential cross sections, and charge asymmetry in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson in the boosted mu mu tau tau final state in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Search for bottom-type, vectorlike quark pair production in a fully hadronic final state in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Combination of the W boson polarization measurements in top quark decays using ATLAS and CMS data at root s=8 TeV
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The DAQ and control system for the CMS Phase-1 pixel detector upgrade
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Search for production of Higgs boson pairs in the four b quark final state using large-area jets in proton-proton collisions at root s 13 TeV
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Search for a standard model-like Higgs boson in the mass range between 70 and 110 GeV in the diphoton final state in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 and 13 TeV
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Measurement of the differential Drell-Yan cross section in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurements of differential Z boson production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Measurement and interpretation of differential cross sections for Higgs boson production at root s=13 TeV
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Jet Shapes of Isolated Photon-Tagged Jets in Pb-Pb and pp Collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeV
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Performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV using the CMS detector
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Observation of prompt J/psi meson elliptic flow in high-multiplicity pPb collisions at root s(NN)=8.16 TeV
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Search for rare decays of Z and Higgs bosons to J/ and a photon in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV
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Search for resonant production of second-generation sleptons with same-sign dimuon events in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
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Evidence for light-by-light scattering and searches for axion-like particles in ultraperipheral PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
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Measurements of t(t)over-bar differential cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV using events containing two leptons
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Studies of Beauty Suppression via Nonprompt D-0 Mesons in Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV