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Things, order, and the resurgence of contingency : Xiong Bolong 熊伯龍 (1617–1670) and his Wuhe ji 無何集
‘Immanent transcendence’ : toward a genealogical analysis of a key concept in the philosophy of Mou Zongsan (1909-1995)
The curious incident of wisdom in the thought of Feng Qi (1915–1995) : comparative philosophy, historical materialism, and metaphysics
The significance of the Buddhist ten-membered formula of dependent origination
Time, temporality, and the characteristic marks of the conditioned: Sarvastivada and Madhyamaka Buddhist interpretations
Contaminants and the Path to Salvation: A Study of the Sarvastivada Hrdaya Treatises
Of seeds and sprouts: Defilement and its attachment to the life-stream in the Sarvastivada Hrdaya treatises
The 'Vajjalaggam': a study in Indian virtue theory