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Gazing at the Venetian hub from a paratextual lens : an introduction
Erfolgsfaktor Rubens? Das Projektmanagement für den feierlichen Einzug des Kardinalinfanten Ferdinand von Spanien in Antwerpen (1635)
(2024) -
History’s view on the principal–agent relationship : including history, context and change : evidence from three historical cases in the Southern Netherlands
Exploring the relationship between Bhakti, Bhakta and Yoga in the Prabodhcandroday Natak by Brajvasidas
- Book
- open access
Vedānta, Bhakti, and their early modern sources : philosophical and religious dimensions of Brajvāsīdās’ Prabodhacandrodaya Nāṭaka
Beschutten en bevrijden : pastoraal verlangen en ecofobie in het hofdicht Nimmer-dor berymt (1667) van Everard Meyster
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Eenheid in verandering : neoclassicistische aanpassingen in het Vlaamse jezuïetentoneel van de achttiende eeuw
(Re)drawing the lines : the science of the stars in the late fifteenth century Sultanate of Cairo
(2020) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Conflict, community and Catholic restoration : the parish of St James in Ghent between 1560 and 1600
(2020) -
Gems and counterfeited gems in early modern Antwerp : from workshops to collections
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The early modern transmission of the ancient Greek romances : a bibliographic survey
Songs of Sodom : singing about the unmentionable vice in the early modern Low Countries
Gender constructions in the theological dimension of the Sufi Premakhyans : Sufi politics of representation in the Citravali by Usman
- Book Chapter
- open access
Fish out of water : collecting aquatic animals in the Early Modern period
- Book Chapter
- open access
Michel de Montaigne Philosophy as Inner Struggle
Review: Neil De Marchi & Sophie Raux (eds.), Moving Pictures. Intra-Eureopean Trade in Images, 16th-18th Centuries
The image of the city quantified: the serial analysis of pictorial representations of urbanity in early Netherlandish art (1420-1520)
Portraits of the city: representing urban space in later medieval and early Modern Europe
Katrien Lichtert (UGent) , Jan Dumolyn (UGent) and Maximiliaan Martens (UGent)(2014) 31. -
Urban finances and public services in the late medieval and early modern Low Countries
Notes on the quantification of post-medieval pottery in the Low Countries: pottery quantification in the Low Countries