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The power of Facebook friends : an investigation of young adolescents’ processing of social advertising on social networking sites
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- open access
McQuail, D. & Deuze, M. (2020). McQuail’s Media & Mass Communication Theory (seventh edition). London: SAGE. 672 pp.
Reese, S. D. (2021). The crisis of the institutional press. Cambridge: Polity. 208 pp.
van Dijk, J. (2020). The digital divide. Cambridge/Medford: Polity. 208 pp.
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Neighborhood hotspot and community awareness : the double role of social network sites in local communities
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Paulmann, J. (Ed.) (2019). Humanitarianism & media: 1900 to the present. Oxford: Berghahn Books
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Book review: Nikunen, K. (2019). Media solidarities. Emotions, power and justice in the digital age
Wikström, P. (2020). The music industry: Music in the cloud. Medford: Polity Press. 230 pp.
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Exploring film genre preferences through taste cultures : a survey on contemporary film consumption amongst youth in Flanders (Belgium)
NGOs as newsmakers : the changing landscape of international news
Digital humanities : knowledge and critique in a digital age
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Local flavors and regional markers : The Low Countries and their commercially driven and proximity-focused film remake practice
Transnational audiences : media reception on a global scale
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Geomedia : networked cities and the future of public space
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Fan Phenomena : James Bond