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Autonomy in adolescence : a conceptual, developmental and cross-cultural perspective
Understanding food safety knowledge, attitude, and practices of consumers and vendors : an umbrella review
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The influence of pH on the efficacy of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) to predict chlorine disinfection of surrogate bacteria, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in oxidant demand free conditions and fresh produce wash water
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Association of hospital volume with survival but not with postoperative mortality in glioblastoma patients in Belgium
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The health and demographic impacts of the 'Russian flu' pandemic in Switzerland in 1889/1890 and in the years thereafter
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Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in cause-specific premature mortality in Belgium, 1998–2019
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Contributions of irrigation modeling, soil moisture and snow data assimilation to high-resolution water budget estimates over the Po Basin : progress towards digital replicas
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Expression of molecular markers of resilience against Varroa destructor and bee viruses in Ethiopian honey bees (Apis mellifera simensis) focussing on olfactory sensing and the RNA interference machinery
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Characterization of Hoplolaimus seinhorsti and Hoplolaimus pararobustus (Tylenchina : Hoplolaimidae) from banana, with phylogeny and species delineation in the genus Hoplolaimus
Cervical cancer screening and outcomes for women under 25 years of age in Belgium : a 10-year nationwide study
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Cost-effectiveness of zinc interventions in China : a cohort-based Markov model
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The role of back muscle dysfunctions in chronic low back pain : state-of-the-art and clinical implications
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Microbiological hazards associated with the use of water in the post-harvest handling and processing operations of fresh and frozen fruits, vegetables and herbs (ffFVHs), part 1 (outbreak data analysis, literature review and stakeholder questionnaire)
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Animal sources of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections in humans : a systematic review
Comparison of different strategies in revision arthroplasty of the knee with severe bone loss : a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical outcomes