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Incorporation of modified okara-derived insoluble soybean fiber into set-type yogurt : structural architecture, rheological properties and moisture stability
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Non-sensory perception and sensory appeal of zamne, pseudozamne, traditionally cooked Senegalia erythrocalyx seeds, and tempeh according to Burkinabe consumers
Impact of temporary frozen storage on the safety and quality of four typical Belgian bakery products
Improvement of antioxidant activity and physical stability of chocolate beverage using colloidal cinnamon nanoparticles
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Application of the support sensory system and principal component analysis to compare meat of chickens of two genotypes
Physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of chocolates enriched with engineered cinnamon nanoparticles
Quality attributes of dark chocolates formulated with palm sap‑based sugar as nutritious and natural alternative sweetener
Feasibility of a small‑scale production system approach for palm sugar sweetened dark chocolate
Functionality of inulin and polydextrose as sucrose replacers in sugar-free dark chocolate manufacture : effect of fat content and bulk mixture concentration on rheological, mechanical and melting properties
Rheological properties, melting behaviours and physical quality characteristics of sugar-free chocolates processed using inulin/polydextrose bulking mixtures sweetened with stevia and thaumatin extracts
Optimisation of inulin and polydextrose mixtures as sucrose replacers during sugar-free chocolate manufacture: rheological, microstructure and physical quality characteristics
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Industrial manufacture of sugar-free chocolates: applicability of alternative sweeteners and carbohydrate polymers as raw materials in product development
Crystallization behavior of milk fat obtained from linseed-fed cows
Correlations of the phenolic compounds and the phenolic content in some Spanish and French olive oils