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- Journal Article
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Social media as an exit strategy? The role of attitudes of discontent in explaining non-electoral political participation among Belgian young adults
Political participation on social media : a conceptual and empirical state of the art and research agenda
Political participation on social media : a conceptual and empirical state of the art and research agenda
Political participation on social media : a multi-perspective inquiry into its occurrence, underlying mechanisms and associated political behaviours
(2022) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
The role of attitudes of discontent and electoral exit in explaining political participation on social media in Belgium
Designing and validating the Social Media Political Participation Scale : an instrument to measure political participation on social media
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Digital issue movements : political repertoires and drivers of participation among Belgian youth in the context of ‘school strike for climate’
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Digital issue movements : predicting online and offline climate activism
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Social media as an exit strategy? Political participation and electoral exit behaviour among young adults in Belgium
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Designing and validating the Digital Activism Scale (DAS) : an instrument to measure online activism on social media
On the digital lane to citizenship? Patterns of internet use and civic engagement amongst Flemish adolescents and young adults
- Book Chapter
- open access
Participatory versatility in Flanders : a multiple correspondence analysis
The often announced decline of the modern citizen: an empirical, comparative analysis of European young people's political and civic engagement
Political engagement of the young in Europe: youth in the crucible
Peter Thijssen, Jessy Siongers (UGent) , Jeroen Van Laer, Jacques Haers and Sara Mels(2015) -
Langs digitale weg dan maar? Patronen van internetgebruik en politieke participatie bij Vlaamse jongeren