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The power of the unseen : the concept of adṛṣṭa in Nyāya and its status in the global philosophy of religion
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Wat nodig is voor betere seks 2.
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
'Together, we achieve the China dream' : constructing affective Chinese nationalities in the film 'My People, My Country'
Necrodialogues and media : communicating with the dead in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Zoë Ghyselinck (UGent) and Elena Fabietti -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Studying fascism transculturally : Italian scholarship in the international arena
Traversing Contexts: The Multilayered Biography of Albert Lubaki
(2025) p.37-38 -
(Un)doing gender norms in postfeminist China : the case of male beauty influencer Li Jiaqi
Discourses of cultural diversity and inclusion in film policy : the case of Flanders (2002–2022)
Decoding fictional journalism : a diary-interview approach to uncovering Flemish audience interpretations of journalism in fiction
Rejecting and appropriating epic lore
Biographies of Rsabha and the rise of Satrunjaya
Animating a plausible past : perceived realism and sense of place influence entertainment of and tourism intentions from historical video games
The (de-)politicization of black male bodies in American heavyweight boxing
The awakening of the hinterland : the formation of regional Vinaya traditions in Tang China
Veiling ideology or enabling utopia? On the potentials and limitations of the debate about tianxia as a model for a new world order
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Judo and kata teaching : can personal expression be addressed before formal expression?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Plant use and perceptions in the context of sexual health among people of Congolese descent in Belgium
Sex in the cinema? Censorship in the Netherlands, deleted scenes in Belgium
Sex in eighteenth-century Edo (Tokyo)
Sufis, sultans, and the making of sacred geographies in India : the case of Aḥmad Khattū’s Dargāh
The days of the moon : re-evaluating the Hellenistic approach to astrology
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Putting the Anthropocene on Display: An Inspiration Guide
Confucianism and metaphysics : studies on the analects in Wei, Jin, southern and northern dynasties
(2024) -
Migratiehorror, geweld, vervuiling en misschien tegen de Rode Duivels : Bosnië door de VRT-nieuwsbril
Too hard to handle? How Flemish teachers respond to ethnic diversity in the classroom
(2024) -
Regional Buddhism and restoration policy in Tang Dynasty China : Wei Gao 韋皋 (745–805) and his Buddhist activities in Xichuan
Media, armed conflict, and the responsibility to protect
Weaponizing political rhetoric to galvanize voters' support on the Twitterscape : case study of contentious political spheres in South Africa and Nigeria
Satan : een geschiedenis van de duivel
Danny Praet (UGent)(2024) -
Het Duivelspact en de dorst naar kennis
De vele werken van de duivel in de volle middeleeuwen
Navigating life (ming) in contemporary China : the shifting meaning of 'changing fate (gaibian mingyun)' in the quest for a better life
Maitrīkusumāñjali ('Cvety družby v ladonjax') : sbornik naučnyx statej i materialov v čest' Niny Georgievny Krasnodembskoj = Maitrīkusumāñjali (Flowers of friendship in the palms) : collection of articles and materials in honor of Nina Georgievna Krasnodembskaya
Igor Kotin, Leonid Kulikov (UGent) and Elena Soboleva(2024) -
Looking over the Iron Curtain : a theoretical and methodological exploration within the comparative New Cinema History with a case study on Brno, Antwerp and Ghent
(2024) -
The Passion as Purim sacrifice : Jesus and comparative religion in the dialogue between James G. Frazer and Salomon Reinach
The social semiotics of Switzerland's far right : how campaign posters by the Swiss National Party communicate across different domains
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Media circus and mass hysteria : the representation of the press in Flemish fiction series
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Espace, discours et identité féministes sur Instagram : modes de construction d’un soi féministe dans les profils Instagram : propositions méthodologiques
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Playing with character : a framework of characterization in video games
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Ageing and unruliness : articulations of gaga feminism in representations of ageing, gender and sexuality
Film : natievorming op en achter het witte doek
C’était la guerre des tranchées et Valse avec Bachir : deux façons de réécrire/revisualiser la guerre en bande dessinée
- Book Editor
- open access
Rethinking the anthropology of Islam : dynamics of change in Muslim societies : in honour of Roman Loimeier
Katja Föllmer, Lisa Franke (UGent) and Ramzi Ben Amara -
- Book Chapter
- open access
Alternatives to conveying religious knowledge : Islamic influencers : insights from Egypt
- Book Chapter
- open access
Why rethinking the anthropology of Islam? Dynamics of change in Muslim societies : an introduction
Perspectives on North-South collaborative conflict research : a conversation between two research partners
Play the hero, or play god : characterization of Greco-Roman mythological characters in video games
(2024) -
Googling religious guidance : digitally renegotiated lay–ascetic relations in contemporary Jainism
- Issue Editor
- open access
Movimento III : rigenerazioni, passaggi, transcodifiche
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Introduction du numéro 16, Varia
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
'It was not an accident' : women’s experiences of renewing motherhood at 40+
Buddhist historiography in China
Ethik, Gesundheit und (Inter)Nationalismus in der Bildungsphiliosophie Kanō Jigorōs
The Aikido of Ueshiba Morihei as ritual practice to reconstruct the world
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Hoe de betrouwbaarheid van informatie checken?
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Wat is antisemitisme?
Analyse van filmexploitatie in Vlaanderen : een onderzoek van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universiteit Gent en Universiteit Antwerpen : in opdracht van het Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF)
(2024) In VAF series -
À bout de souffle
The screen censorship companion : critical explorations in the control of film and screen media
Daniël Biltereyst (UGent) and Ernest Mathijs -
Cinema, screen media and censorship : an introduction
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Bernard Picart’s controversial visual rhetoric : theatricality in the Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (1723-1737)
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
A cabinet of religious curiosities : theatricality and performativity in Bernard Picart’s Illustrations for the Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (1723-1737)
Ben Chikha, Chokri
Senior professionals on the resilience of the European film industry : a media industry perspective
(2024) -
Comment on Econography (Daromir Rudnyckyj)
Tracing the origins of fugitive cinema
A local world? Articulations of locality in the Low Countries’ AV industries in the streaming era : the case of Netflix’s ‘Undercover’ franchise
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Wat nodig is voor betere seks
(2024) DE STANDAARD. -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Migration and interactive narrative in video games : scale, ethics, and experience
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
The Sahelian factor in the contemporary idioms of music-making in Dagbon of northern Ghana
Discovering cinema typologies in urban cinema cultures : comparing programming strategies in Antwerp and Amsterdam, 1952–1972
Emotional textual analysis, the circumstantial method and the history of cultures
Diotima Chattoraj, Displacement among Sri Lankan Tamil migrants : the diasporic search for home in the aftermath of war
Op zoek naar de duivel in Afrika : bezeten, behekst of beduveld
Bouddha : l'expérience du sensible : album de l'expo
(2024) -
Ecoles et principes du bouddhisme
La vie de Siddhartha Gautama, le Bouddha Sakyamuni
Rethinking Khoe and San indigeneity, language and culture in Southern Africa
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
A critical update to earlier research findings about the historical roots of gonosen-no-kata : 'Forms of post-attack initiative counter throws'
Film, contestatie en censuur in België
Satan en de demonen in het islamitisch cultureel erfgoed
Neo-tantric women workshops as liminal spaces : an ethnographic study
Transporting English Diversity: Color-Conscious Casting in Interlingual Audio Descriptions
(2024) -
Mother of compassion, mother of wrath : reflections of the Hindu goddess in mirrored Māhātmyas
African studies keyword : organic
Honour, harmony and the king of Outspokenness : the use of stage plays and festive culture in fifteenth-century Flemish coastal communities
A wrinkle in time : representations of ageing and older adults in Belgian cinema over eight decades (1945-2022)
Shared anthropology : when anthropology meets critical public pedagogy
Shimmering aesthetics : breaking the gender binary
Self-willed growth : a more-than-human ethnography in West Tanzania
(2024) -
Carving a professional identity for Chinese social work shaped by universalisation, indigenisation, and culturalism
- Conference Paper
- open access
Traditional Idioms of Music-Making in Dagbon
Zenza apprenticeship : learning, mentorship, and resilience on and off Tokyo's yose stages
(2024) -
Manuscript culture in Edo period Japan (1603-1868) : textual networks concerning theories of the five viscera
Fighting Fu Yi : Daoxuan and his defense of Buddhism in the social and political context of the early Tang period
- Issue Editor
- open access
Varia 16
Tiago Joseph (UGent) , Marie Flesch, Chloé Tardivel, Sandra Tomc, Camille Riverti, Eléonore de Beaumont and Maria Candea -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Serializing nationalism : Indian soaps and border defense