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Fair integer programming under dichotomous and cardinal preferences
- Journal Article
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The multi-level determinants of international migration aspirations in 25 communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
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Public values? A systematic literature review into the outcomes of public service co-creation
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Group research : why are we throwing away the best of our observations?
New development : understanding the relationship between public sector consulting and public value destruction : an epistemic learning perspective
Wage subsidies, slack resources and behavioural additionality : evidence from universities
Bank specialization and zombie lending
How can nonprofit policy advocacy influence policymakers? A factorial survey experiment on the effects of nonprofit advocacy strategies on policymakers’ willingness to act
Using technology broadcasting to explore market applications : the moderating role of a firm's domain‐specific and general knowledge
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Carrying the (paper) burden : a portfolio view of systemic risk and optimal bank size
- Journal Article
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Financial resilience perspective on COVID-19 business support : a comparative study of four European countries
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(De)centralized governance and the value of platform-based new ventures : the moderating role of teams and transparency
When shareholder power kicks in : corporate financialization as ratchet behaviour and sticky payouts
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Multi-neighbourhood simulated annealing for the ITC-2007 capacitated examination timetabling problem
Advocating beyond call of duty : a review of employee advocacy and a call for research
I am not aiming to be too famous : the exploration of social entrepreneurial intention
Packaging the future : determinants of use intentions and incentive structures of reusable packaging systems
Validation of the psychological empowerment scale and client-centered care questionnaire in budget holders with disabilities
The innovation of labeled products in an emerging economy : direct effect on the financial and non-financial performance of companies
The impact of social network structure, collaboration costs, and bursty activation on opinion dynamics and innovation via agent-based modeling
(2025) -
Unravelling the ideal roster : a cross-sectional study of nurse shift preferences using multivariate analysis
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- open access
Hometown bias in Flanders : the impact of ministerial local embeddedness on the distribution of conditional grants (2004–2017)
Conceptualizing policy advocacy effectiveness in NPO research : a scoping review of criteria and indicators
Heat Distributed Unequally in the Sovereign Bond Market
(2025) -
A study on policy decisions to embed flexibility for reactive recovery in the planning and scheduling process in operating rooms
Exact solution methodologies for time-dependent non-linear systems : the financial optimization perspective
(2024) -
Nieuwe omvangcriteria gepubliceerd
Essays on corporate finance : insights on the interactions of credit and labor markets
(2024) -
Motivations (and) matter : a deep dive into the roles of consumers' multi-faceted motivations and multi-use products in minimizing household food waste
(2024) -
Towards automated design : priority rules for resource-constrained project scheduling
(2024) -
- Journal Article
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- open access
Pushing forward the transition to a circular economy by adopting an actor engagement lens
Fairness through randomization : an operations research perspective
(2024) -
Een tussentijdse balans : reflecteren en prospecteren
Het proces en de inhoud van de toekomstvisie op het lokaal & binnenlands bestuur
Editoriaal: Visie op de toekomst van het lokaal & binnenlands bestuur in Vlaanderen
- Journal Article
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- open access
Does disaster contribute to armed conflict? A quantitative analysis of disaster–conflict co-occurrence between 1990 and 2017
When Job Ads Turn Qualified Ethnic Minorities Down: Metastereotypes Matter
The effect of positive versus negative framing on the Negative Footprint Illusion
Fostering metacognitive activities during job search : the Three Good Job Search Things intervention
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Valorising syngas in a coupled fermentation via acetate : techno-economic analysis for SCP production and pilot-scale implementation
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Valorising syngas in a coupled fermentation via acetate : techno-economic analysis for SCP production and pilot-scale implementation
Law and economic behaviour
World Ports Tracker Q4 2023
(2024) -
Regional analysis of liner shipping connectivity : what does the revised LSCI reveal?
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Préface : l’intelligence portuaire et les ports intelligents
- Journal Article
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Guidelines on the selection and inventory of social life cycle assessment indicators : a case study on flexible plastic packaging in the European circular economy
Investor reactions to apologies for financial misconduct
Robust interactive fixed effects
Veiling ideology or enabling utopia? On the potentials and limitations of the debate about tianxia as a model for a new world order
Vocational education, general education, and on-the-job learning over the life cycle
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- open access
Performance management systems, innovative work behavior and the role of transformational leadership : an experimental approach
Investigating a roadmap for digital work practices based on a maturity model approach
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Voer voor kandidaatparlementsleden: wie straks arbeidsmarktbeleid vormgeeft, moet deze tien studies kennen
Erfolgsfaktor Rubens? Das Projektmanagement für den feierlichen Einzug des Kardinalinfanten Ferdinand von Spanien in Antwerpen (1635)
(2024) -
Professionalizing all-volunteer nonprofit organizations : an intervention study based on the competing values framework and self-determination theory
Beyond patient charts : navigating the path to person centricity from a healthcare and service management perspective
(2024) -
Growth, fiscal and welfare implications of trade liberalization in Africa : a macro‐micro modeling assessment of the Senegalese economy
IPSAS 49 retirement benefit plans
Deel IV : bedrijfsvoorheffing
Vermogensklem bij omzetting van VZW in CV erkend als sociale onderneming
Europa legt nieuwe omvangcriteria vast
Test-retest reliability in metric conjoint experiments : a new workflow to evaluate confidence in model results
Europese subsidieverordening pakt oneerlijke buitenlandse staatssteun aan
- Journal Article
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Investigating the scientific knowledge–policy interface in EU climate policy
- Journal Article
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- open access
The consequences of financial leverage : Certified B Corporations' advantages compared to common commercial firms
Role of policy actors in implementing COVID-19 disease prevention and control policy in Pakistan
(2024) -
Is Europe faring well with growth? Evidence from a welfare comparison in the EU-15 (1995–2018)
Validation set sampling strategies for predictive process monitoring
Regulatory aspects of accounting standardisation in the EU public sector
(2024) -
What’s for dinner? An inquiry of family meals and food choices in parents with varying socioeconomic status
(2024) -
- Journal Article
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- open access
Debate : reporting pre-election polls : it is less about average Jane and Joe, and more about polarized Karen and Kevin
Essays on enriching learning experiences in accounting education : dealing with procrastination
(2024) -
Socially responsible investments : doing good while doing well in developed versus emerging markets?
Reducing the feasible solution space of resource-constrained project instances
A hybrid forecasting model to predict the duration and cost performance of projects with Bayesian Networks
A genetic algorithm with resource buffers for the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem
Overconfidence, financial literacy and excessive trading
- Journal Article
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- open access
Bursts of communication increase opinion diversity in the temporal Deffuant model
Costing system design and honesty in managerial reporting : an experimental examination of multi-agent budget and capacity reporting
BV-vrijstelling ploegenarbeid : enkel identiek werk qua omvang niet ongrondwettelijk
Dispense de versement du Pr P pour travail en équipe : la limitation au travail identique en quantité n'est pas inconstitutionnelle
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Boekbespreking: Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
- Journal Article
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Three decades of EU climate policy : racing toward climate neutrality?
Commercialization of innovations in the construction industry
(2024) -
I won’t make the same mistake again : burnout history and job preferences
- Journal Article
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- open access
Inside the European Union's trade machinery : institutional changes in an age of geoeconomics
- Journal Article
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EmoTwiCS : a corpus for modelling emotion trajectories in Dutch customer service dialogues on Twitter
Walking a thin line : a reputational account of green central banking
- Journal Article
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The influence of internal factors on micro and small enterprises performance : evidence from Tanzanian agri-food processors
- Journal Article
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A comparison of machine learning methods for predicting the direction of the US stock market on the basis of volatility indices
Türkiye’s competitive power in the world hazelnut market
GDPR compliance in big data analytics : a holistic approach for data protection impact assessment
(2024) -
Donald Trump's tweets, political value judgment, and the Renminbi exchange rate
The impact of environmental taxation on innovation : evidence from Canada
Analysis of the impact of corrective actions for stochastic project networks
- Journal Article
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The transformative potential of AI-enabled personalization across cultures
- Journal Article
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Nonstandard errors
- Journal Article
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Well-being amid (im)mobility struggles : youth’s experiences in Casamance, Senegal
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Long-run perspectives on r-g in OECD countries : an empirical analysis
Enhancing geospatial prediction models with feature engineering from road networks : a graph-driven approach