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Embedding in Shawi narrations : aquantitative analysis of embedding in a post-colonial Amazonian indigenous society
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Managing narratives, managing identities : language and credibility in legal consultations with asylum seekers
Aspiring to be global : language and social change in a tourism village in China
Mobility, contexts, and the chronotope
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Whose French is it anyway? Language ideologies and re-emerging indexicalities of French in Flanders
Procedures without borders: the language-ideological anchorage of administrative procedures in translocal institutional settings
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Recruiting a nonlocal language for performing local identity: indexical appropriations of Lingala in the Congolese border town Goma
Ah-prefacing in Kiswahili second pair parts
The research interview as a test: alignment to boundary, topic, and interactional leeway in parental accounts of a child protection procedure
Grammars of colonialism: representing languages in colonial South Africa
Writing as a problem: African grassroots writing, economies of literacy, and globalization
Language creation and language change: Creolization, diachrony and development.
Recensie: Language Policies in English-Dominant Countries: Six Case Studies / by M. L. Herriman (Editor), Barbara Burnaby (Editor). - (Language and Education Library ; 10). - 244 p. - ISBN 1853593478.