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Effect of extended photoperiod on performance, health, and behavioural parameters in nursery pigs
- Journal Article
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- open access
FELASA recommendations for the rehoming of animals used for scientific and educational purposes
Survey among FELASA members about rehoming of animals used for scientific and educational purposes
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
What caregivers don’t tell you ... A comparison between survey responses and home videos of cat-cat interactions
- Journal Article
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Brown and white layer pullet hybrids show different fear responses towards humans, but what role does light during incubation play in that?
- Journal Article
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- open access
The effects of mild disturbances on sleep behaviour in laying hens
- Journal Article
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Biosecurity : reducing the burden of disease
The macroeconomic, distributional and welfare effects of estate taxation
(2023) -
Predictive modeling toward refinement of behavior-based pain assessment in horses
- Journal Article
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- open access
Antimicrobial use in on-farm hatching systems vs. traditional hatching systems : a case study
- Journal Article
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Economic feasibility of interventions targeted at decreasing piglet perinatal and pre-weaning mortality across European countries
- Journal Article
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Cross-sectional questionnaire of donkey owners and farriers regarding farriery practices in the Faisalabad region of Pakistan
- Journal Article
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- open access
How do moisture content, friability, and crust development of litter influence ammonia concentrations in broiler production?
- Journal Article
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Timing of part-time group housing for farm rabbits : effects on reproductive performance, skin injuries and behaviour
- Journal Article
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- open access
Welfare issues and potential solutions for laying hens in free range and organic production systems : a review based on literature and interviews
Pets and their owners during the first COVID-19 lockdown period : perceived changes in routines and emotions : an exploratory study
- Journal Article
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- open access
Researching the non-take up of social rights : a social work perspective
- Journal Article
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- open access
Interprofessional identity in health and social care : analysis and synthesis of the assumptions and conceptions in the literature
Stereotypes, conditions, and binaries : analysing processes of social disqualification towards children and parents living in precarity
Towards a clearer understanding of the transformational potential of outreach work
- Journal Article
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- open access
The gravity equation in international trade : a note
- Journal Article
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- open access
Public opinions on seven different stray cat population management scenarios in Flanders, Belgium
Arrival cortisol measurement in veal calves and its association with body weight, protein fractions, animal health and performance
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
From the point of view of the chickens : what difference does a window make?
Scale cortisol is positively correlated to fin injuries in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in commercial flow through systems
The paradox of the alien citizen? Access, control and entitlements of Belgian refugees in Birmingham during the First World War
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Broiler chicken behavior and activity are affected by novel flooring treatments
Testing the potential of the Sow Stance Information System (SowSIS) based on a force plate system built into an electronic sow feeder for on-farm automatic lameness detection in breeding sows
Leveraging sequential information from multivariate behavioral sensor data to predict the moment of calving in dairy cattle using deep learning
'Several times I have asked the judge to get my children back' : 10 years of foster care complaints at the Flemish Office of the Children's Rights Commissioner
Inclusive business models in agri-food value chains : what safeguards for whom?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Remedying contact dermatitis in broiler chickens with novel flooring treatments
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Developing a poverty-aware pedagogy : from paradigm to reflexive practice in post-academic social work education
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Dealing with the wicked issue of child poverty : inter-organizational networks as forums for collective debate and reflection
Complexities in the exchange of private information in inter-organisational networks : the challenge of justification
Stakeholder perceptions on broiler chicken welfare during first-day processing and the pre-slaughter phase : a case study in Belgium
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
A review on computer vision systems in monitoring of poultry : a welfare perspective
A critical reflection on intensive pork production with an emphasis on animal health and welfare
Risk factors for antimicrobial use in veal calves and the association with mortality
Nonprofit organizations in between the nonprofit and market spheres : shifting goals, governance and management?
Citizenship as a gift : how Syrian refugees in Belgium make sense of their social rights
Exploring the success or failure of passive antibody transfer in goat kids in Flanders
Opportunities to improve the welfare of veal calves by reducing antimicrobial use
Challenging the normative truth logic in the politics of apology : a quest for recognition
- Journal Article
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- open access
Utilitarianism without individual utilities
Examining the influence of organizational characteristics on nonprofit commercialization
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Salmonella control in poultry flocks and its public health impact
A parametric test evaluating smallholder farmers' training needs in Uganda : a case of dairy farmers in the Rwenzori region
The WELPA project : improving equine welfare in riding schools and livery yards through human behavioural change (HBC)
An automated positioning system for monitoring chickens' location : effects of wearing a backpack on behaviour, leg health and production
Diversity, not uniformity : slaughter and electrical waterbath stunning procedures in Belgian slaughterhouses
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
The effects of transport stress on immune parameters in 2-4 weeks old dairy calves with low and normal bodyweight
Effects of dark brooders and overhangs on free-range use and behaviour of slow-growing broilers
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Dealing with treatment and transfer requests : how PGD-professionals discuss ethical challenges arising in everyday practice
Long-term impact of zinc supplementation in sows : impact on claw quality
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Behavioural and cortisol responses of shelter dogs to a cognitive bias test after olfactory enrichment with essential oils
- Journal Article
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- open access
The institutional foundations of medicalization : a cross-national analysis of mental health and unemployment
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Higher education governance and policy : an introduction to multi-issue, multi-level, and multi-actor dynamics
Fit for transport? : broiler chicken fitness assessment for transportation to slaughter
Impact of transportation duration on stress responses in day-old chicks from young and old breeders
Effects of shelter type, early environmental enrichment and weather conditions on free-range behaviour of slow-growing broiler chickens
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The visual rhetoric of self-advocacy organizations on poverty : all about courage?
Risk factors for development of lameness in gestating sows within the first days after moving to group housing
Trained-user opinion about Welfare Quality measures and integrated scoring of dairy cattle welfare
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Monitoring individual chickens’ positions in a free-range area using Ultra-Wideband technology
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Mergers and acquisitions in TV broadcasting and distribution: challenges for competition, industrial and media policy
What is being measured, and by whom? : facilitation of communication on technical measures amongst competent authorities in the implementation of the European Union Broiler Directive (2007/43/EC)
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Lifting laying hen welfare in aviaries to a higher level
(2016) -
De Index voor Duurzame Economische Welvaart (ISEW) voor Vlaanderen, 1990-2014
Standardising the assessment of environmental enrichment and tail-docking legal requirements for finishing pigs in Europe
Effects of free-range access on production parameters and meat quality, composition and taste in slow-growing broiler chickens
Effect of rubber flooring on group-housed sows' gait and claw and skin lesions
Risk factors associated with keel bone and foot pad disorders in laying hens housed in aviary systems
Effects of communal rearing and group size on breeding rabbits' post-grouping behaviour and its relation to ano-genital distance
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Opinion of Belgian egg farmers on hen welfare and its relationship with housing type
Perceived capabilities as an aggregated indicator for well-being
Summertime use of natural versus artificial shelter by cattle in nature reserves
Wintertime use of natural versus artificial shelter by cattle in nature reserves in temperate areas
- Journal Article
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- open access
Discnerning pig screams in production environments
Equality of opportunities, divergent conceptualisations and their implications for early childhood care and education policies
The Luhmannian approach to exclusion/inclusion and its relevance to social work
Clinical effects of buprenorphine on open field behaviour and gait symmetry in healthy and lame weaned piglets
Specific characteristics of the aviary housing system affect plumage condition, mortality and production in laying hens
- Miscellaneous
- open access
De Index voor Duurzame Economische Welvaart (ISEW) voor Vlaanderen, 1990-2013
Voluntariness as legitimation for social work interventions: a case study in Flemish homelessness care
Automatic monitoring of pig locomotion using image analysis
Performance of an animal-based test of thirst in commercial broiler chicken farms
Development of behavior in adopted shelter kittens after gonadectomy performed at an early age or at a traditional age
Automated video analysis of pig activity at pen level highly correlates to human observations of behavioural activities
Comparison of the head and neck position of elite dressage horses during top-level competitions in 1992 versus 2008
Effect of different head and neck positions on behaviour, heart rate variability and cortisol levels in lunged Royal Dutch Sport horses
ESHRE task force on ethics and law 23: medically assisted reproduction in singles, lesbian and gay couples, and transsexual people
- Miscellaneous
- open access
De Index voor Duurzame Economische Welvaart (ISEW) voor Vlaanderen, 1990-2012
A survey of foot problems, stereotypic behaviour and floor type in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos
'The greatest of equalisers': a critical review of international organisations views on early childhood care and education
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Prevalence of lameness and claw lesions during different stages in the reproductive cycle of sows and the impact on reproduction results
Remedies for a high incidence of broken eggs in furnished cages: effectiveness of increasing nest attractiveness and lowering perch height
Broadcast market structures and retransmission payments: a European perspective
Reinventing the employable citizen: a perspective for social work
'One size fits all?' The social construction of dis-employ-abled women