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Upper limb functional testing in athletes : a Delphi study
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To allow or avoid pain during shoulder rehabilitation exercises for patients with chronic rotator cuff tendinopathy : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (the PASE trial)
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A retrospective external validation study of the Birmingham Atypical Cartilage Tumour Imaging Protocol (BACTIP) for the management of solitary central cartilage tumours of the proximal humerus and around the knee
Electromyographic analysis of selected shoulder muscles during shoulder rehabilitation exercises in patients after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
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Scapular morphology of great apes and humans : a three-dimensional computed tomography-based comparative study
Evidence for taping in overhead athlete shoulders : a systematic review
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Effects of elastic kinesiology taping on shoulder proprioception : a systematic review
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Hyaluronic acid as an alternative treatment option for degenerative rotator cuff tears
Engineered glove to evaluate hand disability in rheumatoid arthritis : a pilot-study
Association between lower trapezius isometric strength and Y-balance test upper quarter performance in college volleyball players
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Association between spikes in external training load and shoulder injuries in competitive adolescent tennis players : the smash cohort study
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Scapulothoracic muscle activity during kinetic chain variations of a prone elevation exercise
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Electromyographic analysis of the serratus anterior and upper trapezius in closed kinetic chain exercises performed on different unstable support surfaces : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Does the activity in scapular muscles during plyometric exercises change when the kinetic chain is challenged? An EMG study
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Eccentric and isometric shoulder rotation strength and range of motion : normative values for adolescent competitive tennis players
The challenge of the sporting shoulder : from injury prevention through sport-specific rehabilitation toward return to play
Rehabilitation exercises for dysfunction of the scapula : exploration of muscle activity using Fine-Wire EMG
The shoulder endurance test (SET) : a reliability and validity and comparison study on healthy overhead athletes and sedentary adults
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Is bone grafting always necessary in revision reverse total shoulder arthroplasty with uncontained glenoid bone defects?
Biomechanical upper-extremity performance tests and isokinetic shoulder strength in collision and contact athletes
Effect of plyometric training on sport performance in adolescent overhead athletes : a systematic review
Effect of conscious abdominal contraction on the activation of periscapular muscles in individuals with subacromial pain syndrome
No added benefit of 8 weeks of shoulder external rotation strength training for youth handball players over usual handball training alone : a randomized controlled trial
Thinking outside the glenohumeral box : hierarchical shape variation of the periarticular anatomy of the scapula using statistical shape modeling
The 'upper limb rotation test' : reliability and validity study of a new upper extremity physical performance test
The effect of five isometric exercises on glenohumeral translations in healthy subjects and patients with the hypermobility type of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) or hypermobility spectrum disorder (HSD) with multidirectional shoulder instability : an observational study
Does scapular corrective taping alter periscapular muscle activity and 3-dimensional scapular kinematics? : a systematic review
Analysis of scapular kinematics and muscle activity by use of fine-wire electrodes during shoulder exercises
Shoulder arthroplasty for glenohumeral osteoarthritis : results from a comprehensive survey in Belgium and the Netherlands
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Relative scapular-muscle ratios during maximal isokinetic shoulder-girdle strength performance in elite field hockey players
- Journal Article
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Spatiotemporal maps of proprioceptive inputs to the cervical spinal cord during three- dimensional reaching and grasping
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A survey on the use and barriers of surface electromyography in neurorehabilitation
Development of a short and effective shoulder external rotation strength program in handball : a delphi study
Do surface electrodes validly represent lower trapezius activation patterns during shoulder tasks?
Does an effective shoulder injury prevention program affect risk factors in handball? A randomized controlled study
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- open access
Rotator cuff unloading versus loading exercise program in the conservative treatment of patients with rotator cuff tear : protocol of a randomised controlled trial
Evolution of nonoperative treatment of atraumatic sternoclavicular dislocation
Defining the shape of the scapulothoracic gliding surface
Long-term results of the Delta Xtend reverse shoulder prosthesis
The influence of cognitions, emotions and behavioral factors on treatment outcomes in musculoskeletal shoulder pain : a systematic review
Arthroplasty for glenohumeral arthritis in shoulders with a previous Bristow or Latarjet procedure
Swimming practice and scapular kinematics, scapulothoracic muscle activity, and the pressure-pain threshold in young swimmers
Proprioceptive force-reproduction of the rotator cuff in healthy subjects before and after muscle fatigue
Intraobserver and interobserver reliability of the Copeland-Levy classification for arthroscopic evaluation of subacromial impingement
Towards standardised definitions of shoulder arthroplasty complications: a systematic review of terms and definitions
Quantification of the deltoid muscle height in the region of the coraco-acromial ligament : an ultrasonographical study
The isokinetic rotator cuff strength ratios in overhead athletes : assessment and exercise effect
Scapular muscle dysfunction associated with subacromial pain syndrome
Quality assessment of shoulder plyometric exercises : examining the relationship to scapular muscle activity
Procedure to describe clavicular motion
Central pain processing in patients with shoulder pain : a review of the literature
Shoulder assessment according to the international classification of functioning by means of inertial sensor technologies : a systematic review
Shoulder proprioception : how is it measured and is it reliable? A systematic review
Asymptomatic elite young tennis players show lateral and ventral growth plate alterations of proximal humerus on MRI
Relationship between extrinsic factors and the acromio-humeral distance
Arthroscopic treatment of the young degenerative shoulder joint: is there a role for interpositioning arthroplasty?
Upper quadrant field tests and isokinetic upper limb strength in overhead athletes
Relative scapular muscle activity ratios are altered in subacromial pain syndrome
Scapular muscle activity in a variety of plyometric exercises
Are chronic neck pain, scapular dyskinesis and altered scapulothoracic muscle activity interrelated? : a case-control study with surface and fine-wire EMG
Acromiohumeral distance and 3-dimensional scapular position change after overhead muscle fatigue
Iliac bone grafting of the intact glenoid improves shoulder stability with optimal graft positioning
Optimal normalization tests for muscle activation of the levator scapulae, pectoralis minor and rhomboid major: an electromyography study using maximum voluntary isometric contractions
Epinephrine-enhanced computed tomographic arthrography of the canine shoulder
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Consequences of reaming with flat and convex reamers for bone volume and surface area of the glenoid : a basic science study
EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM basic scanning protocols for shoulder
Use of greater omentum in the surgical treatment of a synovial cyst in a cat
Soft tissue tumors about the shoulder
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Prevention of shoulder injuries in overhead athletes : a science-based approach
A motive for the use of a posterior approach in shoulder arthography: ventral leakage of contrast medium
Shoulder muscle activation levels during four closed kinetic chain exercises with and without Redcord slings
A glenoid reaming study: how accurate are current reaming techniques?
Does scapular positioning predict shoulder pain in recreational overhead athletes?
The relevance of scapular dysfunction in neck pain: a brief commentary
Conscious correction of scapular orientation in overhead athletes performing selected shoulder rehabilitation exercises: the effect on trapezius muscle activation measured by surface electromyography
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Scapular muscle recruitment during shoulder impingement rehabilitation and injury prevention exercises for overhead athletes
(2013) -
- Journal Article
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Medium to long-term outcome of thoracoscapular arthrodesis with screw fixation for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
The impact of rotator cuff tendinopathy on proprioception, measuring force sensation
Arthroscopically assisted internal fixation of the symptomatic unstable os acromiale with absorbable screws
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy : an update
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The 'Hoover' (vacuum cleaner) technique for calcifying tendonitis deposits excision and removal of the calcific debris
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The use of intra-articular aneshesia as a diagnostic tool in canine lameness
Three-dimensional analysis of the orientation and the inclination of the rotator cuff footprint
Anatomic study of the canine stifle using low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MRI arthrography
Double Hill-Sachs lesion: a report of two cases
Osteochondritis dissecans of the humeral head in two small-breed dogs
Muscle moment arms and function of the siamang forelimb during brachiation
Joint position sense and vibratory perception sense in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type III (hypermobility type)
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Evaluation of work-related psychosocial factors and regional musculoskeletal pain: results from a EULAR Task Force
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Exogenous application of platelet-leukocyte gel during open subacromial decompression contributes to improved patient outcome
Prevalence and risk factors of neck pain in military office workers
Omarthrose ecentrée : symposium
Individual and work related risk factors for neck pain among office workers : a cross sectional study
Reconstruction of massive rotator cuff lesions with a synthetic interposition graft: a prospective study of 41 patients
About the variability of the shape of the glenoid cavity
Consequences of deltoid muscle elongation on deltoid muscle performance: a computerised study
Elbow arthroscopy in clinically normal dogs
Arthroscopy of the canine hock joint