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One way or another : an optimal matching analysis of students' educational pathways and the impact of socioeconomic background and engagement
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Teaching to the track : grouping in reception education for Newly Arrived Migrant students
Locked down : the gendered impact of social support on children’s well-being before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
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It’s a hard-knock life for us : a multilevel analysis on the association between grade retention and being bullied in 25 countries
Wellbeing does not predict change in parenting behaviours among mothers of young children at elevated likelihood of autism
Multilingual language minority parents’ perspectives on their relationships with caregivers regarding the multilingual upbringing of the child : a large-scale exploration within childcare facilities in Flanders
What's the difference? Interactive book reading with at-risk and not-at-risk 1st- and 2nd-graders
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A decade of PISA : student perceived instructional quality and mathematics achievement across European countries
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The role of education and social background in the changing political involvement of adolescents : a comparative approach
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Feeling better now? Being defended diminishes daily mood problems and self-blame in victims of bullying
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Me, my track and society : how track identification affects the relationship between general self‐esteem and perceived public track status
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The emerging prevalence of obesity within families in Europe and its associations with family socio-demographic characteristics and lifestyle factors : a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from the Feel4Diabetes study
Burnout, motivation, and (de-)motivating teaching style in different phases of a teaching career
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Understanding interventions as social practices : how a school-based mental health intervention for migrant adolescents in Denmark interacted with context
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'That way there are no surprises in the end' : the cooling out function of reception education for newly arrived migrant students in Flanders
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Exploring the effectiveness of clinical simulations to develop student teachers’ parent-teacher communication competence
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Gabria’s life : young adults with a disability in the transition to adulthood
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Health promotion interventions on helmet use : a systematic review and meta-analysis of pre-test and post-test studies
Changes in physical activity patterns from adolescence to young adulthood : the BELINDA study
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Impact of heatwaves and system shocks on a nearly zero energy educational building : is it resilient to overheating?
Evaluating the impact of air cleaning and ventilation of airborne pathogens and human bio-effluents at two primary schools in Belgium
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The potential of mixed-method social network analysis for studying interaction between agency and structure in education
Children’s rights to privacy and data protection in Europe : raising some questions on children’s voice data processing at home and at school
(2022) -
An empirical investigation of Spolsky’s framework applied to family language policy
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Mental health problems in refugee and immigrant primary school children in Flanders, Belgium
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The association between Geographic Information System-based neighborhood built environmental factors and accelerometer-derived light-intensity physical activity across the lifespan : a cross-sectional study
Being pushed out of the career : former teachers' reasons for leaving the profession
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Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent health behaviours across 32 different countries : the role of country-level social mobility
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How accurately do program-specific basic skills predict study success in open access higher education?
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Assessing the quality of argumentative texts : examining the general agreement between different rating procedures and exploring inferences of (dis)agreement cases
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Basic needs satisfaction in a military learning environment : an exploratory study
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Contextual effects on students’ achievement and academic self-concept in the Nordic and Chinese educational systems
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The use of social capital in teacher research : a necessary clarification
Beyond the veil of parents : deconstructing the concept of parental involvement in early childhood education and care
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Prevalence of childhood obesity by country, family socio-demographics, and parental obesity in Europe : the Feel4Diabetes study
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Do both coaches and parents contribute to youth soccer players’ motivation and engagement? An examination of their unique (de)motivating roles
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Bidirectional associations between sedentary time and sleep duration among 12- to 14-year-old adolescents
Connecting teacher collaboration to inclusive practices using a social network approach
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Unpacking the dynamics of collegial networks in relation to beginning teachers’ job attitudes
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Child pain‐related injustice appraisals mediate the relationship between just‐world beliefs and pain‐related functioning
Too anxious to be confident? A panel longitudinal study into the interplay of mathematics anxiety and metacognitive monitoring in arithmetic achievement
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Integrating geophysical and photographic data to visualize the quarried structures of the Roman town of Bassianae
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Validation of the Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) system for Dutch
Homophobic bullying in positive and negative school climates : the moderating role of gender sexuality alliances
Mock meat in the butchery : nudging consumers toward meat substitutes
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Formative assessment of social-emotional skills using rubrics : a review of knowns and unknowns
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Adherence to COVID-19 measures : the critical role of autonomous motivation on a short- and long-term basis
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A qualitative photo elicitation research study to elicit the perception of young children with developmental disabilities such as ADHD and/or DCD and/or ASD on their participation
Parents' perspectives on participation of young children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental coordination disorder, and/ or autism spectrum disorder : a systematic scoping review
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Identifying student- and class-level correlates of sixth-grade students’ listening comprehension
The profile of the skilled reader : an investigation into the role of reading enjoyment and student characteristics
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How sexuality education programs have been evaluated in low-and lower-middle-income countries? A systematic review
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Am I fit for tomorrow's labor market? The effect of graduates' skills development during higher education for the 21st century's labor market
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Praktijkwijzer : omgaan met gespannen situaties op school
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Socio-demographic characteristics and body weight perceptions of study participants benefitting most from the Feel4Diabetes program based on their anthropometric and glycaemic profile changes
Teachers' perceptions of children's sport learning capacity predicts their fundamental movement skill proficiency
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Study strategies of first-year undergraduates with and without dyslexia and the effect of gender
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Variations in accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time across Europe : harmonized analyses of 47,497 children and adolescents
Geborgen als borg voor het leren én leven
Professional vision of inclusive classrooms : a validation of teachers’ reasoning on differentiated instruction and teacher-student interactions
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Executive control performance and foreign-language proficiency associated with immersion education in French-speaking Belgium
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How do teachers prioritize instructional goals? Using the theory of planned behavior to explain goal coverage
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Experiences and perceptions of youth living with HIV in Western Uganda on school attendance : barriers and facilitators
The relation between subjective well-being and career aspirations amongst a sample of adolescents in low socioeconomic status communities in Cape Town
The relation between children's participation in daily activities, their engagement with family and friends, and subjective well-being
Measuring student teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about family-teacher communication : scale construction and validation
Tuberculosis Transmission in a Primary School and a Private Language School. An Estimation of Infectivity
Tuberculosis Transmission in a Primary School and a Private Language School. An Estimation of Infectivity
Taking children's advertising literacy to a higher level : a multilevel analysis exploring the influence of parents, peers, and teachers
Predictors of individual performance changes related to item positions in PISA assessments
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Identifying motivational profiles among VET students : differences in self-efficacy, test anxiety and perceived motivating teaching
Learner profiles in secondary education : occurrence and relationship with performance and student characteristics
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International comparison of the levels and potential correlates of objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity among three-to-four-year-old children
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Associations between bystander reactions to cyberbullying and victims’ emotional experiences and mental health
Measuring teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms through video-based comparative judgement. What does it mean to misfit?
Process evaluation of a comprehensive sexuality education intervention in primary schools in South Western Uganda
Beliefs as filters for comparing inclusive classroom situations : connecting teachers’ beliefs about teaching diverse learners to their noticing of inclusive classroom characteristics in videoclips
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The relationship between second language acquisition and non-verbal cognitive abilities
Social class and educational decision-making in a choice-driven education system : a mixed-methods study
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'Entextualisation' across institutional contexts : the impact of discourse in school reports on the juvenile justice trajectories of Roma youth
Correlates of students’ internalization and defiance of classroom rules : a self-determination theory perspective
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Does the use of digital media affect psychological well-being? An empirical test among children aged 9 to 12
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Barriers from multiple perspectives towards physical activity, sedentary behaviour, physical activity and dietary habits when living in low socio-economic areas in Europe : the Feel4Diabetes study
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Differences in physical environmental characteristics between adolescents’ actual and shortest cycling routes : a study using a Google Street View-based audit
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Parents’ and adolescents’ perception of traffic- and crime-related safety as correlates of independent mobility among Belgian adolescents
Measuring professional vision of inclusive classrooms in secondary education through video-based comparative judgement : an expert study
Strategies to increase preschoolers' vegetable liking and consumption : the role of reward sensitivity
Subgroups of adolescents differing in physical and social environmental preferences towards cycling for transport : a latent class analysis
Different combinations of perceived autonomy support and control : identifying the most optimal motivating style
Early maladaptive schemas as moderators of the association between bullying victimization and depressive symptoms in adolescents
Transforming teacher preparation for culturally responsive teaching in Taiwan
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Preparing pre-service history teachers for organizing inquiry-based learning : the effects of an introductory training program
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Psychosocial and environmental correlates of active and passive transport behaviors in college educated and non-college educated working young adults
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Using a co-creational approach to develop, implement and evaluate an intervention to promote physical activity in adolescent girls from vocational and technical schools : a case control study
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A life course examination of the physical environmental determinants of physical activity behaviour : a 'Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review
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Which physical and social environmental factors are most important for adolescents’ cycling for transport? : an experimental study using manipulated photographs
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Behavioral determinants of physical activity across the life course : a 'DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review
What happened in the ‘Move for Well-being in School’ : a process evaluation of a cluster randomized physical activity intervention using the RE-AIM framework
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Response distortion on personality tests in applicants : comparing high-stakes to low-stakes medical settings
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The visual rhetoric of self-advocacy organizations on poverty : all about courage?