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Keeping the conversation going : rendering each other capable while creating zines
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Humor and the law : laughter as critique/the limits of laughter
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A three-legged race : assessing the functionality of consociational power-sharing with cabinet conflict-resolution data from Belgium (1979–2006)
Revolutionary debtscapes : domestic territories of contestation in Tunisia
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Contested discourses of a circular plastics economy in Europe : prioritizing material, economy, or society?
The (de-)politicization of black male bodies in American heavyweight boxing
Introduction: Transnational assemblages and the production of security knowledges : new perspectives on security governance in, and on, conflict and post-conflict contexts
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Investigating the scientific knowledge–policy interface in EU climate policy
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Three decades of EU climate policy : racing toward climate neutrality?
Internal conflicts in Roman-era Greek cities
Whose circular repair economy counts? Four competing discourses of electronics repair
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Personalization at different levels : intra-party competition and preference voting in local elections
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Participation and co-theorising : how stakeholder interests and scientific outputs clash in the Horizon 2020 multi-actor approach
- Miscellaneous
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Hoe de betrouwbaarheid van informatie checken?
The double connection : towards a bi-directional notion of participation
The European Participation Index (EPI) and inequality : a multi-dimensional cross-national comparative measure of worker participation
African studies keyword : organic
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Strategies or opportunities : trade union's international quest for social justice
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What’s love got to do with it? Badiou’s scene of Two through the lens of Lacan's formulas of sexuation
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Sustaining gender : natural resource management, conflict prevention, and the UN Sustaining Peace agenda in times of climate catastrophe
Rural radicalism and the tactic of third-party leverage : how acholi peasants drew a UN agency into their struggle against land-grabbing by the Ugandan state
The EU as a global gender actor : tracing intersectionality in the European gender action plans for external relations 2010–2025
New visions, critiques, and hope in the post-liberal age? A call for rethinking intervention and statebuilding
Exploring approaches to equal and effective participation of governance actors in trans-local city food networks
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Early marriage/pregnancy among Syrian refugees in Jordan in light of reproductive governance and justice
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History by commission? The Belgian colonial past and the limits of history in the public eye
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Translating Europe’s return migration regime to the Gambia : the incorporation of local CSOs
‘We are like in a jungle trying to survive’ ; navigating uncertainty by Cameroonian returnees
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At the crossroads between care and control : a cross-country comparison of assisted return
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Securitization and coping strategies of women sex workers in Tajikistan
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Beyond the humanitarian savior logics? UNHCR's public communication strategies for the Syrian and Central African crises
‘We are at war’ : reflections on positionality and research as negotiation in post-2022 Ukraine
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What makes populist messages persuasive? Experimental evidence for how emotions and issue characteristics moderate populist framing effects
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Literary neo-avant-gardes : historicizing the politics of form
Staying on top : political cycles in private bank lending
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Deliberative assembling : tinkering and farmer agency in precision agriculture implementation
She said this might be God’s way of taking care of us : family involvement in human trafficking
Legitimising detention and deportation of illegalised migrant families : reconstructing public controversies in Belgium and the Netherlands
Commentary on Urban Secularism by Julia Martínez-Ariño
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Policy coordination and integration in local government : perspectives on barriers
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Questioning Anglocentrism in plural policing studies : private security regulation in Belgium and the United Kingdom
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Policymakers on social cohesion : contradictory expectations for child and family social work
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Power-sharing and the paradox of federalism : federalization and the evolution of ethno-territorial conflict in the case of Belgium (1979–2018)
- Issue Editor
- open access
Literary neo-avant-gardes : historicizing the politics of form
Lars Bernaerts (UGent) , Vincent Broqua and Sabine Müller -
Engaging with labour migrants : emigration policy in Tajikistan
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Donor-funded women’s empowerment in Tajikistan : trajectories of women’s NGOs and changing attitudes to the international agenda
Beyond narratives of conflict : modern medicine, reproduction and Catholicism in contemporary historiography
The truths of psychoanalysis
Jasper Feyaerts (UGent) and Paulo Beer -
Producing democracy in armed violence settings : elections and citizenship in Eastern DRC
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A scoping review of the causes and consequences of fraud in sport
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Place-embedded agency : exploring knowledge-place connections for enabling plurality in governance of social-ecological systems
Conceptualizing morality policy : a dyadic morality frame analysis of a gendered legislative debate on abortion
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From resolving land disputes to agrarian justice : dealing with the structural crisis of plantation agriculture in eastern DR Congo
(Post-)crisis policing, public health and private security : the COVID-19 pandemic and the private security sector
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Unaccompanied adolescent minors’ experiences of exception and abandonment in the Ventimiglia border space
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Living at the edge of the capital city of Mongolia : capturing the socio-spatial aspects of Ger residents' the lived citizenship
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Shifting senses of solidarity and belonging in the internal migration pathways of citizens in ger areas in Ulaanbaatar : a social work perspective
- Journal Article
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Women's blame, men's merit? The effect of gender on voters' evaluation of ministers' governing performance
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Learning in, about and from the field? Symbolic functions of EU knowledge production on Central Asia
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Institutional interplay in global environmental governance : lessons learned and future research
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Framing China’s mask diplomacy in Europe during the early covid-19 pandemic : seeking and contesting legitimacy through foreign medical aid amidst soft power promotion
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Agency and vulnerability in the field of immigration law : a linguistic-ethnographic perspective on lawyer-client interaction
On the emergence of anti-relativism in the EU's historical culture (2000-2020)
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Beyond Derrida : fragments of feminist hospitality in residents hosting illegalized migrants in Belgium
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In search of the invisible people : revisiting the concept of 'internally displaced persons' in light of an Ethiopian case study
- Conference Paper
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Hard worker versus pretty eyes : evaluating the numerical and substantive representation of ministers in newspaper articles
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Democratising conceptual art : what about the spectator?
- Journal Article
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The genetically modified organism shall not be refused? Talking back to the technosciences
Cabinet conflicts in Belgium (1979-2018)
(2021) -
Nurturing the female body : notions of wellbeing in womb yoga
Foreign policy change : from policy adjustments to fundamental reorientations
The extension of the Belgian euthanasia law to minors in 2014
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Social justice-oriented narratives in European urban food strategies : bringing forward redistribution, recognition and representation
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Does it pay off? The effects of party leadership elections on parties’ trustworthiness and appeal to voters
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The European Union’s international climate leadership : towards a grand climate strategy
Resisting bare life : civil solidarity and the hunt for illegalized migrants
OK Computer? The digital turn in legal history : a methodological retrospective
From the social to the urban question : the pedagogical role of participatory arts practices in cities in transformation
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No man is an island : psychological underpinnings of prosociality in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak
Strategic narratives in China’s climate policy : analysing three phases in China’s discourse coalition
Lost in regulation : Nord Stream 2 and the limits of the European Commission’s geo-economic power
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Indicators and success stories : the UN sustaining peace agenda, bureaucratic power, and knowledge production in post-war settings
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Power struggles in policy feedback processes : incremental steps towards a circular economy within Dutch wastewater policy
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Steps towards a European fiscal union : has the revised stability and growth pact delivered so far?
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Transnational lived citizenship : the case of the Eritrean diaspora
Worlds apart? The World Bank’s business rankings and small entrepreneurship in Tajikistan
When IOM encounters the field : localising the migration and development paradigm in Tajikistan
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Teachers’ perceived societal appreciation : PISA outcomes predict whether teachers feel valued in society
- Conference Paper
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How about the female voice : evaluating the representation of Flemish ministers in newspaper articles
- Book Editor
- open access
Barricadepoëzie : lyrisch activisme sinds 1848
Johan Sonnenschein and Kornee van der Haven (UGent)(2021) -
Moving beyond coal : exploring and explaining the Powering Past Coal Alliance
Families on hold : how the context of an asylum centre affects parenting experiences
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Student politics and political violence in Bangladesh
(2020) -
The ‘affective liminality’ of young immigrants in Belgium : from ruly to unruly feelings on the path towards formal citizenship
Indifference and queer television studies : distinguishing norms of existence and coexistence
Conservation as a social contract in a violent frontier : the case of (anti-) poaching in Garamba National Park, eastern DR Congo
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Towards a sustainable model of innovative work behaviors’ enhancement : the mediating role of employability
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Collective identities and the integration of core state powers : introduction to the special issue
- Conference Paper
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The structure of mercantile communities in the Roman world : how open were Roman trade networks?
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Challenges in turning a great idea into great health policy : the case of integrated care