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Exploring mechanisms behind the increasing gender gap in adolescent psychological symptoms, 2002–2022 : the role of national‐level gender equality
Cognitive flexibility and resilience measured through a residual approach
Specificity of emotion regulation processes in depression : a network analysis
Designing the first culturally-sensitive stigma survey tailored for adolescents : RN-CSS
Urdu Translation and Psychometric Validation of Stigma Beliefs Scale
The content-specificity of interpretation biases across emotional disorders and stress : online cross-cultural study
Testing an online program to foster need crafting during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Changes in depression symptom profile with gender-affirming hormone use in transgender persons
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Individual and environmental contributors to psychological distress during imprisonment
A longitudinal network of borderline-related trait vulnerabilities from childhood to adolescence
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Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine
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Surveillance of adults with congenital heart disease : current guidelines and actual clinical practice
Mental health and professional outcomes in parents of children with chronic kidney disease
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Pupillary responses to dynamic negative versus positive facial expressions of emotion in children and parents : links to depression and anxiety
Prevention of depression through online cognitive control training : novel steps towards clinical implementation
(2024) -
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Vagally‐mediated HRV as a marker of trait rumination in healthy individuals? A large cross‐sectional analysis
No trait anxiety linked differences in affective and non-affective task-switching
Health care professional barriers and facilitators to discontinuing antidepressant use : a systematic review and thematic synthesis
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Effects of a serious game for adolescent mental health on cognitive vulnerability : pilot usability study
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Internet and telephone support for discontinuing long-term antidepressants : the REDUCE cluster randomized trial
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Dose-dependent response of prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation on the heart rate variability : an electric field modeling study
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Predictors of post‐exercise affect : a self‐determination theory approach considering physical, social, and psychological factors
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Longitudinal assessment of sleep and fatigue according to baby feeding method in postpartum women : a prospective observational study
Examining the role of structural and functional social network characteristics in the context of chronic pain : an ego-centered network design
Safety and efficacy of intensified electrical stimulation targeting dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for the treatment of gambling disorder associated with online sports betting : a case report
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Continuous flow synthesis of N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) analogues with therapeutic potential
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At risk or resilient? Examining the effects of having a migration background on mental and social wellbeing outcomes amongst adolescents
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Treatment response following adaptive PASAT training for depression vulnerability : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Disclosing the 'Big C' : what does cancer survivorship signal to employers?
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Perceived responsiveness in suicidal ideation : an experience sampling study in psychiatric patients
Exploring the impact of lifestyle and environmental exposures on appetite hormone levels in children and adolescents : an observational study
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Attention and interpretation bias modification transfers to memory bias : testing the combined cognitive bias hypothesis
Multidisciplinary and multimodal interventions for depressive and anxiety disorders : a single-arm meta-analysis
Examining systemic inflammation as a pathway linking peer victimization to depressive symptoms in adolescence
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Emotional competence self-help mobile phone app versus cognitive behavioural self-help app versus self-monitoring app to promote mental wellbeing in healthy young adults (ECoWeB PROMOTE) : an international, multicentre, parallel, open-label, randomised controlled trial
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Caspase-12 is expressed in Purkinje neurons and prevents psychiatric-like behavior in mice
Evaluating Theories of Repetitive Negative Thinking: Replication and Extension
(2024) -
Descending the job ladder is fine, except when you were ill : experimental evidence
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Cognitive control processes and emotion regulation in adolescence : examining the impact of affective inhibition and heart-rate-variability on emotion regulation dynamics in daily life
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Psychometric evaluation of the Dutch version of the Substance Use Recovery Evaluator (SURE-NL)
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High-frequency cognitive control training for depression : a single case study
Evaluating theories of repetitive negative thinking : replication and extension
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Updated recommendations on measures for clinical trials in pediatric chronic pain: a multiphase approach from the Core Outcomes in Pediatric Persistent Pain (Core-OPPP) Workgroup
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The effects of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for suicidal ideation or behaviors on depression, anxiety, and hopelessness in individuals with suicidal ideation : systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data
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Association of depression and epilepsy in Rwanda : a prospective longitudinal study
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Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and validity of the Impact of Events Scale - Revised in primary care in Zimbabwe, a non-war-affected African country
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Effects of an incremental theory of the personality intervention on psychophysiological responses to social stress during the transition to college
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Transcranial direct current stimulation versus intermittent theta-burst stimulation for the improvement of working memory performance
Time-course of the tDCS antidepressant effect : an individual participant data meta-analysis
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Unintentional discrimination against patients with a migration background by general practitioners in mental health management : an experimental study
Organization, feasibility and patient appreciation of a follow-up consultation in surgical critically ill patients with favorable baseline quality of life and prolonged ICU-stay : a pilot study
Gender minority stress in transgender people : a major role for social network
Interpersonal life stress and inflammatory reactivity as prospective predictors of suicide attempts in adolescent females
A preliminary investigation into cortical structural alterations in adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury
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'The show must go on' : how Paralympic athletes safeguarded their mental well-being and motivation to train for the postponed Tokyo 2020 games
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Individual, interpersonal, and organisational factors associated with discrimination in medical decisions affecting people with a migration background with mental health problems : the case of general practice
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Exploring sociodemographic and mental health differences among constructed male victim severity profiles
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Norms for the Dutch version of the young schema questionnaire : adolescent in a clinical population
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Is chewing khat associated with mental health disorders? A scoping review of the content and quality of the current evidence base
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Reliability of an interpretation bias task of ambiguous faces and its relationship with social anxiety, depression, and looming maladaptive style
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It is not the virus exposure : differentiating job demands and resources that account for distress during the COVID-19 pandemic among health sector workers
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Online Contingent Attention Training (OCAT) : transfer effects to cognitive biases, rumination, and anxiety symptoms from two proof-of-principle studies
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Interplay between uncertainty intolerance, emotion regulation, cognitive flexibility, and psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic : a multi-wave study
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Development and external validation of multivariable risk models to predict incident and resolved neuropathic pain: a DOLORisk Dundee study
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Reduced attention towards accomplishments mediates the effect of self-critical rumination on regret
The interplay between self-esteem, expectancy, cognitive control, rumination, and the experience of stress : a network analysis
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Characteristics associated with the discrepancy between subjective and objective executive functioning in depression
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The sharing of autobiographical memories elicits social support.
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Regaining control of your emotions? Investigating the mechanisms underlying effects of cognitive control training for remitted depressed patients
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Marital-history differences in increased loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic : a European study among older adults living alone
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The impact of in-centre haemodialysis treatment on the everyday life of older adults with end-stage kidney disease : a qualitative study
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An interdisciplinary multimodal integrative healthcare program for somatic symptom disorder, with predominant (spinal) pain
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An interdisciplinary multimodal integrative healthcare program for depressive and anxiety disorders
A multi‐layered approach to patient agency : applying the listening guide to a patient's narratives
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Autonomic symptoms and associated factors in patients with chronic heart failure
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Contextual factors and programme theories associated with implementing blue prescription programmes : a systematic realist review
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Protective effect of restorative possibilities on cognitive function and mental health in children and adolescents : a scoping review including the role of physical activity
Gender-affirming treatment and mental health diagnoses in Danish transgender persons : a nationwide register-based cohort study
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An electric field modeling study with meta-analysis to understand the antidepressant effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
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Endogenous oxytocin levels in children with autism : associations with cortisol levels and oxytocin receptor gene methylation
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Diagnostic performance of screening tools for depressive symptoms in vulnerable older patients with cancer undergoing comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) : results from the SCREEN pilot study
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The contextual goal dependent attentional flexibility (CoGoDAF) framework : a new approach to attention bias in depression
Multiple Paths to Rumination: A Network Analytical Approach
(2023) -
Combining disparate surveys across time to study satisfaction with life : the effects of study context, sampling method, and transport attributes
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Brainstem glucose metabolism predicts reward dependence scores in treatment-resistant major depression
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Mental and sexual well-being in non-binary and genderqueer individuals
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Stress and rumination in Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) : identifying stable and menstrual cycle-related differences in PMS symptom severity
Improving the measurement of environmental sensitivity in children and adolescents : the highly sensitive child scale-21 item version
Structural features related to affective instability correctly classify patients with borderline personality disorder : a supervised machine learning approach
Combining top-down and bottom-up interventions targeting the vagus nerve to increase resilience
Factors associated with depression among prisoners in Mizan prison institute, southwest Ethiopia
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Eight items of the ruminative response scale are sufficient to measure weekly within-person variation in rumination
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Temperament, anxiety, and depression in school-age children who stutter
Prediction of recurrent event in patients with coronary heart disease : the EUROASPIRE Risk Model : results from a prospective study in 27 countries in the WHO European region-The EURObservational Research Programme (EORP) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
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General practitioners' perspectives on discontinuation of long-term antidepressants in nursing homes
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An integrated care platform system (C3-Cloud) for care planning, decision support, and empowerment of patients with multimorbidity : protocol for a technology trial
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To endure or to resist? Adolescents' coping with overprotective parenting
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Stroke survivors' perceptions of their sedentary behaviours three months after stroke
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Effects of active musical engagement during physical exercise on anxiety, pain and motivation in patients with chronic pain
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Cognitive processes predict worry and anxiety under different stressful situations