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Taiwan during the First Administration of Tsai Ing-wen : Navigating in Stormy Waters, edited by Gunter Schubert and Lee Chun Yi
Does urban polycentricity contribute to regional economic growth? Empirical evidence from a panel of Chinese urban regions
China, the West, and the Rest: Who is Enjoying the Shadow of Whom?
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A systematic literature review of transnational alliances in higher education : the gaps in strategic perspectives
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The 2024 Taiwanese General Elections: Fierce Moderate Lai Prevails While Fluid Kingmaker Ko Rises
(2024) -
Leaf litter decomposition and its drivers differ between an invasive and a native plant : management implications
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Changes in total and per-capita ecosystem service value in response to land-use land-cover dynamics in north-central Ethiopia
Analyzing the competitiveness and strategies of Chinese mobile network operators in the 5G era
Source supply processes of the megadune field in the Badain Jaran Sand Sea
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Safeguarding the child’s right to privacy and data protection in the European Union and China : a tale of state duties and business responsibilities
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Port economics, management and policy studies (2009-2020) : a bibliometric analysis
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Vietnam’s Bamboo Diplomacy: Between Beijing’s Persistent Shadow and Growing Western Ties
(2024) -
Reviewing the effects of guaranteed and purchasing price policies on cultivation pattern of agronomic crops in Qazvin Plain, Iran
Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the 15-item Need for Closure Scale : scale validation and associations with mental health
Exploring postfeminist humor as a collective form of resistance to antifeminism in China : a textual analysis of online feminist discourse on Weibo
Advancing scholarship on rural social work in China : published researchers’ perspectives
Proactive policies are the key to reversing desertification in the main stream of the Tarim River in the past 30 years
An analysis of the context factors influencing the diverse response of airports to COVID-19 using panel and group regression
Do college graduates serving as village officials help mitigate income inequality within village?
China, the Global South, and the European Union : grasping opportunities, acting pragmatically
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Fourfold increase in climate contributions to grassland soil organic carbon variabilities and its policy implications
Urban co-opetition in megaregions : measuring competition and cooperation within and beyond the Pearl River Delta
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The effects of urban polycentricity on particulate matter emissions from vehicles : evidence from 102 Chinese cities
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Psychosocial status and risk perception among Iranian healthcare workers during the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
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Cost-effectiveness of zinc interventions in China : a cohort-based Markov model
Interannual and seasonal relationships between photosynthesis and summer soil moisture in the Ili River basin, Xinjiang, 2000–2018
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Stakeholder perspectives on farmers' resistance towards urban land-use changes in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
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An analysis of the evolution of Chinese cities in scientific collaboration networks
The impact of cities' transportation network connections on regional market integration : the case of China's urban agglomerations
Ecological restoration evaluation of afforestation in Gudao Oilfield based on multi-source remote sensing data
The KMT Selects Its Presidential Candidate: Can Uniting All Non-Green Friends Make Taiwan Go Blue in 2024?
(2023) -
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Modernist protestantism triumphs over Chinese superstitions : Sun Yat-sen's religious quest to overthrow the Yellow Empire
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Between Taiwanese elections : the KMT’s quest for 'true blue'
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China, Central Asia and a changing global order
China’s 14th National People’s Congress : no ordinary cups of tea
The EU and Taiwan : normalizing the status quo
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Achieving the dual goals of biomass production and soil rehabilitation with sown pasture on marginal cropland : evidence from a multi-year field experiment in Northeast Inner Mongolia
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Sown alfalfa pasture decreases grazing intensity while increasing soil carbon : experimental observations and DNDC model predictions
- Conference Paper
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Processing of personal information by public authorities in China : requirements in the PIPL
Optimization of aquaculture sustainability through ecological intensification in China
An emission inventory update for Tehran : the difference between air pollution and greenhouse gas source contributions
Metagenomics combined with comprehensive validation as a public health risk assessment tool for urban and agricultural run-off
The geography of e-shopping in China : on the role of physical and virtual accessibility
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Mapping the spatial conditions of polycentric urban development in Europe : an open‐source software tool
Comprehensive quantitation of multi-signature peptides originating from casein for the discrimination of milk from eight different animal species using LC-HRMS with stable isotope labeled peptides
Magneto-ionospheric effects of the geospace storm of March 21–23, 2017
Investigating the impact of virtual tourism on travel intention during the post-COVID-19 era : evidence from China
Analyzing the impact of land expropriation program on farmers' livelihood in urban fringes of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
A global meta-analysis of soil salinity prediction integrating satellite remote sensing, soil sampling, and machine learning
Low liquidity beta anomaly in China
Delineating borders of urban activity zones with free-floating bike sharing spatial interaction network
Future changes of drought characteristics in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios over Central Asia
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Airport classification in Chinese multi airport regions : an interaction network perspective between aviation and high speed rail
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Understanding China's diplomatic stances vis-à-vis the Russia-Ukraine crisis
Analyzing preferences of travelers for using community buses as a feeder mode to the metro
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Fine-grained urban air quality mapping from sparse mobile air pollution measurements and dense traffic density
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Pursuing development behind heterogeneous ideologies : review of six evolving themes and narratives of rural planning in China
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Diagnostic performance of chest CT for SARS-CoV-2 infection in individuals with or without COVID-19 Symptoms
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Russia and China between cooperation and competition at the regional and global level : introduction
Food safety governance in Saudi Arabia : challenges in control of imported food
The emergence of China in international academic management research : a nuanced analysis following the new f²-methodology
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The importance of large firms for generating economic value from subsidized technological innovation : a regional perspective
Strategic narratives in China’s climate policy : analysing three phases in China’s discourse coalition
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Is 'new culture' a proper translation of xin wenhua? Some critical remarks on a long-overlooked dilemma
Repeat induced abortion in 30 Chinese provinces : a cross‐sectional study
Climate change versus land-use change : what affects the ecosystem services more in the forest-steppe ecotone?
How does purchasing intangible services online influence the travel to consume these services? : a focus on a Chinese context
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Climate change and the individual : a perspective of China
Unraveling loess records of climate change from the Chinese loess plateau using process-based models
(2021) Hydrogeology, chemical weathering and soil formation. In Geophysical Monograph Series 257. p.163-175 -
COVID-19 is having a destructive impact on health-care workers’ mental well-being
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Quantitative comparison of geological data and model simulations constrains early Cambrian geography and climate
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Morphological and phylogenetic data confirm the identity of Prasiola fluviatilis (Prasiolales, Trebouxiophyceae) from glacier streams in the Tianshan Mountains, China
Worlds of the Ostend Company in Qing China and Mughal India (1717-1744) : a comparative approach of the GIC's 18th-century trade communities, cultural interactions and foreign exchanges
(2021) -
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Edible mycorrhizal fungi of the world : what is their role in forest sustainability, food security, biocultural conservation and climate change?
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Risk perceptions and attitudinal responses to COVID-19 pandemic : an online survey in Ethiopia
How to relevantly characterize hydraulic properties of saline and sodic soils for water and solute transport simulations
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Genetic diversity and structure of Musa balbisiana populations in Vietnam and its implications for the conservation of banana crop wild relatives
Ignorance is bliss : the Chinese art of not knowing
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Hybridization in selected species and genera of diaptomid copepods in China
Response of vegetation phenology to soil moisture dynamics in the Mongolian Plateau
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Concurrent resistance to carbapenem and colistin among enterobacteriaceae recovered from human and animal sources in Nigeria is associated with multiple genetic mechanisms
The BRICs and international tax governance : the case of automatic exchange of information
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European perceptions of religion and society in 18th century China & Bengal, and their subverted gaze in local art and encounter
Container barge network development in inland rivers : a comparison between the Yangtze River and the Rhine River
New psychoactive substances and law enforcement responses in a local context in China : a case study of methcathinone
How farmers perceive the impact of dust phenomenon on agricultural production activities : a Q-methodology study
An analysis of the determinants of the multiplex urban networks in the Yangtze River Delta
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Currently available monitoring and surveillance systems for Taenia spp., Echinococcus spp., Schistosoma spp., and soil-transmitted helminths at the control/elimination stage : a systematic review
Levels and sources of hourly PM2.5-related elements during the control period of the COVID-19 pandemic at a rural site between Beijing and Tianjin
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Urban environments and objectively-assessed physical activity and sedentary time in older Belgian and Chinese community dwellers: potential pathways of influence and the moderating role of physical function
Examining geographical accessibility to multi-tier hospital care services for the elderly : a focus on spatial equity
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Sexual and reproductive health correlates of polysubstance use among female adolescents who sell sex in the southwest of China
Ecosystem service value distribution along the agroecological gradient in north-central Ethiopia
Does e-shopping for intangible services attenuate the effect of spatial attributes on travel distance and duration?
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“Peruvian balsam” : an example of transoceanic transfer of medicinal knowledge
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How can China achieve economic transition with the Featured Town concept? A case study of Hangzhou from an evolutionary perspective
A Belgian passage to China (1870-1930)
Johan Mattelaer and Mathieu Torck (UGent)(2020) -
The use of historical sources in a multi-layered methodology for karez research in Turpan, China
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Improving the coverage and accuracy of syphilis testing : the development of a novel rapid, point-of-care test for confirmatory testing of active syphilis infection and its early evaluation in China and South Africa
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Challenges for protected areas management in China