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Which teachers feel good and adopt a motivating teaching style? The role of teaching identity and motivation to teach
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Group research : why are we throwing away the best of our observations?
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Does practice make perfect? The effect of online formative assessments on students’ self-efficacy and test anxiety
Towards a measurement instrument for assessing capabilities when innovating less-structured business processes
Chicken or egg? On the relation between course performance and first-year students’ well-being and self-efficacy
Launching the dynamic employee engagement framework : towards a better understanding of the phenomenon
Linking red tape originating from digital tools to affective commitment : the mediating roles of role ambiguity and work engagement
Do costing system design choices mediate the link between strategic orientation and cost information usage for decision making and control?
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The how and the why of study choice processes in higher education : the role of parental involvement and the experience of having an authentic inner compass
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The importance of the leaders’ and coaches’ motivating style for sports club members’ motivation to participate in organized sports : study of trickle-down effects
Servant leadership : a systematic literature review and network analysis
Servant leadership and employee engagement : a qualitative study
Determinants of consumers’ continuance intention to use dynamic ride-sharing services
Process innovation capability in less-structured business processes : a systematic literature review
Pride and prejudice : unraveling and mitigating domestic country bias
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Product-service systems : a customer engagement perspective in the fashion industry
The impact of enabling performance measurement on managers’ autonomous work motivation and performance
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'Expecting the unexpected?' Uncovering role expectation differences in a Dutch hospital
Toward more inclusive education : an empirical test of the universal design for learning conceptual model among preservice teachers
Exploring pre-service teachers’ beliefs and practices about two inclusive frameworks : Universal Design for Learning and differentiated instruction
The role of work–life balance and autonomy in the relationship between commuting, employee commitment and well-being
Capturing motivating versus demotivating self-management support : development and validation of a vignette-based tool grounded in Self-determination Theory
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Do both coaches and parents contribute to youth soccer players’ motivation and engagement? An examination of their unique (de)motivating roles
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Unpacking the dynamics of collegial networks in relation to beginning teachers’ job attitudes
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Zelfervaren drempels op de arbeidsmarkt : een onderzoek onder werkende, inactieve en werkloze 50-plussers
The boundary-spanning behavior of nurses : the role of support and affective organizational commitment
The role of maternal emotion regulation in controlling parenting during toddlerhood : an observational study
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How to foster nurses’ well-being and performance in the face of work pressure? : The role of mindfulness as personal resource
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Vital signs prediction and early warning score calculation based on continuous monitoring of hospitalised patients using wearable technology
The role of parental reflective functioning in the relation between parents' self-critical perfectionism and psychologically controlling parenting towards adolescents
Knowledge as a strategy for privacy protection : how a privacy literacy training affects children's online disclosure behavior
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Why do sport coaches adopt a controlling coaching style? The role of an evaluative context and psychological need frustration
Establishing a mission-based culture : analyzing the relation between intra-organizational socialization agents, mission valence, public service motivation, goal clarity and work impact
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The effects of perceived leader narcissism on employee proactive behavior : examining the moderating roles of LMX quality and leader identification
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Maternal knowledge as a mediator of the relation between maternal psychological control and altruistic prosocial, instrumental prosocial, and antisocial behavior
The role of empathy in crisis communication : providing a deeper understanding of how organizational crises and crisis communication affect reputation
Talking across borders : successful re-entry in different strands of re-entry literature
Do politicians see eye to eye? The relationship between political group characteristics, perceived strategic plan quality, and strategic consensus in local governing majorities
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When employee performance management affects individual innovation in public organizations : the role of consistency and LMX
Tournaments to crowdsource innovation : the role of moderator feedback and participation intensity
A cross-sectional pilot study of student's proactive behavior in midwifery education : validation of a developed questionnaire
Shedding new light on how advertising literacy can affect children's processing of embedded advertising formats : a future research agenda
Exploring the nonlinear impact of critical incidents on customers’ general evaluation of hospitality services
Personal values, green self-identity and electric car adoption
The mediating role of psychological contract violation between psychological contract breach and nursing staff organizational attitudes
The different faces of controlling teaching : implications of a distinction between externally and internally controlling teaching for students' motivation in physical education
Does loyalty span domains? Examining the relationship between consumer loyalty, other loyalties, and happiness
The importance of job resources and self-efficacy for beginning teachers' professional learning in differentiated instruction
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Perceived maternal autonomy-support and early adolescent emotion regulation: a longitudinal study
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in children and adolescents: symptomatology, impairment and quality of life
Do perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching relate to physical education students' motivational experiences through unique pathways? Distinguishing between the bright and dark side of motivation
The impact of participation in strategic planning on managers' creation of budgetary slack: the mediating role of autonomous motivation and affective organisational commitment
'We(b) care' How review set balance moderates the appropriate response strategy to negative online reviews
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Is trust for sale? The effectiveness of financial compensation for repairing competence- versus integrity-based trust violations
Exploring the effects of principal leadership, school climate, teachers' psychological factors on teachers' job satisfaction and organizational commitment
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The impact of cultural intelligence on communication effectiveness, job satisfaction and anxiety for Chinese host country managers working for foreign multinationals
Technology transfer offices as boundary spanners in the prespin-off process: the case of a hybrid model
Within-person profiles of teachers' motivation to teach: associations with need satisfaction at work, need-supportive teaching, and burnout
Advancements in the field of personality development
Developing supplier integration capabilities for sustainablecompetitive advantage: a dynamic capabilities approach
A longitudinal examination of customer commitment and loyalty
A cross-national investigation of the satisfaction and loyalty linkage for mobile telecommunications services across eight countries
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Responses to co-workers receiving recognition at work
Observed need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior in physical education: do teachers' motivational orientations matter?
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Mindfulness, authentic functioning, and work engagement : a growth modeling approach
Is it here where I belong? An integrative model of turnover intentions
Recruiting through employee referrals: an examination of employees' motives
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The effect of cultural orientation and leadership style on self- versus other-oriented organizational citizenship behavior in Turkey and the Netherlands
Dimensions of distributed leadership and the impact on teachers' organizational commitment: a study in secondary education
Organizational career growth, affective occupational commitment and turnover intentions
Leadership, team and decision speed: empirical study using cross-provincial data
The role of need for closure in essentialist entitativity beliefs and prejudice: an epistemic needs approach to racial categorization
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Understanding workaholics' motivations: a self-determination perspective
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Relationships of proactive behaviour with job-related affective well-being and anticipated retirement age: an exploration among older employees in Belgium
A study of the relationships between generation, market orientation, and innovation in family firms
Teacher perceptions of school culture and their organizational commitment and well-being in a Chinese school
Integrative tests of a multidimensional model of organizational identification
Predictability of cerebral palsy in a high-risk NICU population
Identifying operational improvements during the design process of a time-driven ABC system: the role of collective worker participation and leadership style
The relationship between career growth and organizational commitment
Emotional labor, strain, and performance: testing reciprocal relationships in a longitudinal panel study
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Lack of consensus among competency ratings of the same occupation: noise or substance?
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How distributed leadership can make a difference in teachers' organizational commitment? A qualitative study
A situational judgment test of personal initiative and its relationship with performance
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The relationship between the perception of distributed leadership in secondary schools and teachers' and teacher leaders' job satisfaction and organizational commitment
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The influence of distributed leadership on teachers' organizational commitment: a multilevel approach
Measures of work-family conflict predict sickness absence from work
Motives, barriers and quality evaluation in fish consumption situations: exploring and comparing heavy and light users in Spain and Belgium
The intergenerational transmission of authoritarianism: the mediating role of parental goal promotion
Extending the spectrum idea: child personality, parenting and psychopathology