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Chronic diseases associated with meat consumption : epidemiology and mechanisms
- Journal Article
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Mechanisms linking colorectal cancer to the consumption of (processed) red meat : a review
The near equivalence of haem and non-haem iron bioavailability and the need for reconsidering dietary iron recommendations
The recommendation to limit or avoid consumption of processed meat is justified because of the association with the incidence of colorectal cancer and justifies the use of alternatives for nitrite in meat processing
The World Cancer Research Fund report 2007: A challenge for the meat processing industry
In vitro examination of DHA-edible micro-algae, 2: effect on rumen methane production and apparent degradability of hay
Effect of variation in the proportion of solid- and liquid-associated rumen bacteria in duodenal contents on the estimation of duodenal bacterial nitrogen flow
- Journal Article
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- open access
Milk odd- and branched-chain fatty acids in relation to the rumen fermentation pattern
Use of odd and branched-chain fatty acids in rumen contents and milk as a potential microbial marker
- Journal Article
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- open access
Milk fatty acid composition and associated rumen lipolysis and fatty acid hydrogenation when feeding forages from intensively managed or semi-natural grasslands
Meat fermentations: principles and applications
Origin of starch in dairy concentrates provokes differences in milk fatty acids related to lifestyle diseases
Rumen and milk fatty acid pattern when feeding forages from intensively managed or semi-natural grasslands
Odd and branched chain fatty acids in rumen contents and milk of dairy cows fed forages from semi-natural grasslands.
Rumen lipolysis and hydrogenation in relaton to milk fatty acid pattern when feeding forages from intensively managed or semi-natural grasslands.
Nutritive value and qualitative assessment of secondary compounds in seeds of eight tropical browse, shrub and pulse legumes
Radicals and antioxidants in relation to human and animal health: a case for functional feeding
Effects of freezing and drying grass products prior to fatty acid extraction on grass fatty acid and lipid class composition: a technical note
Effect of linseed feeding at similar linoleic acid levels on the fatty acid composition of double-muscled Belgian Blue young bulls
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- open access
Odd and branched chain fatty acids to estimate proportions of cellulolytic and amylolytic particle associated bacteria
Effect of diet and dietary fatty acids on the transformation and incorporation of C18 fatty acids in double-muscled Belgian Blue young bulls
- Journal Article
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- open access
Effect of dietary fatty acids on incorporation of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid in lamb, beef and pork meat: a review
Rumen odd and branched chain fatty acids in relation to in vitro rumen volatile fatty acid productions and dietary characteristics of incubated substrates
Meat fatty acid composition as affected by fatness and genetic factors: a review
Effect of fish oil on in vitro rumen lipolysis, apparent biohydrogenation of linoleic and linolenic acid and accumulation of biohydrogenation intermediates
- Journal Article
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- open access
In vitro rumen fermentation of tropical browse seeds in relation to their content of secondary metabolites
Quantification of fresh meat peptides by SDS-PAGE in relation to ageing time and taste intensity
Melk en vlees worden beter van visolie in veevoer
Prediction of microbial protein supply in dairy cows based on milk odd and branched chain fatty acids
Lipolysis and biohydrogenation of linoleic and linolenic acid in vitro: comparison of linseed sources and grass
Integrating quality criteria for animal products and production systems: a complex challenge
Effect of 9,10-Anthraquinone on rumen methane production as studied in vitro and in vivo
Milk odd chain fatty acids as predictors of microbial protein supply in dairy cattle
Relationship between rumen odd and branched chain fatty acids and fermentation characteristics as studied in vitro
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Effect of diets rich in N-3 polyunsatured fatty acids on muscle lipids and fatty acids in Belgian Blue double-muscled young bulls
Increasing levels of two different fish oils lower ruminal biohydrogenation of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid in vitro
Fish oils as potent rumen methane inhibitors and associated effects on rumen fermentation in vitro and in vivo
Meat quality, fatty acid composition and flavour analysis in Belgian retail beef
Analysis of biogenic amines in northern and southern European sausages and role of flora in amine production
Lipolysis and biohydrogenation of linolenic acid: comparison of linseed and grass.
Quality control of fermented meat products.
Dietary and milk fatty acid composition in relation to the use of forages from semi-natural grasslands
In vitro effects of bacitracin and monensin on ovine rumen fermentation.
Effect of duration of feeding diets rich in n-3 PUFA to Belgian Blue double-muscled young bulls, on the incorporation of long-chain n-3 and n-6 PUFA in the phospholipids and triglycerides of the longissimus thoracis.
Effect of feeding diets rich in n-3 PUFA at different stages of the production period on the PUFA composition of the intramuscular fat in Belgian Blue double-muscled bulls
Milk odd and branched chain fatty acids in relation to dietary NDF content and rumen fermentation pattern.
Quality control of fermented meat products
In vitro screening of methane production from grass and maize silage based dairy diets
The deposition of conjugated linoleic acids in eggs of laying hens fed diets varying in fat level and fatty acid profile
Methane emissions from the rumen of sheep fed a mixed grass-clover pasture at two fertilisation rates in early and late season.
Extractability of the protein and peptide fraction for different types of dry fermented sausages in relation to GPC-analysis.
Evaluation of the influence of bacteria on protein and lipid metabolism in short- and long-ripened dry fermented sausages.
Very fast chilling of beef : effects on meat quality
In vitro study of lipolysis and biohydrogenation in cattle : which inoculum to use?
Effect of rate of pH decline on muscle enzyme activities in two pig lines
Analysis of fatty acid isomers in ruminant tissues by silver thin layer chromatography followed by gas chromatography.
Comparison of meat quality characteristics of retail beef of different origin.
Meat fatty acid composition as affected by genetics.
Clover saponins as methane inhibitors and their effect on rumen N utilisation effficiency as studied in vitro and in vivo.
Effect of clover content of forage on methanogenesis and rumen microbial N utilization in sheep
Introduction of n-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid into the intramuscular fat of Belgian Blue double-muscled bulls
Improving the fatty acid composition of the intramuscular fat of Belgian Blue double-muscled bulls
Les acides linoléiques conjugués et les acides gras n-3 dans la viande des animaux Blanc Bleu Belge: premiers résultats de l'étude des effets génétiques et nutritionnels
Incorporation of conjugated linoleic acids in eggs of laying hens fed diets varying in fat level and fatty acid profile.
The deposition of conjugated linoleic acids in eggs of laying hens fed diets varying in fat level and fatty acid profile
Einfluss des Typs und der Konzentration an Fischöl auf die ruminale Biohydrierung von Omega-3-Fettsäuren
Effect of N fertilisation rate, energy supplementation and supplementation strategy on efficiency of N utilisation in the sheep rumen.
Effect of level and origin of rumen degradable nitrogen on rumen microbial growth and nitrogen utilisation efficiency of animals fed maize silage at maintenance.
Evidence for reductive acetogenesis and its nutritional significance in ostrich hindgut as estimated from in vitro incubations.
Effect of double-muscling in Belgian Blue young bulls on the intramuscular fatty acid composition with emphasis on conjugated linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Analyse du profil de la mesure de la force de cisaillement.
Variabilité inter et intra animaux dans la qualité de la viande de boeuf.
Effect of the double-muscling genotype on carcass and meat quality in Belgian Blue slaughter bulls.
Effect of dietary energy and protein levels on fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat in double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls
Optimizing rumen function as a contribution to pollution control.
Effet de la composition botanique et le niveau de fertilisation sur l'efficacité de l'utilisation d'azote par du bétail sur pâturage.
Etude de l'organisation de la trame conjonctive dans les muscles de bovins par analyse d'images. Comparaison entre animaux temoins et animaux culards.
Conjugated linoleic acid and poly-unsaturated fatty acids in intramuscular fat of Belgian Blue bulls: effect of double-muscling.
Fatty acid composition of beef from Belgian Blue animals with special emphasis on conjugated linoleic acids.
Meat quality and the quality of animal production
Ruminants and environment: methanogenesis.
Control of bioflavour and safety in fermented sausages: first results of a European project.
Effect van (n-3)-visolievetzuren op ruwvezelverteerbaarheid en fermentatiepatroon in de pensmaag van het schaap.
Estimation of chemical carcass composition from 8th rib characteristics with Belgian blue double-muscled bulls
Lipid composition of beef in relation to feeding, nutrition and technology.
Stikstofbenutting uit gras door herkauwers: integratie plantaardige en dierlijke productie.
Targets and procedures for altering ruminant meat and milk lipids.
Reductive acetogenesis in the hindgut and attempts to its induction in the rumen - A review.
Age effects on in vitro caecal fermentation in rabbits.
Age and incubation time effects on in vitro caecal fermentation pattern in rabbits before and after weaning.
Knelpunten in de vleeskwaliteit
Sensorische en technologische vleeskwaliteit
Kwaliteit en technologie van vlees
(1998) -
Effects of bromoethansulphonic acid and monensin on in vitro fermentation pattern of non-fasted rabbits.
Effect of anatomical location on the composition of fatty acids in double-muscled Belgian Blue cows.
Effect of the addition of Peptostreptococcus productus ATCC 35244 on reductive acetogenesis in the ruminal ecosystem after inhibition of methanogenesis by cell-free supernatant of Lactobacillus plantarum 80.
Early post-mortem conditions and the calpain/calpastatin system in relation to tenderness of double-muscled beef
An introduction to the OECD programme: meat quality and the quality of animal production
Transformation and Effects of Unsaturated Fatty Acids in the Rumen. Consequences on Milk Fat Secretion
Manipulation of ruminai fermentation