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Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) visualizes internalization and biological impact of nanoplastics in live intestinal organoids
(2025) -
Poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazoline) Hydrogels as Synthetic Matrices for Multicellular Spheroid and Intestinal Organoid Cultures
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Review : livestock cell types with myogenic differentiation potential : considerations for the development of cultured meat
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Exploring the modulatory role of bovine lactoferrin on the microbiome and the immune response in healthy and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli challenged weaned piglets
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Navigating the fate of intestinal epithelial cells in the world of nanoplastic pollution via Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM)
Pulsed-electromagnetic field stimulation and mechanical stimulation for enhancing bovine myoblast myogenesis
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Lactoferrin impairs pathogen virulence through its proteolytic activity
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The lipopolysaccharide structure affects the detoxifying ability of intestinal alkaline phosphatases
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Effects of bovine lactoferrin on Escherichia coli-induced post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets
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Immunogenicity and biodistribution of lipid nanoparticle formulated self-amplifying mRNA vaccines against H5 avian influenza
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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli heat labile enterotoxin affects neutrophil effector functions via cAMP/PKA/ERK signaling
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Rationalizing the use of common parameters and technological tools to follow up Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infections in pigs
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli heat labile enterotoxin affects neutrophil effector functions via cAMP/PKA/ERK signaling
The heat labile enterotoxin of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli induces apoptosis in monocytes and disrupts their effector functions
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A new combination of a prebiotic and postbiotic mitigates immunosenescence in vaccinated healthy senior dogs
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Comparative transcriptomics of porcine liver-resident CD8αdim, liver CD8αhigh and circulating blood CD8αhigh NK cells reveals an intermediate phenotype of liver CD8αhigh NK cells
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Targeted delivery of oral vaccine antigens to aminopeptidase N protects pigs against pathogenic E. coli challenge infection
Previous and current efforts to develop a mucosal vaccine against periodontal disease : are we close yet?
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QuilA® adjuvanted Coxevac® sustains Th1-CD8+-type immunity and increases protection in Coxiella burnetii-challenged goats
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Long-term follow-up of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae-specific immunity in vaccinated pigs
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Validation of multiparametric panels for bovine mesenchymal stromal cell phenotyping
Human whole-cell / B-subunit oral cholera vaccines Duochol and Dukoral induce antibody responses in a porcine model
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Virotyping and genetic antimicrobial susceptibility testing of porcine ETEC/STEC strains and associated plasmid types
Effects of bovine lactoferrin on E. coli-induced post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets
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Validation of a color deconvolution method to quantify MSC tri-lineage differentiation across species
Bovine embryonic stem cells : a challenging approach for the development of cultured meat
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Different local, innate and adaptive immune responses are induced by two commercial Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterins and an adjuvant alone
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Immortalised canine buccal epithelial cells' CXCL8 secretion is affected by allergen extracts, Toll-like receptor ligands, IL-17A and calcitriol
Mucosal vaccination against periodontal disease : unexploited potential for veterinary and human oral medicine
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Intestinal Epithelial cells modulate the production of enterotoxins by porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli strains
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Lactoferrin decreases enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-induced fluid secretion and bacterial adhesion in the porcine small intestine
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Bovine lactoferrin in the prevention of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections in piglets
- Miscellaneous
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Adjuvanting Coxevac® with QuilA® skews Coxiella burnetii-induced inflammatory responses towards a sustained Th1-CD8+-mediated activation and increases protection in an experimental goat model
(2022) -
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Three cases of alloimmune mediated pancytopenia in calves resembling bovine neonatal pancytopenia
Bovine pluripotent stem cells : a challenging approach for the development of cultured meat
Advances in understanding gut function and immunity in pigs
(2022) Optimising pig herd health and production. In Burleigh Dodds series in agricultural science 118. p.167-206 -
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Pseudorabies virus-induced expression and antiviral activity of type I or type III interferon depend on the type of infected epithelial cell
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Influence of parity and reproductive stage on the prevalence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in breeding animals in belgian farrow-to-finish pig herds
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Spatial proteogenomics reveals distinct and evolutionarily conserved hepatic macrophage niches
Bovine pluripotent stem cells : a challenging approach for the development of cultured meat
Myofibers in a 3D environment hold the future for human food security
(2021) Abstracts of the Virtual European Muscle Conference. In Acta Biochimica Polonica 68(Supplement 1). -
Lactoferrin, a versatile natural antimicrobial glycoprotein that modulates the host's innate immunity
Arrival cortisol measurement in veal calves and its association with body weight, protein fractions, animal health and performance
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Advances in oral subunit vaccine design
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Particulate matter and airborne endotoxin concentration in calf barns and their association with lung consolidation, inflammation, and infection
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β-glucan-induced IL-10 secretion by monocytes triggers porcine NK cell cytotoxicity
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Transfer of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae-specific cell mediated immunity to neonatal piglets
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Phylogeography of human and animal Coxiella burnetii strains : genetic fingerprinting of Q Fever in Belgium
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Mucosal vaccination against periodontal disease : current status and opportunities
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Perspectives for improvement of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccines in pigs
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Porcine small intestinal organoids as a model to explore ETEC–host interactions in the gut
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Antibody-mediated targeting of antigens to intestinal aminopeptidase N elicits gut IgA responses in pigs
- Conference Paper
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Effect of lactoferrin on the immune response against Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli infection in piglets
Characterisation of bovine myosatellite cells and adipose tissue-derived MSCs for cultured meat development
Optimization of a protocol to isolate bovine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on immune, health and growth variables in veal calves
Beta-glucan's varying structure characteristics modulate survival and immune-related genes expression from Vibrio harveyi-infected Artemia franciscana in gnotobiotic conditions
Glucan particles as suitable carriers for the natural anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin and diplacone : evaluation in an ex vivo model
Effects of glycerol-esters of saturated short- and medium chain fatty acids on immune, health and growth variables in veal calves
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Evaluating single-domain antibodies as carriers for targeted vaccine delivery to the small intestinal epithelium
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Adjuvanting allergen extracts for sublingual immunotherapy : calcitriol downregulates CXCL8 production in primary sublingual epithelial cells
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Chlamydia trachomatis L2c infection in a porcine model produced urogenital pathology and failed to induce protective immune responses against re-infection
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Early kinetics of intestinal infection and immune responses to two Toxoplasma gondii strains in pigs
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Porcine and bovine forms of lactoferrin inhibit growth of porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and degrade its virulence factors
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The intriguing interaction of Escherichia Coli with the host environment and innovative strategies to interfere with colonization : a summary of the 2019 E. Coli and the Mucosal immune system meeting
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Porcine enterotoxigenic escherichia Coli strains differ in their capacity to secrete enterotoxins through varying YGHG levels
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Porcine NK cells stimulate proliferation of pseudorabies virus-experienced CD8+ and CD4+ CD8+ T cells
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Rapid production of a chimeric antibody-antigen fusion protein based on 2A-peptide cleavage and green fluorescent protein expression in CHO cells
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Randomized field trial on the effects of body weight and short transport on stress and immune variables in 2‐ to 4‐week‐old dairy calves
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QuilA-adjuvanted T. gondii lysate antigens trigger robust antibody and IFNγ+ T cell responses in pigs leading to reduction in parasite DNA in tissues upon challenge infection
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Toll-like receptor 5-mediated IL-17C expression in intestinal epithelial cells enhances epithelial host defense against F4+ ETEC infection
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Food allergen-specific sublingual immunotherapy modulates peripheral T cell responses of dogs with adverse food reactions
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Role of antigen specific T and B cells in systemic and mucosal immune responses in ETEC and Shigella infections, and their potential to serve as correlates of protection in vaccine development
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Systems immunology characterization of novel vaccine formulations for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterins
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Heat-stable enterotoxins of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and their impact on host immunity
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Efficacy of three innovative bacterin vaccines against experimental infection with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
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Early intestinal infection kinetics and immune responses to Toxoplasma gondii in pigs
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Antibody-mediated selective targeting of oral vaccines to epithelial CD13
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Effects of glycerol-esters of saturated short- and medium chain fatty acids on immune, health and growth variables in male dairy calves
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Associations between cortisol, γ-globulin and body weight upon arrival in veal calves
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Effects of glycerolesters of short- and medium chain fatty acids on immune, health and growth variables in veal calves
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The use of lactoferrin to combat post-weaning diarrhoea in pigs
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The effect of lactoferrins on ETEC growth and attachment to intestinal epithelial cells
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Immunogenicity and protection efficacy of a naked self-replicating mRNA-based Zika virus vaccine
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Preferential use of Siglec-1 or Siglec-10 by type 1 and type 2 PRRSV strains to infect PK15S1-CD163 and PK15S10-CD163 cells
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Vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics for food producing animals, part 1 : challenges and needs
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Vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics for food producing animals, part 2 : new approaches and potential solutions
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The effects of transport stress on immune parameters in 2-4 weeks old dairy calves with low and normal bodyweight
Clearance of Toxoplasma gondii from tissues of pigs is not correlated with the height of the IFN-gamma response in a heterologous challenge infection model
Comparison of the expression kinetics and immunostimulatory activity of replicating mRNA, nonreplicating mRNA, and pDNA after intradermal electroporation in pigs
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Helicobacter suis induces changes in gastric inflammation and acid secretion markers in pigs of different ages
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Strain- and dose-dependent reduction of Toxoplasma gondii burden in pigs is associated with interferon-gamma production by CD8+ lymphocytes in a heterologous challenge model
Changes in cytokine profiles following treatment with food allergen-specific sublingual immunotherapy in dogs with adverse food reactions
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Primary infection with Chlamydia trachomatis L2c in a porcine model produced urogenital pathology similar as in humans and failed to induce protective immune responses against re-infection
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Passive immunity leads to enhanced priming of the immune system upon oral immunization with F4 fimbriae
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Enteroxins of F4+ Escherichia coli induce IL17 in the pig small intestine and enhance colonization with F18ac+ verotoxigenic E. coli
High susceptibility prevalence for F4⁺ and F18⁺ Escherichia coli in Flemish pigs
The pseudorabies virus glycoprotein gE/gI complex suppresses type I interferon production by plasmacytoid dendritic cells
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- open access
Effects of short transport and body condition on stress and immune parameters in 2 to-4-week old dairy calves
Helicobacter suis induces changes in acid secretion markers in the porcine stomach, possibly associated with lesions in the non-glandular gastric region