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Hawking radiation on the lattice from Floquet and local Hamiltonian quench dynamics
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The chiral Gross-Neveu model on the lattice via a Landau-forbidden phase transition
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Lattice regularisation and entanglement structure of the Gross-Neveu model
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Entanglement compression in scale space : from the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz to matrix product operators
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Simulating lattice gauge theories within quantum technologies
- Journal Article
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Scaling hypothesis for matrix product states
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Real-time simulation of the Schwinger effect with matrix product states
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Finite-representation approximation of lattice gauge theories at the continuum limit with tensor networks
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Entanglement of distillation for lattice gauge theories
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Entanglement rates and the stability of the area law for the entanglement entropy
Hamiltonian simulation of the Schwinger model at finite temperature
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Confinement and string breaking for QED2 in the Hamiltonian picture
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Gauging quantum states : from global to local symmetries in many-body systems
- Conference Paper
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Tensor networks for gauge field theories
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Matrix product states for gauge field theories
- Journal Article
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Edge theories in projected entangled pair state models
- Conference Paper
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Matrix product states for Hamiltonian lattice gauge theories
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Entanglement rates and area laws
Galileons from Lovelock actions
Mass models from high-resolution H i data of the dwarf galaxy NGC 1560
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Operational view of the holographic information bound
Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi solutions in the Newtonian gauge: from strong to weak fields
f(R) actions, cosmic acceleration and local tests of gravity
Consistent long distance modification of gravity from inverse powers of the curvature
Modified gravity, dark energy and modified Newtonian dynamics
Long distance modifications of gravity in four dimensions
Dark energy, MOND and sub-millimeter tests of gravity
On the Newtonian limit of generalized modified gravity models
Compactifications of conformal gravity
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
QCD perturbation theory at large orders with large renormalization scales in the large beta(0) limit
The Y-expansion converging towards a convergent perturbation theory?
Dynamical mass generation in quantum field theory: Some methods with application to the Gross-Neveu model and Yang-Mills theory
Dynamical mass generation in quantum field theory: Some methods with application to the Gross-Neveu model and Yang-Mills theory
Avoiding the Landau pole in perturbative QCD.
Two-loop two-particle point irreducible analysis of lambda phi(4) theory at finite temperature.
Dynamical mass generation by source inversion: Calculating the mass gap of the Gross-Neveu model.
Dynamical mass generation by source inversion: Calculating the mass gap of the chiral Gross-Neveu model.
The non-perturbative groundstate of QCD and the local composite operator A(mu)(2).